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Posts posted by Systemfehler

  1. Helloooo beautiful People ! 😄 we just started selling our breeded bears ! they are currently between lvl 24 and 84 and are sold for 50 gold a level and come with atleast 60% Imprint bonus. 2 giraffs are currently growing up and in the near future we planning on selling parrots, tigers elephants and razors aswell ! join our discord down below if ur interested 🙂



  2. We Bought a lvl 42 razor and also a high bear(lvl75 its a fuckin beast xD)  ,3 Giraffes, a Tiger and a Wolf ! All of them are super Amazing ... Never thought i would Ever find a razor That high But they made it Happen  :D they are all super friendly specialy anne and Grace who actually spent a lot of Time keeping me Update to Date about my orders 🙂 they Always answer super super quick and u rly feel how much they care about the poeple that buy stuff at theyre store ^^  my base is at k9 so traveling to d10 Feels like a world Travel ... But i already did it 2 times and Many times will follow. 😉

    keep that good work Up ! 🙂

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Lashtastic said:

    For those that arent aware:

    - Your characters age is based on the time you created your character to today. (Or from the time you drink from the fountain)

    - There is no parental system as yet - this is all speculation

    - There is no character death at 100 yet - this is all speculation


    Now that's cleared up here's the problem:

    - Players who can only play limited hours per day/per week are severely penalised by the fact their player has now aged considerably and every 3 weeks they will be 90. 

    - Players who elect to say "screw the fountain" and yolo the debuff suffer the % stat reduction lower than the base level.

    - Players who have created their character before yours and do constantly get the fountain get (currently not uncapped) bonuses every 3 weeks.

    - There is NO CATCH UP MECHANIC and no way to limit your enemies from getting the fountain since its relatively hard to lock down the island. (if you could it would be an even worse advantage)

    - New and Casual players which account for quite a bit of game pop according to steam charts are the ones hit the most by this.


    Some easier ways to improve this system (but better to be completely removed):

    - Remove the old age debuff and stay on Base statistics

    - Slow down aging or at least base it on PLAYTIME.

    - Cap the recurring bonus and to keep them you gotta goto the fountain. 

    there is people that told me they died afer 100 :0 u sure there is no death after 100 years right now??? that would be so good x_x i dont care about the debuff that is kinda ok i think but loosing everything u own is just a pain in the ass

    50 minutes ago, Dragoon14th said:

    I wouldn't mind if they did 6 month from age 1 to age 100... that reasonable ammount of time to join company and get started.


     Also id would get them seeing about getting the medicine tree with the last feat cost 10 point and grant the ability to craft [Rejuvenate Brew] only at a Grill station.  It takes 20 Med herb, 20 Mythos, and 1 full water jar of Holy water ( Fountain of Youth) with no spoil timer.    Stacks 20 time only and weighs 10 pound per stack ( 0.5 pound per brew) and can only decrease age by 20 year per drink until 18 year old.... if continue to drink pass the age of 18  old then you lose your character.  As you would erase your own existence. 


    This would solve a lot of issue with it and that large company would go in harvest the water make it and then not have to go out to island again for a while thus opening up the island for other to go in and get some as well.   and it would be company dependent as you would need both a cook and a healer for this to work  and as well as a group to harvest Mythos from the mythical creatures.  Because there is no spoil timer that mean that they wont have to hunt the Fountain as often.   Its best of both world solve everything and Is still up to their logic in game-play and balancing.   

    it would also be rly cool if u could trade it ! that would make it less painful but still think they shoudlnt go for this whole age thing anyways

  4. 5 minutes ago, DannyUK said:

    I still don't fully understand it, as far as I'm aware you have to breed a child to pass on your skills or something? I am aged 93 in game I take it I go until I'm 100? Do I get reset after this or will I keep my progress? I don't want to lose everything i've worked for, put hell of alot of hours into this game just to go back to 0.

    u will loose eveyrthing ... ur ships ur hosue ur tames all ur levels everything just gone ... isnt it the greatest idea ever? 😄 there is a quest that gets u back to 20 years but its jsut super hard ... and the age debuff u get doesnt make it easier and the breeding child thing will probably come later

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  5. that age system is just total garbage ... its not even important in which way they improve that system ... people spent a shit ton of hours already and loosing all that pogress just because they think its cool if u loose everything u have done so far just beacuse u dont want or just simply just cant do that quest alone .... ik there is some genius here again who will just say: "go then ! if u dont like it, this game isnt for u !" but i rly like the game i like everything about it from sailing to building the ship exploring all the regions to get the stuff i cant get from my island and trade that stuff in my own region or going on tresure hunt... and its just sad that a game with that much potential will loose a huge ammount of players if they stick with that stupid idea but im still pretty sure they will so ... whatever

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