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Posts posted by sgzeroone

  1. 7 minutes ago, Liatni said:

    Unofficial servers like to wipe every month or so to keep their servers up to date with the new additions to main game. I am use to wipes, nothing is forever 😛

     Cricket, huh.. tweeting that news out right now! Thanks, smiling bloody person!



    Pretty sure he was talking about official servers.  And they do not wipe every month.

  2. 4 hours ago, FatalCrazy said:

    I have 1300Hrs, I play since first day, Developers could to create post a forum post, disprove these false rumors.

    To bring more confidence to other players, there are players who don't want to come play because they think the game will erase everything soon.

    There are players giving up on the game,  think this is true.


    Stop spreading that the game will erase everything in soon, is false.



  3. I'm really not going to be my usual ass about this hat thing cause I really don't care about the hat.  I'm actually glad they haven't wasted resources on the bloody hat, when they have so many other more important things to get fixed, debugged and implemented.  SO F#^% THE HAT!

  4. 16 minutes ago, Jatheish said:

    A technical hurdle we have with ships is the memory footprint they add to the game. With all the unique pieces on a boat, just by introducing a new type, we end up adding a lot of memory and there isn't really any other gameplay aspect that's comparable to it, once we make some improvements and overhauls to this system, it'll become a lot more likely that we'll be able to add additional ships, not to say that it won't happen now, but this is one of the things we have to workaround. Memory is an important aspect as it's something we need to consider when getting ATLAS to launch on console later on. 

    It's why in the past when we have decided to do introduce an update that effects ships, it tends to be based on introducing mechanics that work with ships, so think ship weapons/structures, their attachment system etc: Racks, Ballista Harpoon, Fishing Net. 

    The attachment system is pretty robust, so it wouldn't be surprising to see new systems based around it. 

    Well can we trade off useless libraries that are loaded to help control the memory footprint?  Like lets get rid of the dingy, it's useless.  Heck, remove the sub and all the underwater libraries in the stack.  A more diverse selection of ships designs would probably be better received.  Or even specialized ships for certain tasks than to just make the existing ships modular with attachments.  This reminds me of the early days of SWG when everyone wore the same armor and it really hurt the community who wanted to show their individual uniqueness.

  5. 1 hour ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Yeah my ex gf’s teenage son is way into trailer park boys, but letterkenny is new to me. I’ve already texted a link to the cold open to half a dozen rl friends and i’ll be watching episodes soon as I get home from my apt. Thing is, my best internet friend, who is half the reason I’m playing Atlas at all, lives in Saskatchewan and she’s never mentioned it. Will def be giving her shit when she gets home from holiday about not clueing me in.

    Gotta watch out for those degens from up country!

    • Haha 1

  6. 4 hours ago, boomervoncannon said:

    okay I've never heard of Letterkenney, but this post piqued my interest and after finding the series opening scene on youtube, I'm laughing my ass off.  I will definately be watching more of this, thanks to you both for introducing me to it. Good stuff.


    • Like 1

  7. 1 minute ago, lordkhan4444 said:

    yes they gona be looking at 5fps max! on low settings lol. and the whole crossplay thing I agree with realist it would be a total disaster. the xbox noobs would get slaughtered before they even know what hit them! they would all leave faster than the pc crowd did on dec 23

    yeah, probably just a money grab by grapecard.

    "We can't get any more coin outta the pc community,  So let's go pillage the console gamer's next!" -Grapecard


  8. On 7/29/2019 at 10:06 AM, =MGC=Ranger said:

    Yeah thats where I am at now. They made it so players have to get on every few days or else lose their stuff. Eventually Ill get tired of the chores and just let it all go. With all the changes the Devs have done (mostly bad changes too), I don't see the game surviving to its full release. I have sailed from one end of the EU PVE server to the other and rarely see anyone. Game has become nothing more than chores every few days to keep up.

    Yeap, that's why my entire clan and myself left game also. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Sheepshooter said:

    so we can shut down PVE and divide their pop to PVP and unofficial... every PVE problem solved... excellent ! 

    Pretty sure PVP will be dead before PVE.  Unofficial and SP will be the only thing left eventually.  Just like Ark.

  10. It's no wonder games like this get ruined.  Half the problem is the gaming community is full of a bunch of people who think they are gamers, but they actually aren't.  Their like some carebear version of a spoiled child on adderall.  

    "Please Grapecard.... please add a easy button for us"....We know we suck, but we want to feel like masters of the universe.  -Not a Real Gamer

    • Haha 1

  11. 5 hours ago, sand man said:

    Well this snowflake likes the SP mode, its nice not having Toxic prats destroy me stuff and taking up all the islands for themselfs, so stop your moaning and go play call of duty because Atlas is turning into a great game now.


    A multiplayer game that now has a single player mode is a improvement?

    I guess if you don't like people and prefer to play game alone this is great.

    But having a SP mode for a multiplayer game seems kinda weird to me, especially with the way Atlas has been designed to be played.

    But whatever....Enjoy your new safe space... there snowflake.  Perhaps they will add some play-doh for you to fondle in those more stressful moments when your activating the cheat commands cause your skill level is low.

    • Haha 3

  12. 18 hours ago, 8ball said:


    I agree. 

    That being said, from day one playing Conan EA, the same question was asked many, many times.  The population also dropped to barely there.  Changes that made everyone scratch their head eventually started making sense, the further we went through the EA process.  Multiple, multiple wipes, cries of, the game is dead and other growing pains. 

    Having stayed with the game through all that, things the devs did started making sense, clicking together until the official release.  The game at official release was 1000% better than 6 plus months before. 

    I am only hoping that it will be the same with Atlas.  

    I was in Conan EA also and Conan did have its problems.  But Conan had a direction and a real roadmap for development and allot of the core design was good, it just needed some tweaks.

    I don't think comparing the two games is fair to Atlas.  Atlas has huge problems and I really don't think the gaming community is going to forgive them.

    This game reminds me more of Anthem and its botched development and deployment with broken core mechanics and just plain boredom.  But hey they both look good on the surface, too bad the water is only 1 inch deep.

  13. 13 hours ago, zottel said:

    Hello there Veteran Pirates, Forum bookworms,newbies And Realist ( honestly he is his own category,no offense mate 😉 ) We all know Grapeshot did alot of Bullshit at the Release And it was And still is your right to react to it. But it seems that many People Who really enjoy this game forgot about something really Important imo And that is actually the negativ Review on Steam And other platforms. I wont ask People to just Change it if they still Dont like the Game, but as many others you might have forgotten to Change it into something positive. Potential Players may or may Not Play because of your Review. There are Tons of Players who have over 1k hours in this game And i Dont think anyone spends 1k hours on a Game  he does Not like. Even if its only one Person reading this And changing his Review it is a Start. We all have high hopes And Maybe its time for us to give Other Players the Chance to enjoy this game And also bring some Motivation to our Grapeshot guys 😉

    My review on steam was actually positive after about 100 hours of game play, during which I did not know Grapecard and their capabilities as a developer.  After I hit about the 600 hour marks and seen a couple dev streams and their pathetic mega updates I clearly realized this particular developer is not capable of developing a game properly for whatever reason.  They seem to be focused on adding a bunch of stuff most the player base didn't ask for and not fixing the core problems with the game and balancing the broken meta's.  Furthermore, their seems to be a lack of a roadmap on what they actually want to do with this game.  During the course of this realization I also realized that the game is just not fun and replay-ability is just not there even if there was a wipe.  It's unfortunate that I changed my review from positive to negative due to bad development and direction.   But in this game's current state I can't really recommend this game to anyone.  Maybe that will change, maybe it won't.  It's up to Grapeshot.

    • Like 1

  14. What kind of game is this really anymore?   There's nothing to survive, so it's not really a survival game.  There's not much pirate themed content, so can't really say its a pirate game.  There's not much trading going on, so not that.  A creature taming game....Maybe, but considering the lack of a decent amount of types of creatures to tame...Naw.  Sailing simulator....with 3 ship types...nope.   Oh wait we have seahorse's, but they are completely useless.  

    Can anyone really say for sure what this game has evolved into.....Dumpster fire? 

    • Like 1

  15. On 7/20/2019 at 5:47 PM, boomervoncannon said:

    I had higher hopes for Atlas’s economy after the developers initially said they were patterning the game after Eve. I would like to see more depth added to the cooking, gardening and medicine systems as part of this. The WPE is a step in the right NPC direction, but it remains weird to me that the defining act of piracy, raiding merchant shipping, is nonexistent because there is no shipping to raid. It’s like making an X-men movie without Wolverine (okay I know we can’t expect Hugh Jackman to keep playing that part forever but really shouldn’t he be required by law to do so?)

    I’d really like to see NPC merchant ships protected by NPC Navy.

    Also they can go ahead and release those flying ships any day now, just so I can enjoy the delicious tears of those who weren’t paying attention whinging about their “immersion”. 

    I always find humor in post where the dev's talked about this game being pattered off of Eve Online.  Being a gamer who played Eve for over 10 years.  I simply see nothing in this game that resembles anything in Eve online.  I have actually been trying to understand the direction of this game.  Perhaps I just need to drink another beer.....

    • Like 1

  16. On 7/21/2019 at 4:20 AM, Jack Shandy said:

    This is not strictly true.

    If you have a fast schooner, fully kitted with all crafting stations. A couple of tames, bear and horse for example. You can explore the world collecting DP's, leaving the boat out there when you need to log off.

    This way if you have only an hour or so to play you can teleport to this exploration ship, discover a grid or two and log off. It's my favourite thing to do when i have little time.

    of coarse if you play PVP that your own fault 🙂 

    I understand the concept of the exploration schooner.  But outfitted as you state really limits things.  For one, you not going to be fighting any SOTD.  Second, if you come across any really good or rare resources that you want you have no way of really transporting them off the island.   So your just sailing around landing on islands and running around.  Which is interesting for about 30 mins then it turns into the most boring grind.  Sail here....jump off then back on....sail to next island...repeat.   And it takes a ridiculous amount of islands explored to even bump your level cap up even one level.  So for the time spent sailing and running around islands the rewards is pretty bad.  IMHO

    I'm glad you enjoy it as much as your do, but for allot of us its simply not that engaging and fun. 

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