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Posts posted by CaerMortuus

  1. One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is shoulder tames. They are extremely useful and dont require you to maintain a riding or taming skill after you have them. Monkeys help you regen health and can slow enemies. Parrots give an insulation buff (free fortitude while sailing or exploring). Crows reduce your fall damage. I'd recommend either taming or trading for any of those on your travels.

    Also, while climbing up those big mountains...have a glide suit in case your pick breaks. That way you dont splat.

  2. I think the next content unlocked BP needs to be a golden age mechanical pigeon and perch....that you can send notes, maps, BPs, and possibly small limited quantities of items through to designated locations where you have the perch built. Limit the Pigeon to roughly 100 weight, unable to be increased, so what can be sent would be very limited. Make the Pigeon fly in real time, at a set speed (maybe 15 knots?) so that it is not an instant teleport of items between areas. Extra perches would have to be built, as only 1 pigeon would be able to occupy a perch at a time (similar to the submarine in the dinghy dock...can't dock more than one at a time). Thus, make the perch semi costly to build. Pigeon would be crafted at the perch. On the PvP side of things, the pigeon should be able to be shot down if seen in flight (speed should probably be a little slower, thinking about that), and can be looted by other players if 'caught' or destroyed. Just an idea, any suggestions or improvements to this are always appreciated.

  3. Well, so far we've had quite a few joining daily since I started this on Friday. Almost hit the 50 member mark, usually only been a couple from any given Company at this point. The more the merrier, tho. Always willing to have more people setup event that need more bodies, or willing to help the solos / small companies that are struggling as well. If you would like to organize any events, just shoot me a PM in the discord once you've joined, and I'll get you setup as an event organizer as well. Discord layout is basic, but all the fancy discord bots are not my strong suit lol. Hope we get many more people interested and thriving end-game content going for anyone who'd like to participate :).

    • Thanks 1

  4. Hello fellow pathfinders enjoying the PvE side of this game. I noticed a lot of people complaining about not being able to get the sub, content locked behind Kraken, Powerstones are too hard...Well some of us are able to do these things, and have created a discord to schedule events for end game content. Powerstones, Kraken battles, general chat if you need help with things. We have a Kraken fight scheduled for this Saturday, May 18th, and all information is available within the discord. Many fellow pirates have already joined, and more showing up every day. This isn't a Company invite, Solo players are more than welcome to jump in and find help in what interests them. If you are interested in joining, just click this link:


    We hope to see you there. The more people we have, the more we can accomplish together.

    • Thanks 2

  5. Imprinting has 2 benefits, one is for anyone, the other is for rider.

    Imprinting will raise the creature's health, weight, and melee by 0 - 20% depending on the final imprint of 0 - 100%. This affects the animal directly, regardless of rider.

    Personal benefit for person who imprints: While the imprinted is riding that animal, the animal receives from 0 - 30% increased damage output, and from 0 - 30% reduced damage received. This part will not transfer to another rider.

    • Thanks 1

  6. I'm a bear breeder in NA PvE (D5). I'm willing to trade other breeders bears stat for stat. Also willing to buy bears with higher stats than what I have for my program =). Current high stats:

    Health: 774.4

    Food: 7200

    Oxygen: 594

    Weight: 1121 (currently lowest wild levels)

    Stamina: 1100

    Melee: 176.4%

    All my breeders have no mutations as I'm still combining my stats. Melee only available for other equally high roll (15 wild levels+) in critical stats. Have an alternative melee stat of 167 ish available for lower improvements to my lines =).

    Only looking for natural stats without mutations currently.

    If interested DM me or sail through D5 asking for me.

  7. The spawn point, when I located it, would have been around -66.7786 / 26.6602 on top of one of the cliffs. The southern beach I referenced in prior reply is located roughly -66.8945 / 26.3 and the stone 'arch' that is formed is North East by view, once you're near said beach.

    • Like 1

  8. Can confirm the top of mountain as a spawn point for hydra in my screenshot. Went there again tonight to kill it. I'd lured it down previously. It was there again.

    To find it, go to the southern central beach on map. Look north for the stone arch between the cliffs. Its spawning on top of the mountain that makes up the left part of that arch, on the right side of it. Almost exactly in the middle of the arch. Hope this helps.

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