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Posts posted by sgzeroone

  1. On 3/1/2019 at 7:32 AM, DannyUK said:

    Exactly, that's one of the reason I'm glad they've dropped claim flags. They still exist but people will have to play PVP for fighting against flags now. I hope all the toxic players move over there.

    See how it turns out, we'll not know until they test it, the only thing is the foundation spamming, I'm sure they will do something about this next if they haven't already


  2. With all the negative reviews out there for this game, I don't think it will be attracting new players for some time.  Grapshots reputation is already tarnished.  This wipe to the official servers is just the final straw for me.  I never had a claimed area and always lived in lawless happily.  I'm not a casual player so my time invested is significant.  I do understand people point of view on why the servers need a wipe and I get it.  But for me, I'm done with this game.  Plenty of other games to play and this one is clearly going to take some time to get fixed.  I hope they eventually get this game fixed up before they have no player base left to even warrant further development.  

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  3. Were based in a lawless region, so we have land.  We gave up on claimable regions.  You sail around for a few days looking for something good and then realize its all taken and even if you decided to contest...who really want to move into a area in a hostile manner on a pve server?  That more suited for the pvp server.   Whats you justification for claiming 50 with just 4 people?   To Tax people right?   We I have yet to see anyone offering anything more than just land with their 30% tax rate and thats no incentive to relocate out of lawless and be someone serf.  Especially when theirs no guarantee your landlord don't go full retard and just decide to evict.  I don't trust my neighbors in lawless, wtf would I trust a landlord in the claim game?

  4. I asked the question because I have traveled around....and I don't see a benefit to basing in claimable region as opposed to the lawless regions.  And I have no idea what relevance end game content has to do with where you build a base at all.    How is it exactly "better" protection?  Can you provide any hard facts to support you claims?  or is it just your opinion?

  5. Why even move to claimable region at this point though?    In claimable region you only get 3 days of protection(I believe).  In lawless I get 4 days.  And I'll assume that if there is land available to claim as some say, its a really bad locations with either no resources or lots of nasty wildlife, or both.   Why give up a lawless claim?   From my perspective lawless is at least stable and a "safer" for now at least.

    Whats the benefit of being in a claimable region as opposed to lawless? 

  6. I don't think anyone really wanted to live in lawless to begin with, but players will play with what they are dealt.  As far a open claimable land I have seen none and we have traveled extensively at this point.  Were not interested in being someone else's serf and pay them tax to live in a claimable region, so were left with lawless regions.  They should have left the range on the foundation alone cause at least before it didn't look like a spam of blocks.  At this point we have so much invested in the region we live in, it would make no sense to relocate anyways.  So well stay in lawless and try to keep control of the land we have with foundation spamming as long as we can. As for you people making silly suggestions like make lawless pvp and whatnot clearly you live in a claimable region and don't understand why so many live in lawless.  Perhaps people should address the reality that there simply isn't enough landmass for the player base and that the allowed number of claims a individual can make should have been limited from the start.   Damage was done at launch, any changes after that will just screw somebody.  Hopefully you and not me.  🙂

  7. We had one of our bears disappear out of our base in L9 and found it in the ocean near the boundary to the south on the L10 side of that boundary.   I have seen lots of tamed animals floating in the sea.  I'd suggests looking in surrounding regions for your lost pets.  That's where we found ours.  

  8. The sad thing is we have been forced to do the same thing in our region, just to keep people from destroying the resource spawns by walling them in and the likes.  And to block the Chinese hordes from dropping blocks everywhere.  Without us doing the same thing I fear all the resources in our region would have been locked out from anyone using. 

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