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Everything posted by jwtyler

  1. We are running 15x15 (less 20 corner grids, 205 grids) on the following machines: 1. HP GL580 512GB ram 4x Xenon X7560 ... 2. Dell R710 128gb 4x Xenon something... Empty grid avg ram 2.5, CPU %2 5 persons and buildings avg. 3GB and 10 - 15 cpu. The spec's are wildly variable. Best bet is hit Ebay. Buy a Dell 410 or some such with 128gb ram. Begin the journey of frustration that is Grapeshot's lack of documentation.
  2. You can either delete the redis DB file, or use a tool such as Fastoredis to connect to your DB and drop all of the keys.
  3. I am consistently having this issue as well. I seem to be able to reproduce it by zoning from one server to another when the receiving server is 1. going down. 2. Misconfigured (bad ports). You will disconnect and then never be able to reconnect. I have dug through the labyrinthine REdis DB, deleted ever likely local file, zone .ocean files. To no avail... The only resolution that I have found is to completely wipe the DB, of all references to the player char then the char will have to be recreated. This issue is driving me nuts. I have a 15x15 ready to go except I can't support a player base if I can't reset stuck zoning characters.
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