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Negative Impact

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Everything posted by Negative Impact

  1. Thanks, I submitted one as well. I just want to raise awareness because maybe this exploit is more heavily abused than is realized. Not sure why it isn't fixed already though. Reply to edit: Ok thanks good to know! Seriously though hope they can just patch this overweight exploit completely out.
  2. Can we get a blacklist, anti-cheat or simple report function against exploiters and hackers? My issue is not a big one (at least since I saved the brig) but I don't see a coordinated anti-hacker thread either. There isn't an ingame report player function. I already submitted a support ticket but don't expect it to do much, so instead I'll post this here as a PSA to stay away from or don't logout in these guys sector. There's only 2 islands here so you can just avoid the whole region. PVE EU C12. Players exploiting abuse to sink other companies ships in PvE. These 3 french & portugese players and 2 companies tried to sink my brig by overloading it with more than 15000 in weight between 3 people while I was offline. I am trying to travel far from home base to get more of the map which is why I didn't return there, I was doing treasure maps and was too tired to finish the ones there so I went to bed. When I got online I found these players ranting at me in a foreign language and then repeating "fuck n*****s" over mic, and they were trying to sink my anchored brig (PVE), so I left immediately. Steam: Kar Ote, IGN: MorGamesTV TwitchGames [LA A-Team] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1624720579 Steam: OneShoot, IGN: Mahori Baka [LA A-Team] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1624720717 Steam: miKa_portugais, IGN: portos portos [yoda les band] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1624720808 This is my usual brigs weight so you can see how much they had to add to overload it enough to start sinking. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1624721194
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