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Posts posted by Shintai

  1. The issue wont be that big. The current server peaks have been dropping to 9300. New server peak in march after wipe and new games people have been waiting for is sub 5000. maybe even less.

    The only question that remains is if they do cost savings on official servers and scale down the grid significantly. At this point even 8x8 and maybe as low as 5x5 would be plenty.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Aifias said:

    It used to be claimable when you could stand on the boat... then with their "fix" which no longer allowed you to step foot on someones boat broke this system.  You needed to stand on the ship and place a claim flag.. again no longer works...

    They destroyed a lot of features and content by trying to fix the griefing with rocket science, instead of just with a very simple no brainer fix.

    • Like 1

  3. 10 hours ago, UncleMike said:

    Crew / weight limit should'nt affect while anchored. Simple fix

    The solution to all the issues is so simple, yet Grapeshot tries the rocket science approach with failure.

    10 hours ago, UncleMike said:

    Not entirely sure how but someone has been sinking our ships overnight on PVE we suspect they either jumped on or put tames on to exceed the crew limit.

    That's our working theory. 1 brig and one schooner sank 2 nights in a row.

    Planks were full before going to bet all crew fed well and paid.

    We had pulled them up next to a structure which may have given them deck access inadvertantly. Such a dumb mechanic.

    Floating still counts as a crew. Same when you see seagulls floating on the ship or a lion and still using a crew slot.

  4. 1 hour ago, Hattrix said:

    Not advocating anyone try this, but..... I wonder if you can WAY overload yourself, die with 20k weight, then pick up the body and jump off a cliff with a glider suit. Then glide over your target ship, drop the overloaded body on the deck as you pass by.

    Dive bomb ships like a plane to sink them........ Except that would be a terrible thing to do to abandoned ships that take up space, so please don't do it. 

    Body will be floating and not technically touching the ship.

  5. 6 hours ago, UDO said:

    everyone is doing this , u racist asshole , 


    your title reeks of racism why do u think its only chinese that do these exploits and cheats ? you answer u dont know , u just think its great to accuse a whole race of players ..

    Yep, I am European and being a big ass with this tactics for example, but it is fun 😛

    • Like 1

  6. 14 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    I have seen nothing whatsoever from Wildshot that indicates this game is or has ever been intended to be hardcore. Unless you can cite something verifiable from the developers to support this claim, why should anyone regard this statement as anything other than something you personally want to be true but is not necessarily what the developers intend?

    The only hardcore part of the game is the intended constant grind/play that every similar game type has. Else there is absolutely nothing hardcore in these "survival" games. They evolve around the concept of losing what you have build, nothing more.

  7. 2 hours ago, SGFTI said:

    It isn't exactly a rumor, not from my perspective anyways, I was being vague because I don't want to call the guy out for having direct conversations with the lead dev when they're leadership in one of the top companies. Don't want to give the illusion of favoritism or collusion. The conversation happened. 

    A wipe would be a welcome boot to the rest of us who for some odd reason still hangs in. The game would be down to 2000 player peaks after wipe. Hopefully the new servers would be more high powered 5x5 or 4x4 tile servers. But it wouldn´t matter. Dev resources would be gone afterwards. The dev resources are already at a place where the management people in Snail Games and Grapeshot/Wildcard must be thinking hard on where to cut cost. Atlas will never be a success on the likes of ARK. And march month is likely to be brutal on the remaining player base due to the new games coming out.

    More than 10 players in a tile these days is the exception, even in weekends.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  8. It seems its only cannon crew that cost more anytime. When anchored sail crew takes the same as unassigned, not sure when sailing since I haven´t checked for a long time. But previously they took a little more when sailing. Elevator crew also takes the same base/idle crew.

    the extra cost for gun crew when anchored is most likely due to the floating battery part where it can serve as defence.

  9. Agree it´s silly. Specially since treasure always spawn around the same areas. So when you first have those "fixed" areas, you get a buttload of gold. Sea claims ensure you get "free ammo" and a tad of gold.

    But again as one already stated, the Devs made land claim into a competition where you cant get enough.

  10. 1 hour ago, Gorion said:


    Day 1. Run, run, run  for land

    Day 2. I have Land. Now this Game is great

    Day 2. I don't have Land. This Game sucks. Game need a wipe!!!

    It will be even more detailed now.  Best land with metal nodes etc taken, quit!

    People don't want to live on just "land" anymore, they want more.

    • Haha 1

  11. Every time they optimize they seem to reduce the servers ability to send data. Hence why everything loads so slow. 60kb/sec is "epic" setting. I guess it´s more to do with the limitation of the discount hosting company. Same reason why the servers can´t really handle 50 people either.


    This has nothing to do with peoples rigs or client performance. It´s a pure network and server limitation.

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