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About The_Raging_Lemur

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  1. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/367184691 So I was watching a streamer I follow when an incident occured. I don't play the game myself so sorry in advance if I say something that sounds idiotic. I just wish to raise attention to this Some quick background information quickly. The weather had just transitioned from overcast/sunny to raining as you see throughout the highlight. One other player was present on the ship with him. The ship was level 33, with 18 npc crew members and 3k gold, among other things. The server seemed to be lagging at the time of streaming While sailing, a water tornado appeared ahead of the ship in front. The streamer and his friend weren't sure if they would have turned out of the way in time so they decided to drop the anchor, stopping the ship in its tracks. The next part is what lead to the downfall of the ship. Despite the ship being in healthy shape, and nowhere near the water tornados, the ship hull started taking huge amounts of damage before being destroyed. The streamer and his friend started doing damage control to save the ship, as they had spare planks in the event of an emergency. While the friend was bailing water to slow down the intake of water, the streamer started to place down the replacement planks. However, as he tried to do so, the game decided to place the planks in the place of the gun ports on the deck directly above, thus not actually sealing the leaks. The streamer did not realise this until he went to check the hull a second time, which by then it was too late There were two primary issues that arose, which inevitably lead to the sinking of the ship. The first issue I'll point out is the planks getting placed on the wrong deck of the ship. I don't know if it was due to the server lagging (which I highly suspect is the case), it's a common issue which one needs to be wary of or if it was just a stroke of bad luck. The second issue, which is the more important part, that kickstarted this downwards spiral is the hull taking damage out of nowhere. The streamer believes the damage was caused by the ship sailing over high ground that one usually can't sail over, but due to the high tide one could, before the tide lowered a bit, lowering the ship into the ground, making it spaz out for a bit and take huge amounts of damage it shouldn't really have. Apologies if this is wrong What course of action should he take? Contact support? Build a new ship? The streamer himself feels like support wouldn't help out much in this situation
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