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About Bobblehead

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  1. Hi All, I've been trying to track down what the issue with saves on linux is and I've gone down some deep rabbit holes but think I may have hit on something. Win64 ships with a sqlite3 dll that is likely a bit older where ShooterGameServer on linux uses the local libsqlite3.so.0 file. I think the version on modern linux OS's is too new for the current linux binary to handle and it's causing issues. I work in infosec, so while I am giving you a binary to run if you want to, my own advice is running binaries from rando's on the internet is bad juju. I normally provide source for my stuff, but in this case, I can't. I got this binary from getting the libsqlite3-0 deb file for Trusty and using dpkg-deb -R to extract the .so file, i renamed it libsqlite3.so.0 and put it in the Binaries/Linux folder right next to ShooterGameServer. This means it will find this lib before it finds the one on your OS. Here is a link to the lib in my github is anyone doesn't want to go to the effort of finding your own copy - https://github.com/Zate/atlas_server/raw/master/atlas/libsqlite3.so.0 So far my testing shows I had to remove all my old save files (any that could have been saved with the old lib) but anything new, continued to load up fine time after time. I'm not saying "yay fixed!" but I am at a point where I feel reasonably confident it's fixed, or it's progress. Looking for more testers to see which it is. TL;DR Download that file above into ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux, remove ShooterGame/Save/SavedArks (but this will delete your saves for your server, remember that) and restart the server. Report back if you were able to start/restart your server multiple times. Edit : I got the deb I extracted from here : https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/libsqlite3-0/download
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