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Posts posted by sgzeroone

  1. 6 hours ago, Vorxius said:

    You guys have never taken part in an 'epic' battle in EvE online?

    Oh you can click on a turret, and perhaps take the mrs for a meal out, pop in to the local supermarket on the way back, drop in to starbucks for a coffee...  Perhaps get home, mow both front and back lawns, wash the car, do some housework, and finally crack open a beer or 5, watch the trilogy of Lord of the Rings, slope back to your PC, and the turret is only 50% recharged after the first shot.  It's like the whole game is being directed by John Woo.  They call it time dilation, I call it a croque of shit.

    I think it's a hurdle all MMO's suffer from, and the more complex, detailed the game is, the more it shows.  Atlas has so much customization when it comes to boats, everything has to be rendered.  I'm glad they're not going the 'croque of shit' route. lol  😄 

    I don't think using a 16 year old game is a good example.   Eve online came out in the era of dial-up internet and their work around for large battle was time dilation.   It works, but Its a age old idea for a game that old as dirt and never really made large space battle any fun at all.

    The problem with Atlas is its sitting of the shit coding and engine from Ark survival and probably wont get any better than it already is without a major overhaul or engine change...which lets be honest ...won't happen.

  2. Why would anyone want to play a solo if the game they want to play is a multiplayer game???  and then complain cause it don't have solo content???   Is this some kinda mental illness.  

    I love grape cool-aid, but every time I drink water it doesn't taste like grape cool-aid and I get mad and start complaining!

    Expecting solo content in a multiplayer game is like expecting tap water to taste like grape cool-aid!!!  STOP THE INSANITY!

  3. They basically used the resources for the fishing pole and made a net.  only difference between the two is the net has to be on a moving ship.  But the net uses bait?  WHY?   It just seems like a cheap attempt to give people a mini game to play while sailing....cause you know we want more of these silly reflex based mini games to annoy us!

    If you going to implement a fishing net Devs, Just give me something that I can just drop in the water and get a prize.  THANKS!

  4. After testing these a bit, we can definitely carry more on our galleons.  But with limitations.  On a Galleon with a single broadside and 7 aft cannons and all the other bells and whistles for a exploration ship, we can put 2 cargo containers on the ship without seeing huge diminishing effects to speed.   Now on our Trade Galleon we have 4 containers but it only has cannons for aft defense (7).  In either case we definitely boosted the carry capabilities of these two galleons.  I don't think fully outfitting a ships cargo containers in every slot available is very viable, but have a couple or even one will definitely increase the overall carry capacity of the ship.

    Having 6 cargo containers on a galleon will ruin the speed too much to even be viable.  I think they need a rework.  where you take into account the basic essentials that you would need on a ship and calculate that into your math for these said containers.   Because nobody with the bare essentials on a Galleon for instance is going to put 6 cargo containers on it and suffer the speed reduction.  And if nobody is going to outfit a ship that way, why have it in the game?

    I personally think I should be able to load a galleon for instance with 50% of it normal carry weight and still be able to mount 6 cargo containers and still be under the 75% total weight where I lose all speed (noticeable drop over 75%).   Trade ships should be somewhat fast. 

  5. Well, you have to understand the mindset of the dev team, they only care about killing stuff.  Why would anyone want to do anything else but kill in a MMO?  It doesn't matter whether you leveling your character, your pet or your ship its a kill to level up game, nothing else matters.  This is what you get with a narrow minded development team.  Deal with it or quit, those are the options it seems.

  6. It's funny, but I remember back to allot of the original online games where lag was terrible when it came to large battles or even medium size ones.  Whats really sad is 20 years later allot of these newer games don't handle it much better.  Back in the day I always thought it was the limitations of a dial-up connection, but really whats the excuse these days where everything is a million times faster?  And to take it a bit further, if you know the limitations of a engine or net-code....why make a game that could never perform as advertised?

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  7. At this point I hope there mega update fixes all the mega unbalances with current meta and fixes some items, so they might actually be useful. ( I would list everything but I didn't want to post a long list, WE ALL KNOW WHATS WRONG)  Fix what you have and then move on.  Don't repeat the same mistakes as they did with Ark.    OH AND STOP CALLING YOUR UPDATES MEGA....ITS REALLY LAME AND THEY ARE HARDLY MEGA.

  8. Well, I was looking forward to these new containers.  It don't surprise me much that the developers would implement them in a shit way.  Hopefully they fix them so that people will actually use them.

  9. 6 people per grid is perfect!  Anymore than 6 people and the servers can't really handle it anyways.  But forcing PVE players to play PVP just so you have someone to gank and greif is just stupid.  I guess they have run out of people to prey on the PVP servers and they need fresh meat.  LOL.

  10. On 5/10/2019 at 2:21 PM, Rising said:

    I really agree to remove the minigames to reload firearms and increase damage, to me for now the firearms are almost useless, I heavily prefer my legendary bow, if you try to fight with alpha tiger with a rifle you're screwed. minigame + slow reload + lag is a big combo.... Unless you have some high level armor of course.

    Make the high-level blueprint of the tools bit more easier to find I agree.

    But nerf the Tamed Animals do not agree, before they complained that their animals had no chance against the wild Alpha and devs nerf Wild Alpha and now that the game is a little more balanced they want to nerf the Tames.

    Do you spend hours looking for your favorite animal foods/seeds and a few more hours looking for that Animal Lv.30 that you both wanted animals to leave at home as a trophy?

    the devs made very cool changes in the latest upgrades like rebalancing the Golden Age that no one could get there because of the insane amount of high lv creatures. and mythical.

    They increase the pay interval to the crew which was great.

    I just did not like the large cannon changes that are now almost inutile, just limiting the amount depending on the type of ship however... (PVE, but in PVP have other issues).

    From what I see they are only worried about Realism (ATLAS NOT A SIMULATOR and only convince me otherwise if anyone here already tame a wild bear or lion once in a lifetime).....



    Yeah its kinda of weird that they really want a true simulator when it comes to the guns in this game, but that's about where it stops.   #removethereload

  11. It's a pirate FANTASY game.  Stop trying to assume its a RL simulator or whatever.   I never heard anyone complain about ridiculous abilities of animals in Ark like this.  If we try to compare anything in this game to the way it might be in the real world..... EVERYTHING would have to be changed.

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  12. Are they testing the subs in EA or the Kraken that unlocks it?   If your testing stuff in EA...shouldn't it be available for testing?  I have never heard of a EA game content locking stuff that they want tested.   Or is this really a game being developed live and the excuse for bugs and bad design is that it's EA?

    • Like 3

  13. Ideally you want about 5-10 people on a server.  In its current state that's about all the players a region can handle.  It's basically just like Ark when it comes to handling the latency issues.  And Ark never really got any better during EA and even after launch.  In allot of region on NA PVE there are only a handful of players and the pings are a solid 60 with very little latency at all.

    On 4/21/2019 at 7:47 AM, Linea said:

    So hows the server performance for everyone at the moment?

    I just wonder since i dont see anyone talking about any issues. I get constant disconnects every few minutes since the 1.5 patch and the ship positions update only every 3 seconds. Ping at 255 all the time of course.
    Maybe its just the grid server im on or does only affect players from certain regions like Europe, as i get a fine connection to the US pvp server but not the EU pvp server from the EU.

    Maybe i should play on the US server or other map regions or is it the same there?

    Have you tried resetting your router?  A friend was having allot of problems with disconnects and resetting his router fixed the problem.

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