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Everything posted by Melo

  1. We figured that the bug is based on grid locations. Due to the fact that when we spawn on different grid we are able to play normaly. And when we come back to our home grid the bug comes back. This might be connected with a server that this grid is on. Due to the fact that the problem is with NA/EU PVP and PVE it looks like it's strictly server side issue. Because it would be amazing that 15 people on the same grid have the same problem. The countries/internet/computers differ but the BE kick persist. SO it's 100% server side issue. Tried the BE reinstall-does not fix. Only option is to change grid and play freely. If you want to stay on the grid with BE kicks it will keep kicking you out. Fix the server please.
  2. This Battleye kick started yesterday for me. It's the same thing as stated before. You log in you see and can interact with everything 5 min later kicked by battleye. When you come back into the game you cant interact with anything. The only option is to suicide. We figured out that: When you log in after kick and can't interact you should suicide. Change homeport> spawn there and suicide> spawn in the place you were at the start. Then you wont get kick unless ur internet tends to lag and you get Timed out from the game. Then you have to do the same. It's pain in the ass when you want to sail somewhere or do any island discoveries. Grid loc: NA pvp o13 Hope they fix it soon.
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