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Everything posted by sensualtrex

  1. They need a gate replacement, like a large stone wall, otherwise people will still always grind them out. If the game rules allow it the hardcore groups will always make it happen. The gates/foundation spam ruin the look a beautiful game from the way round 1 turned out.
  2. By rapid decay do you mean 4 days without rendering objects, because that won't be an issue for many groups. That's how Lawless zones work today and even though I only see 2-5 people in them these days, they are still filled with stone foundations every 4 feet.
  3. The fairly large company I play with has plans to spam foundations on our island so we can prevent enemies and other companies from denying our ability to build and prevent enemies from establishing a base of operations against us. Anyone else fear this is so going to end up with a foundation every 4 ft across every island?
  4. There appear to be multiple collision issues between tames, creatures, structures and players. Below I will list a few I have encountered along with some frustration surrounding these issues. Please keep in mind that, while I understand the challenges surrounding collision within a dynamic game, punishing the player because of the issue is the frustration. Resolution in the form of a failsafe would be just as helpful as resolving the full collision issue. 1. Creatures/players stuck inside other creatures - happens quite a bit. A great example is the time one of my bears became stuck inside an alpha rhino and parished because I could not run away. A great failsafe would be to have detection for these types of issues, and to have the engine spit the creature out. Additionally sometimes the engine cannot calculate collision when creatures are near one another or player. That in itself is not the issue. The issue is that when the player is stuck anywhere instead of preventing the player from accessing the area or moving the player, the engine calculates that the player is stuck or rubber bands between the calculated collision points. This is especially true while a tame is on a ship, which makes sense. A lot harder to keep client and server synced here. But this is frustrating especially on Schooners. Tames on boats or over a certain speed should have their collision detection simplified to resolve this issue and make it more scalable. This would also likely reduce the number creatures falling off boats (came across 5 just this week in the middle of the ocean accross different zones). 2) Creatures stuck inside structures - another one that happens quite a bit. In fact, structures need to be more hardened to prevent this and unfortunately to prevent exploitation there should be separate solutions. Allies and friendly structures should try to recalculate the collision of the creature if stuck. Enemy structures should auto kill the creature to prevent cheating. This especially happens on structure load. Countless times when loading into a region, the player and or tames and creature will become stuck in the floors. I understand why this happens but it should not. Height information about structures needs to be appropriately calculated during the load process or structures immediately beneath the player tame should load first. Another challenge with this is creatures moving on to boats. Tames frequently get stuck in planks and armor on ships. The calculation should try to place the creature slightly above any structures to prevent this instead of directly on the structure. Plz fix!
  5. Also if you just make it so that tames don't fall off of boats randomly (just this week I have come across 5 bears in the middle of the ocean and our tame master lost his OG level 75 perfect tame bear to this) or they don't dissapear into oblivion (Happened to me four times while riding tames. Tames disappear into nothing.) or that the collision doesn't mess up (spend about 5% of my time unsticking my tames) I'd be extremely grateful. Nothing makes me want to quit more than when logging in to find my bear clipped into the floor and incapacitated. Instead of going on an adventure I'm going to spend the next 30-45 minutes tearing down my structures and rebuilding, just to get my bear out. Also tames are a mandatory part of the game and I don't like it. Players who spec out of taming/riding should be provided perks inventives for doing so. Right now there are none unless you never plan on leaving da boat. Please oh please fix neutral vs passive. I shouldn't have to remember only to get killed by vultures, knocked out by a snake to watch my tame die or frantically have to log back in during a server reboot. An option for passive near the feeding station only would help fix this. And for the love of God fix the damn cobras clipping through stone. Don't know how many innocent tames die to this. The Cobra clipping in general is bad. Elephants can't even walk over their corpses. In fact if you removed them from the game no one would miss them.
  6. Actually this would make sense. I'm down for riding animals but currently I the game is too reliant on it. Can't remember the last time I fought something with melee.
  7. Really would like to see anti-tame fighting abilities for infantry. In any good war game there is usually a rock paper scissors system in place to balance combat. The boat system does this fairly well bland is open ended enough to provide flexible strategy. The ground game is pretty much dominated by tames, carbines and naked people punching. Melee and archers stand no chance currently. Particularly against tames in combat. There should be some obvious strategies to encourage mixed arms tactics that allow anti tame. Sure sniping people wearing plate armor and wrecking people riding a tiger is dope, but doesn't feel very piratey. Likewise some tames are useless because of these tactics. Lions and wolves are too squishy to handle swivel guns and carbines.
  8. Yes please make it useful without spending all my skill points.
  9. It would be nice to establish trading NPC driven trading companies and businesses to farm items instead of taming a bunch of animals. I'm afraid this is turning into an animal taming simulator, instead of offering a pirates life. Now I'm not a game dev or have an exact idea of what this would actually look like, what I imagine is that: Build a building or market place near your base. NPC driven business can either be a harvester or trader. Harvesters can be assigned to a specific area and harvest all resources (no need to specialize). Traders can establish a trading schedule with other bases and or companies. Both have to be built outside of a wall (or they can operate at a significantly less efficiency inside a wall) and the harvesting and transporting happen in real time and can be protected from enemy players (protecting against NPCs would be irritating and tedious) or you can just let them roll. Need to maintain good standing with those businesses to keep them at max efficiency. Protect them, pay them, keep taxes low, build services like bars, brothels, etc to keep them happy (city simulator). The NPC driven farming should allow you to farm more efficiently over longer periods of time than animals. No need to remove a gameplay mechanic for manual farming which can still be useful for events and raids and going to war, but automated farming would be a dream scenario for many companies. Because these businesses are built outside of your wall ideally, we can actually have real pirate pillaging raids. Still can be defended, have cool pirate marine battles that feel like actual marine battles. Because this is more of a cash grab, companies in PvP will be less likely to fight over territory, or fight to complete annihilation unless provoked to. The trading ships can be pirated, which will be tons of fun, as companies seek revenge over lost resources from trade. Companies can hire NPC driven guard ships I think if we establish something like this it would provide more for players to do, allow more PvP or even PvE opportunity without wiping companies / players off the face of the world and let players do more fun stuff instead of spending 90% of their time farming rocks on the back of a rhino in full plate behind giant door forts. Thoughts?
  10. My big concern is that now that they are going to allow taming the myth creatures - this is essentially a dino taming game and no longer a pirate game. It would be effing cool to ride a dragon or a cyclops, but when half the server has dragons and cyclops, doesn't this just turn into a kaiju battle movie? Wouldn't it make more sense to establish businesses for NPCs to farm items for you, instead of using animals? Wouldn't NPC driven trade routes allow for more pirate opportunity.
  11. I think he was joking (and it was a funny one) but overall I enjoyed the theme of this quest. I'd prefer to see this be more of a scavenger hunt though, that acts like a beefed up version of the buried treasure quests. On a side note - doesn't this FoY thing mean that you are better off dying all the time so you can get to 90 faster? What's the benifit to trying to "survive" now?
  12. When I first loaded up the game, I felt like I had been teleported into Sid Meier's Pirates! and couldn't be more ecstatic about the setting and the possibilities. As the game continues to unfold and additional features and or quests are added, I'm living less like a pirate and more like a medieval farmer. I tried to sum this up to the members of my company the best I could and the following is a summary of my ramblings. Weapons don't make me feel like a pirate When I think of pirate combat, I think of lots of swords and pistols. When I look at this game, a majority of players battle with Carbines, Fire Arrows and their tamed animals. Every player is running around in either steel plate armor or naked, making this game look like a medieval combat simulator more than a pirates life. No balance for players attempting different play styles By no means do I dislike the taming system, in fact, the taming system is one of the most brilliant systems in the game, but from a combat perspective, it's a requirement for PvP because it provides such a significant advantage. Additionally, I only ever see anyone using ranged weapons (specifically Fire Arrows and Carbines). Shouldn't there be a balance between melee, ranged, and beast-mastery? This may not seam "realistic" for the survival engine but even in recent history rifles had to be outfitted with bayonets because melee combat was an overwhelming advantage in close quarters. Melee combat needs some spicing up The melee combat system needs to be improved. It isn't satisfying in PvE and every battle can either be handled easily otherwise it turns into button mashing. It is impossible to dodge, or parry because the animations don't provide a "wind up" for attacks for both PvP or PvE. Closing in on a ranged enemy is impossible without "jump strafe dodging". Whacking thing with swords has never felt more tedious or relies less on skill. The only satisfying thing might be landing a power attack with the two handed mace, but that load out is flawed because you cannot move and your "non-power" attack is equally as slow. Your number one tropical island critter exterminator PvE combat falls into only a few types of fights: animals, mythological beasts or army of the damned. Constantly fighting animals is tedious and not exciting. PvP is satisfying and exciting but is expensive and can't happen every day, as the consequences are usually dire for the losing party. There should be some alternative options that fit the theme. I want to battle some pirate hunters from the free ports. I want to sack commercial towns, not just "giant door forts". It would be nice to have commercial sections of a player owned base that generates revenue and resources but operate less efficiently when built behind a giant door or wall - that would allow for a traditional pirate style sacking, or some type of non-critter/army of the damned town PvE raids. Giant doors as far as the eye can see Speaking of giant doors, the giant door forts are not only an eyesore on the map, but are a bit unrealistic. Typically doors and gateways are the weak points of a fortress, and should not be the equivalent of re-enforced space age titanium. There is an easy way to curb this, provide a large stone/wood wall for players to build with (piecing this together square by square is not only tedious and annoying, but I'm sure a performance challenge for your engine), and provide a siege weapon like a battery ram that allows players to bust open gates from land. Anyone else agree?
  13. There are a few items that really need resolving for raft physics: #1 - Rafts constantly stuck in shipyards. Part of the issue is that you can't reverse the raft, even though physics would indicate that you should be able to. The other issue is that shipyards are serrated so that it is possible to get the raft stuck between the supports. #2 - Rafts need the ability to upgrade sails. The jump between your raft and having the ability to make a sloop for a small group of friends is very large and inaccessible. Rafts are too slow and a turnoff for newcomers.
  14. Hi - There are a few issues that I think could be addressed to make the game more accessible, along with some bugs that have become more prevalent recently (as of 1/10/2019 release). I'm on the official server so whatever the latest build is. Bugs: Corpse sinking into ground- happened multiple times to my company the last few days. Appears to be more prevalent on uneven terrain but has happened on flat ground as well. Lost entire inventory every time. Corpse sinking into structures - happened multiple times to my company the last few days as well. Required us to constantly remove structures. Our base constantly had holes in it and we had to destroy some crafting stations so we could place them back. Corpse light not on your corpse and your corpse is elsewhere - appears to be better as of last patch but i need more time to say resolved The corpse inventory is not immediately available - have to look away then look back to get the tool tip and then I can access. Appears to be a bigger issue with the game itself, as I commonly do this for other times i need to access something inventory. Super dumb to have to do. The hit box for this is not always accurate Major Annoyances: Monsters/creatures camping your corpse is a huge annoyance right now. To get your stuff back you either have to craft new weapons or die multiple times retrieving your old weapons. The following items are some areas that are irritating. Predators camp your corpse and refuse to leave. It would be nice to have a better game mechanic (bait, distraction, anything) other than grabbing your stuff then frantically running away or having to have a stock of "corpse retrieval" weapons on hand. Additionally predators of different species rarely fight over you - and instead gang up on you. Grabbing your things then running wouldn't be so bad if your armor auto added or the cool downs were waived or reduced on corpse retrieval. I understand why the cool downs exist but waiting 10 s to use my blunderbuss when 3 giant snakes are camping my corpse is one of the most frustrating gaming experiences I've ever had. Part of the other challenge is that other game mechanics make this harder than is should be - blocking and dodging are essentially button mashing contests. Part of this is lag; the other part is that the creatures have no animation wind up or visual/audio cues they are going in for an attack. Additionally the hitbox is off. You might be out the way, or dodge or have your block up but still get hit. Additionally every time i hit a creature and the damage doesn't register i die a little inside. Not a huge deal unless your killing blow doesn't register. Then you are royally pissed.
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