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Posts posted by arzosah

  1. I am a solo player, I don't like working with others in game, I have no desire to join some mega 100+ person company, but I realize that because of that fact there is no chance of me being able to experiencing the whole game on official servers, hints my earlier comment of solo/small groups playing on unofficial servers.  As far as I'm concerned Grapeshot can make this game to cater to larger companies, it doesn't effect how I'm going to play the game.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Fefu said:

    So many keep saying this and yet I cannot find any official statement, verbal or otherwise backing it up. Perhaps people are inventing stuff and projecting their wishes.

    To my knowledge they haven't come out and said it, but many aspects of the game seem to indicate that. 

    They change skill cost so you couldn't easily spec very far into multiple tree(unless you got lots of discoveries to increase your level to max)

    The fountain of youth is in a location with mobs that will one/two shot you if you go in solo

    The whole PvE questing system requires multiple people to kill the Hydras to get the key for the powerstone.

  3. Personally I think the official servers should cater to the moderate to large companies, let them fight over large amounts of land and try to dominate the world.  If you want to play with a small group of friends, it's not hard to set up a private server with a handful of grids, you can modify the overall strength of the Golden age ruins mobs to make them realistic to fight with a couple people.  It was the same with ARK, if you played solo mode, the game was scaled back to be playable alone.

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  4. use the join new option and select any homeserver, you will spawn wherever your character is.

    I have to do the same any time I jump between private servers and official.


    • Thanks 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Tobekan said:

    Yep.  And it's clear they don't have any other priorities in life other than gaming.  Some of us do.  That's not a knock, it's just reality.

    or just having more people could mean that there are more people across more timezones and different schedules, allowing people to be online constantly.

  6. 44 minutes ago, NesquickPT said:

    Please don't be a fan boy and don't come here saying "Oh its in alpha/beta, blah blah blah" that's shit, the game is broken, the most fundamental stuff doesn't work.


    Saying that it's an alpha is completely valid.  Part of playing an alpha is the fact that fundamental mechanics don't work properly. That's the point of testing it, find flaws, and report them so they can be fixed before the full release.

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  7. It was also mentioned in the captains log that just came out.  But even in the current state, if you look for land you can probably find something that can be contested.  I think a lot of people just see red everywhere and don't event attempt to steal.  It only took a couple hours to find a area to steal when I went to the tundra. 

    And I agree, this system beats foundation/pillar spam hands down.  At least claim flags don't fuck with spawns.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Selune said:

    Ok I understand but why I can't even make the server appear on Steam servers list ? I think I have an issue that others here don't have...

    I had this issue trying to connect to an external IP on my network, when I tried using my servers internal IP i was able to see the server and connect without issue.

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  9. I think much of the confusion caused by the vagueness of EA would be resolved by calling this what it is, a persistent alpha test.  It was briefly mentioned in the last live stream, but this is still fairly early in the development process and the current players are seeing iterations that would normally be restricted to a relativity small group of players and friends/family of the developers, and would be under a strict NDA.

  10. 1 minute ago, Nari said:

    I haven't bothered to count. 700 does seem a bit high but I've also seen "islands" with 5 trees and a rock. Max elevation 6 meters. Do they count? They have discoveries 😆

    I will admit that I haven't seen every island on the official server, and it is possible that they have more variation that what is available through the editor.  Each island in the editor has sublevels that as far as I know can be added/removed or moved around to change the layout of the island.  The most I've done it thrown islands on a local private server and use admin commands to fly around and look at different prebuilt island layouts.

  11. 56 minutes ago, Nari said:

    I've seen this brought up a few times. The map might show copy/pasta islands but have you visited these copied islands? The topology is not the same.

    I'm aware that there are variations to islands that look the same from the map view. But even looking at the map editor for dedicated server there are no where near 700 unique islands.

  12. 1 minute ago, Percieval said:

    They won't wipe an entire server, what they can do is simply change the claiming system like you said, making a lot of land available. Then you will have a standard community and all that can happen is more players coming in if they don't screw more things up with the patches. 

    My assumption with a server wipe would be if they added a large game changing patch at some point during EA that would reface islands to some degree.  They're adding the undersea trenches next month as well as caves to the polar region.  I don't think these thing will require a wipe as they will be placed in areas that don't have existing islands. but if they add new islands in place of old ones to add more variety(they said 700 unique islands) I could see that requiring a wipe. 

  13. My guess is people will come back when they wipe the servers, they'll play for a while and quit again. This will likely be a pattern throughout early access.  The issue with land claims are going to be the biggest issue after launch since the system doesn't work well for new players coming in after the initial launch zerg.  Large scale games rely on people continuously joining over the life of the game, but this style of game doesn't lend itself well to that, especially in pvp.  ARK was able to get away with it because each server had a small population and whenever they would spin up new server people could all join at the same time and not be at a disadvantage for starting late(at least until they added transfers).  In the long run I think this game will end up relying on people that start smaller unofficial servers to play with smaller communities. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Caldrin said:

    First it was Wolves now its cobras.. quite soon we will just have some teddy bears for PVE combat..

    I think they toned the wolves down too much, at least where I live we use to have packs of 4-5 wolves running around everywhere, which was challenging to deal with. Now I only see one or two periodically.  I don't think the issue with Cobras is their spawn rates, it's the fact that they can stick their head through a wall and eat what's on the other side.  I know people hate hearing it, but this is EA and we're going to be in EA for two years they're going to iterate over many aspects of the game and hopefully fix issues like this and balance out spawns.

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  15. They just removed the Elephants from K3, they should probably do the same to Cobras since it doesn't make sense to have cold blooded creatures in areas that rarely get above freezing.  Some of their choices about where animals are seem to be a poor attempt to add diversity of fauna to each grid.  I think they need to add more animal types to the game and tone down the spawn rate of predators as well as fix the janky animations of some creatures.

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  16. I don't think removing things from the game is the answer, Cobra's have messed up hit boxes and their turning animations can be improved on.  Honestly I think it would be good if they worked similar to titanoboas in ark.

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