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Everything posted by alphoris

  1. I went to the trouble to make an account on here, and not publicly shame the game on you tube or any other platform. Maybe you guys can fix the broken animals?
  2. Its funny the developers never comment on these or address these issues. How can you turn a blind eye to such a badly broken part of the game?
  3. Its broken and needs a fix. IF you are worrying about metal re spawns instead of this your game will die. Also diving platforms need more than 100 hp. Like, What the fuck? Holy crap fuck off with balances and fix the broken fucking animals.
  4. Shoot two arrows into the face of a sheep and no damage. That would be like an alpha tester thing to figure out. Fix it.
  5. If they acted like regular lions in the world instead of broken yellow flying missiles it would be ok. They need a aggro range Nerf, or to not be able to fly. Its gotta be one or the other
  6. All predators are way to over tuned. Alphas should be level cap at around 110 if player cap is 51 this just makes the game so unfun for people to start. Its a really good way to kill your game and make people write horrible reviews on steam.
  7. Animal spawns should have been nerfed with patch, not resources. They need to fire the guy who makes those decisions. Hes gonna kill it like fallout 76
  8. Can confirm, I have been sitting and watching waiting to see how long the first rock would take. Just respawned, thats a huge nerf.
  9. Its part of the reason people quit fallout 76. Not to mention the no gun damage bug. But... This feels like a balance Nerf before major bugs are addressed. That seems like the last of the things on the to do list. This is-int hard to figure out. Part one is that the trees and thatch are spawning as normal Part two is that the stone and iron wont. Part three is that the secret stone gate Nerf was not mentioned and found this morning. In conclusion, post Nerf's if your going to do it so you dont upset the people who buy your product. But yeah I will keep playing until you dont fix the broken animal spawns, lag spikes, and disconnects. Or the aggro range on animals. Or how predators dont attack each other. Or how balances are more important than game breaking bugs.
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