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Posts posted by arzosah

  1. 4 minutes ago, ave26 said:

    Sorry if my post confused you. It happened in lawless and the ship was surrounded by 8 puckles and 4 swivels, covering all angles. 
    I recommended 15 hours decay time so we can park our ship in freeport while we sleep because it gets really tedious to rebuild and level it constantly because it got sunk while we slept. If people are able to keep their ships longer there would be more traffic and more actual PVP interactions instead of offline bullshit.

    I wouldn't say I was confused, rather you didn't say it was a lawless zone, and mentioned freeports in your post.

    Playing solo on a PvP server just sounds like you're asking to get your shit pushed in.

  2. Upkeep/repair/durability - I really feel like spending my time repairing stuff... boat, tools, armors, weapons ... really start to be a burden.
    -Thats just part of playing survival games, never played one that didn't require you to maintain your gear

    Snake - more and more of these buggers, everywhere and any time and spawning in loop ... F'ing annoying to the point to rage quit. Not including they aggro from so far and follow you for ever, enough time to bump into more snakes... This is really really a pain. I visited some islands packed up with cows/horses/sheep... might you want to review your spawning rules seriously.
    -The spawn rates of predators in general could still use some love, but I just hope they don't nerf other predators as bad as the wolf nerf

    SotD - WTF you've done?!?! Yellow and red ships all over the seas ... Like really?1 Green was OK but swarms of green and yellow .. No good. when stuck in storm or small wind you are F'ed!! So was I
    -I have never had an issue avoid ships, even if I manage to get close enough to aggro one I have always been able to outrun them, even with low wind

    Repair - You should look at Conan, no need to have the full amount of mat to repair but just use what you have in inventory and repair to that amount, no need to go all the way to 100%. Really annoying when you cannot repair for 1 unit of mat missing, that would do for 99% repair which is enough.
    -I could see this working, but in general I always keep enough resources in my crafting stations to repair gear, and I have NPCs to repair my boat.

    Xbow - What do you have against? Best basic weapon ever, really missing mine from ARK
    -I prefer a bow over the crossbow generally, but that's just personal preference.  However if they decide to add a cross bow the reload time should be greatly increased from what it is in ARK.

    Arrow not damaging - I have had many arrows stuck on mob but they completely ignored them... Really. On the over side, I can never ignore a bit - not fair indeed
    -Hit boxes need some work. especially on snakes and birds.

    Wind - If I go north so does the wind come from, south itoo ... I keep my sails at 75 angle nearly all the time ... I even spawned at my first boat to bring to my new plot of land, guess what? The wind was also from the front...
    -You really can't expect a sailing game to always have the wind at your back, that's just part of the experience.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Bad News Bear said:

    This game is phenomenal. It has to be tweaked, meaning people should, I hope, play with an open mind rather than a table flipping attitude. I understand your frustrations.

    Completely agree, at that's why the game is in early access.  Venting frustrations with the current state of the game is one of the reasons to forum exists, but when many of these posts start off with "I quit" it quickly devolves into a bitching fight between factions.  There are plenty of things in this game currently that could be fixed or balanced, but you have to come at it in a method that is constructive.

  4. A server wipe is highly unlikely to happen any time soon. Jat mentioned the potential of adding a gold maintenance cost to claims in the last live stream, this would likely reduce the number of claims most companies would be able to hold since it would require a significant amount of treasure hunting to maintain a large number of claims placed all over the world. 

  5. Crystal is a raw material that can only be collected by harvesting it in the world.  there are several different types of crystal that can be found in the world, the trick is finding a nearby island/grid that has crystal and making supply runs periodically, or trading with other players.

    You can also get a diving platform on your ship and dive to the bottom of the ocean and collect pearls, though finding nodes on land would be much faster.

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  6. I think if they add a maintenance cost to claimed land, they won't need to wipe. After a couple days the cost to maintain the large number of claims will take it's toll and a lot of land will begin to become available.

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  7. most patches require them to restart the server, this will kick you out of the game.  Only major patches will require you to restart your client in order to connect.  Additionally they don't always save the world when they restart the servers for a patch, this results in a rollback to the last server save, which from my experiences can be up to 20 minutes.  So if they're releasing a patch it's best not to get into anything that could result in a rollback causing you to lose progress.

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  8. You should be able to run a server even if you don't own the game since the download/upgrade commands use anonymous, and the server can be check through steam's server list even if the game isn't installed.  I would suggest making sure you have the ports forwarded through your windows firewall/anti-virus software and try to find your server using your computer's internal IP address in the favorites list, if you can get that far it means your server is at least viewable through steam.  and you should be able to find the game through the atlas client if you re-purchase it.  As I mentioned earlier, I know that the guide you were using said that would never work, however it is exactly how I got mine to work.

  9. A maintenance cost could be problematic early game, since there isn't a steady flow of gold until you can do treasure maps.  Floatsam give pretty shitty gold, and if lots of people are actually taking them they'll be much rarer than they are currently.

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