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Everything posted by SeekTheOne

  1. What are your bets on Post-Wipe Release Launch? Weeks of development and a ton of big and small chagnes launched in a Big Bang? Based on the history of last launch and bug exploit quality for an EA? Forced Wipe Forced Char Wipe Forced Anarchy mode nobody asked for and does not provide any information on the game or mechanics because the parameters are chagned > Everybody in gives as hit mode > 6x ressources, leveling Letting everybody start on Lvl 0 with 1/6 of the farming rate they got used to for one month. Players comming back which left since announcement of wipe and are still leaving.... And not get hooked to a new game sicne and will stay with the new game? Players leaving because now they now every progress including char will be wiped every 2 month? Why not ask the community and really include their opinion? Its 2019!
  2. One Wipe ... Ok there will be more Wipes in Future.... so all you do after wipe will be wiped again.. May? June? a Hat? Really? What game would you play where you invest 500 hours to get a cosmetical hat? Did anybody else hear about rumours of something like game design / motivation / keeping player interested / motivated? like for example progression systems ... ? leveling? Badges? Achievements? Gathering? Building? ...... Wiping everythign ist just the easy way out... there are alternative options.... So everybody gets motiviated / satisfaction in any kind of progress .... RIP
  3. dont wipe the chars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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