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Everything posted by bashidoblades

  1. Had really high hopes for this game, they always ruin shit before having a way to fix what they broke, and we have to sit here and flounder while they figure it out. nerfing PVE because of PVP is stupid. Seems like a bad move for a game bleeding people constantly. Soon it wont matter at all because there will be no one playing. Nerfing is one thing, but this fundamentally changes the game for alot of people, some of which have put a TON of time getting 5 or 6x mats together to build awesome ships. Instead of fixing core issues they take the lazy way out and just cut things out. We arn't a large company, 30-40 people , but this is the straw that broke the camels back for us, not just this but all the bullshit we have put up with until this point. Maybe we will come back some day, but this game is a shit show right now and wasting hundreds of cumulative hours gathering 5x-6x mats because of lazy devs with no imagination. They are so lazy they cant even figure out how to give back the proper mats for what we have to destroy now, they could have done that at least so its not such a HUGE waste, but again money-grab/lazy/don't care call it what you want.
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