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Posts posted by sgzeroone

  1. 35 minutes ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    Other than a single meme almost every top post there is player drama. If a post is not player drama it turns into player drama. There is a video post from someone who discovered bears wont whistle off of a Cyclops; the comments turned it into player drama about the player taking a bear into a powerstone; or flat out wrong comments about the game in general. Let's also not mention the bigotry, and the fact the sub is mostly used to shit on the game. Honestly, if I were to blame anything for the lack of players recently, its that shit.

    Actually, the reality is when you fail at developing a game properly and it's a steaming pile of broken repetitive content...people just give up and quit.

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  2. 12 hours ago, seruum said:

    I just think the vastness of the game puts alot of people off. The fact you need to do so many discoveries to get a higher level. The fact you need to goto multiple places to make your end game gear. People these days have an attention span that can be measured in nanoseconds. This game can be a casual player game if people want it to be. Casual players want to achieve what end game companies do, this can be done with significantly higher hours put into the game. There is a reason why most games make last seasons tier gear available for heroic/expert dungeon runners in other games. I am in what i would consider a medium company (8 active members) and we have achieved all endgame content with the exception of kraken 2.0. Me and the wife did all the powerstones together (yep 2 people all 18) twice once with mains and did first 9 again with alts to summon kraken 1.0 (yea there needs to be an option to summon the kraken you want) our company did kraken 1.0 with a galleon and a brig (5 people in total 3 on brig 2 on galleon) ice cave only the missus and i can do at the moment and we teamed up with people via the forums. My point is people don't like a challenge. People don't like investing hours of travel and farming time into making that awesome mythical gun the found. People don't want to relly on an animal that in RL would woop your ass to get high end maps done. And then there are the people like me and a few others playing who wouldn't have it any other way.

    The exploration to gain points to level is a mechanic in this game that just doesn't work.  When your a casual player the time required to gather materials and the sail around to level up to gain more abilities is just poorly designed.  The average casual player will never get anywhere in this game level wise.  The game almost requires you to log in everyday and play hardcord for the most part.  That does not appeal to a large amount of casual non hardcore players.  I don't think its necessarily that the don't want to be challenged.  Honestly the game has already been nerfed to the point that its not even hard anymore.  The problem is it's just not fun.....

    In the end...this game does a few things right, but most of it is wrong. 

    It needs to go back into pre-alpha closed and they really need to sit down and do a roadmap.  I don't think these guys have a real plan, it's more like a bunch of moders with a few ideas for adding cool stuff to the game and nobody looking at the overall direction of the game.

  3. Developers that launch their early alpha state game on Steam in early access get what they deserve.  If you going to allow people to review you game you might want to consider have a bit more developed before you launch in onto steam.

    Since the devs have stated that their focus in on pvp, they are pretty much doomed.  Besides the horrible unbalanced combat systems, broken meta's and poor implemented and thought out additions to the game.  It's laggy as all hell cause their netcode is junk.  It seems to be a hot mess more than Early Access.

    I wanted to like this game, but its just in complete disarray and after watching a couple dev streams these guys seem about incompetent at best.

    I hope the devs get their act together and get their heads removed from their rectums and maybe fix this game.

    I have since this post quit playing and uninstalled it. 

    Good luck to those who stay, I wish you the best.

  4. 12 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Incorrect. You do not respawn with the equilibrium buff, you just respawn with your vitamins in a condition to earn it. There is still a timer you must complete with vitamins staying in balanced status to earn the buff.

    I would agree that if all your going to do is get a horse with cannon than significant buffs to fortitude, melee damage and movement speed might not matter to you. To others they might have value.

    Is this just not playstyle?

    33 minutes ago, Cascco said:

    About Vitamins, for now you can die and respawn with buff from vitamins. No point on investing time to cook for buffs or vitamins, on PvP it doesnt matter much,  you just take horse with canon thats all.

    The same with great armors or weapons , it doesnt matter what you wear, you die so many times on PvP that most of raiding ppl or defending are running naked.

    For me Blue Prints should be much more rare than they are now.

    Is this not just playstyle?

  5. 13 minutes ago, DocHolliday said:

    I would argue heavily against A.  The devs have consistently implemented player ideas and made changes based off of our feedback.  We've even had them pop in our zone and ask us to do something specific for them to see what happens.  Its not super unusual to see Jat talking in global. 

    All opinions are based on ones perspective.

    So my opinions are my own based on what I have seen in game.

    Perhaps the devs do care, perhaps the devs do visit a chosen few players in game.  Perhaps they are competent and maybe they do listen.

    But from my POV, they are not and my comment reflects that obviously.

    Perhaps I should be labelled toxic and/or silenced because I don't shared the majority or the minority's view on the development of the game.  I thought forums were for sharing ideas not labeling people and pointing out they are wrong.  Perhaps we should acknowledge their view and figure out why they see it that way?  Oh wait nvm that's not how humans think.  We prefer to attack, label, criticism, and ban for lack of conformity in mindset.

  6. 7 hours ago, Martyn said:

    Pathetic.. this is why code like this has to be added.

    Imho.. we need gm's to just perm ban anyone who does this. And then globally demo all of their company assets.

    Only then will the problem be solved.  The amount of server lag this generates is technically griefing the entire region.

    Btw the cleanup code only works now on officials on settled islands.  And only if the area hasn't been visited within 12 hours.

    I don't see the big deal, so the guy uses allot of different hunting platforms to kill stuff from different angles....

  7. I honestly do give a rip about another map or single player.

    Why do we need a new map when the one we have needs so much work?

    Why do we need single player in a Survival MMO?

    I personally think this game is lost.  They don't seem to have a direction hence why they are going in so many different ones.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Warspectre said:

    I agree, both systems are flawed, but I think this current one is less flawed. Honestly though, of all the flaws this game has, I fault the devs the least over the claim system, because they have to try and compromise between many conflicting issues to try and make it as fair to everyone as possible. That'd be a monumental challenge for anyone. 

    As far as Lawless, under the old system, yeah, you could build there if you happened to be there around when the game was released. I don't know if you did much traveling at that time but pillar and foundation spam was rampant about a month in on Lawless islands. And even where there wasn't, a great many of them were saturated with structures, shipyards every few feet, and sprawling bases. 

    I don't know if there will be an influx of players after it's officially released, but they should allow for that possibility, however remote. Planning on success can be as important as planning for failure. Maybe more so in some cases.

    Why would I think this game will get more players? Mostly because despite the game's flaws and current state I think it has potential. It's really up to what decisions the devs make and how the development is managed.

    I'm not positive of how it'll go at this point. I know they need to hire more people. The combo of developing a large scale MMO, having a public ER, and small staff was bound to bite them in the ass. The situation isn't insurmountable yet though. No Man's Sky did a pretty decent job of turning things around I hear, despite a major debacle of a release. It's always better to have your sh** together the first time around, but crazier things have happened.   


    There are lots of games in EA that have potential, including this one.  But after a few months of watching these devs stumble, fall and just do and say idiotic things.   At this point after seeing the last couple laughable "MINI-UPDATES", I have lost all confidence in this developer delivering what they originally had intended (THE ORIGINAL PROMO VIDEO).  All i see is a developer who isn't addressing the real issues properly and just hard nerfing things to the point the might as well just remove them from the game all together (Torpedoes). And their updates are full of crap we don't want and tames that are useless (We want more ship types, not cats!).  I mean seriously isn't anyone losing their confidence in these guys?

    Oh wait there coming out with a seahorse that can't be tamed.......NVM ....The game will be perfect after this next mega update. (Cause I know so many of us wanted seahorse!) 😕


    (I'm trying to give constructive criticism, I'm really struggling with not hating on this game)  PLEASE DEV'S HELP ME STOP THE HATE!

  9. 12 minutes ago, Vurmis said:

    My 3 man company stuck a flag down this weekend during the new land rush. After an hour we claimed the 69 point island, we danced, yelled "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED", and checked it off our bucket list. We then let the claim expire 12 hours later and went back to our lives.

    The difference between having the claimed island and living on our established base on lawless was absolutely not worth multiple thousands of gold a week in value add.

    The larger issue that I would rather be fixed (at least on PVE servers) is foundation spam (aka island pimples). Either because someone is trolling, or because someone is "claiming" the island by foundation spam (prevent building). This is solvable by a much better claim system than the previous one and the current one. Unfortunately, probably not with a solution that makes sense on both PVE and PVP servers.

    I spend most my time traveling from island to island exploring the cookie cutter islands for abandoned players bases and I have to say.  I don't see that much foundation spamming.  But I'm on the NA PVE server mostly these days.  I gave up on their broken pvp mechanics weeks ago.

  10. 9 minutes ago, UDO said:

    whats next removing tame damage 😛 or immune to everything except bear melle while blindfolded and wearing 2 peg legs 2 hook hands and all pink colored armour .....


    these devs are just unreal , whoever is making their decisions must be working for a rival company there cannot be any other explantion 

    Yeah, I'm not sure what version of their game they are playing if any.  But there is clearly a huge disconnect between the player base, the current meta for everything and the development team at Grapshot.  Perhaps they should jump down in the trenches and actually play this hot mess and then perhaps they might come up with better updates, tweaks and changes.

    Seriously disappointed with this developer.

  11. 47 minutes ago, Warspectre said:

    The old claim system was never going to work, it didn't work at the time and it sure as hell couldn't have gone live as it was. The new system isn't perfect, and in some ways I think it's better, but at least it's not categorically worse. 

    This system has features in place that allow new players to find a place to set up and build a base. That's essential, because if you lock new players out you're strangling the life out of your own game. That's not to say the new system doesn't need work but it's a start anyway. 

    I don't think there will be a change back to the old system anyways.  I think both systems are flawed. 

    I don't understand why everyone seems to think they need to live on a claimable island anyways.  I have never lived on one and probably never will unless they nerf lawless and force people to.

    And lets be honest, there tons of space available that's not claimed anyways(there has always been plenty of space in lawless).  There isn't a big enough player base to even worry about not finding a place anymore.

    The claim that there is no land left to claim in only made at this point by ignorant players.

    But then again if you must live on a claimable island you better be ready to cough up some coin to keep it.  Which on most island eliminates the smaller groups from ever affording the ability to own.

    And actually with the current player base of maybe 1k players actively playing the old system would work now.  Its not like there are 50k+ players trying this game out anymore.  And the old system did allow new players a place to build....it was called lawless.

    Do you really think when/if this came comes out of alpha/beta (whatever you call this mess) there will be some big influx of players?   I really doubt it.  It's going down just like Ark did.  And Ark didn't see any increase in player base after leaving beta.  Why would you think this game will?

  12. I don't get comments like "To Save The Game"  and the likes.   I've been sailing around quite a bit lately and only been seeing 1-3 people in most regions.  So if you run the numbers on that there probably isn't even 1k player on during prime hours and that pretty much equals a dead game.  Well maybe not dead, but definitely dying unfortunately.  I wonder how many players this game needs to have for Dipshot to warrant maintaining the official server cost of operation?     I fear this game might not make it at this point.

  13. 23 hours ago, Martyn said:

    How many people are making alts to falsely inflate their companies and to generate false taxes in their own settlements?

    I don't know if this question is just ignorance or humor......

  14. Yeah, so glad were getting cats to tame, but forget trying to get on your ship with any ease.  (I won't rant about how stupid the cat as a new creature is)

    Grapple Hooks are a good work around, seems like the best thing.  Wish I could use the rear ladder but my aft cannon setup gets in the way of getting on the ship that way.

    Hopefully this bug gets fixed and doesn't become a permanent bug like so many did in Ark.

  15. 1 hour ago, Coggage said:

    If that happens I look right at the top of the ladder and then press E to climb.  Works pretty well. It was getting so buggy I was slapping a wooden ladder on the back of the ship to avoid being trapped on land.  Must remember a grappling hook though!

    Does that work on a Galleon too?   Cause I usually get up eventually, if the sharks dont kill me first.

  16. Is it just me or are the rope you climb to get off and on your ship completely buggy since a few days ago?   Just wondering if anyone else is having problem just getting back on their ships.  It's really getting annoying and I have been playing other games because of it.   Spending 10-15 mins trying to glitch back onto my ship through a ladder bug is annoying as all hell.

  17. It's sad that allot of us don't build or harvest during the week and wait for the weekends due to the fact that standard 1X is just terrible. 

    Just make 2X the new standard and give us XP weekends......many of us would probably play more.

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