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Everything posted by Razilym

  1. Bear: Already one of the most used tames, doesn't need any help. Chicken: Simple recipe (steak and eggs) for new players. Cow: Maybe some type of herd buff, so raising cattle would have a point. Bull: This is a big one, Bull should gather thatch well. Why in the world is Thatch a choke point in this game lol. Crow: Maybe a buff that finds dead bodies in the nearby area, since crows irl are kinda sketchy creatures. But with the intelligence buff they already have, not totally needed. Razortooth: No change needed, they are pretty good as is. Shieldhorn: Should be the epic Thatch gatherer! Elephant: Already pretty good as is. Giant Pig: New phiomia is fine. Giraffe: A pve buff would be nice, otherwise there isnt really a need to see other peoples territory markers farther out. Even on PVP who really uses that feature... Horse: Already pretty good, but would be nice to see something like the lasso from Ark to make it more fun. Lion: Seriously, the grab attack doesn't work on PVE. Monkey: Again, doesn't throw poop on PVE, maybe some sort of passive buff would be nice. (Side note, people rarely use shoulder mounts because they die so easy) Ostrich: Pretty good mount as is. Parrot: Fine as is. Penguin: Fine as is, I don't expect much from a penguin. Rabbit: SOMETHING, this needs a buff, or reason to have this evil looking creature on your shoulder. Maybe it would be easy to breed them, for noob food or something. Rhino: Should get some metal from normal nodes, just like you do with a pickaxe. Seagull: Should have a sea buff, so you really want one on your shoulder out at sea. Otherwise no one tames these. Sheep: Pretty good as is, more stam though. Tiger: Slight faster would be nice, but otherwise good. Vulture: An ability that goes along with corpses, or maybe you get a buff when you feed it spoiled meat. Something. Wolf: Not too bad, but should really have the pack buffs/abilities from Ark. That was awesome.
  2. The SIX HOUR timer for a flag on abandoned land is ridiculous! I wouldn't mind if it was just six hours, but no, any random person walking by can accidentally/trolling restart the timer! We've been working on the same flag for 15 hours straight, no reason it should be this difficult to claim land that isn't even being used!
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