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About foozy123

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  1. I'd like to start off the post by addressing some of the issues that are currently facing players attempting to play Atlas, and then suggest solutions to the issues. Problem #1) Ships are commonly killed in harbor when the defending group is offline. I am one of the biggest abusers of this by using fire arrows and oil jars to sink ships, and I can 100% say that being able to kill 2 galleons, 4 brigantines and a dozen schooners in an hour with 3 guys at 4 AM is not fun or engaging gameplay. There is no protection for assets that take quite a bit of time to farm during the off hours, which causes many groups who don't have 24/7 coverage to simply not bother building ships, or to just quit the game after waking up to all their ships disappearing overnight. Solution: Ships that have been anchored in friendly territory for 5 minutes have their structural walls become invulnerable. This means the decks, cannons, and any constructed doors or walls can be burnt down, but no longer can one guy burn down one plank in the side in 5 minutes and have the ship sink and be able to demolish the rest of it. This preserves some of the gameplay (being able to damage to enemy boats while a group is offline) while limiting a group losing everything while offline. Problem #2) The claim system takes focus away from actually playing the game. It's nearly impossible at the low and mid numbers of players to push a group off of an island as it's incredibly easy to make massive sprawling stone structures that take an inordinate amount of explosives to break through, and at the high levels you have these massive bases that drop your FPS down to 4. Solution: Make declaiming time scale with the numbers of floors and walls inside of a claim (A claim flag with absolutely nothing in it should take 10 minutes to declaim, and one with a 40 floor 120 wall structure 6 hours (max)). Also create an upkeep cost (10% per day) of whatever is in a claim, to be deposited into the claim flag. The claim flag cannot have resources taken out of it, and can only hold 10 days worth of resources inside of it. If a claim flag is empty when upkeep is due, all structures inside that claim take 15% damage. Anchored ships can also incur an upkeep cost. Problem #3) Large groups frequently send a single ship over to an area they want to harass or raid, and when they arrive they teleport dozens of nakeds to the boat and have them attack the island. Fast travel is clearly an issue and respawn times for people killed in pvp is much too low. It's also far too common that attackers kill everyone on a boat, and the defenders who died respawn causing the attackers to have to fight the same people 3-4 times before they finally kill all the beds on a ship. Solution: Double PvP death respawn rates. Additionally double PvP death respawn rates if you wish to spawn on a boat. The following aren't 'problems', they're just things I'd like to see. Fire arrows are totally overused because they're dirt cheap and incredibly strong. Change fire DPS to 10DPS over 3 seconds, and change the fire that fire arrows create on the ground to do another 10DPS. Percent health totally devalues people stacking health over other attributes, and it still bypasses armor so it has value. Remove like half of the ghost ships, it's an unnecessary spam and annoying to drive around. Create daily objectives that appear and have a reason for people to go to and take (akin to archeage DGS/kraken) events.
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