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Posts posted by Implicitlee

  1. Heilos You really need to stop responding there is NO such thing as OFFICIAL TWITTER.  Before posting think what twitter is please I beg you just THINK.

    Twitter is a third party platform that can at any time close this OFFICIAL TWITTER account down, can they?, will they? unlikely BUT NOT the point, this is THIER OFFICAL WEBSITE please look up the F~@*ing word OFFICIAL

    • Like 1

  2. Archaegeo please read the post again, It has nothing to do about monthly bulletins of course they are gonna do that, lots of made up crap, that 90% of the gaming community cant access, they need this diatribe to sell. The fact of the matter still stands that servers go down, and they are notifying their Paid customers through a THIRD PARTY social Media site. Have the balls to put on your OFFICIAL FORUMS "hey guys we screwed up again sorry" not a "FUCK YOU we have your money, you don't count. Maybe it is an age thing, maybe it is an education thing, I do not know, but, so many of you are totally missing the point.

    You should all think better of yourselves and expect higher. you defending them because they release IMPORTANT information through a THIRD PARTY rather than OFFICAL Channels must have a very,  very low expectation on life. Me personal want to be treated with the respect I deserve, and that comes in the form of OFFICIAL CHANNELS, please refer to any number of arguments I have used so far because every one of them is valid to this argument, I do not care if there is a Twitter link at the top of the page, maybe I do NOT want to let the CIA/NSA/MI6/FIS/Mossad whom ever may get access to my pc if I click that link. Ever thought of that one, I guess NOT.

    • Like 1

  3. Before I write this, I would just like to say to the narrow minded idiot trolls, Yes I am fully aware that I do NOT have to play this game, BUT I paid for it so would like to get my moneys worth. So Grapeshots idea of solving the Server Lag issue s by creating a sub par patches and with terrible mechanics that people just quit this freeing up bandwidth. Interesting concept, but hey they got paid.

  4. OK I am gonna put a radical argument out there. You get a $40 bank charge, you phone the bank and they say "we notified every one on chirpchirp  (made up social media site) of pending charge" You DO NOT, NOR would you EVER use ChirpChirp. Does that make it right/fair. NO They have their own platform of notifying of this. Well Grapeshot have their own Platform THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE. Twitter, Facebook, Tinder, Grinder, Discord can close edit remove Grapeshot account any time they choose ANOTHER reason why they should use their OWN OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


    All you fanboys need to stop trying to argue when you are wrong.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1

  5. Woah you people really do only read the parts you want to read, NO I am calling you Trolls. Look let me put it in a way that you can read ok.

    I (being me) DO NOT USE (have no part of) Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, Discord (social media platforms) because Idiots and Trolls ( Most of You) Don't let others ( IE: Me) have an OPINION ( one's own thought processes) unless it conforms to Yours (you) Their (Grapeshot) OFFICIAL WEBSITE (being theirs(Grapshots) NOT Twitter (cannot be an official site on Twiiter because it belongs to Twitter NOT Grapeshot) Get my point yet,



    • Like 1

  6. I love this tool, how ever I think I have noticed an issue I really hope someone can help me with, The controller works like a dream, I started my own servers but headed to an area I know really well in Lawless with a bed on my raft, when I died it would not show as a spawn point. I made my way back and renamed the bed on the raft this time it allowed me to spawn ONCE, then when I died again no spawn point on my raft, it seems I need to rename my Bad every time surely this isn't right.

  7. I just find it amusing that half the idiots that responded to this post failed to get my ACTUAL point, I refuse to use Social media because it is full of TROLLS, and they proved it with their responses. This is their OFFICIAL WEBSITE, before they set up Twitter, Facebook, Grinder  accounts, they created this Website, THIS should be their first port of call "see what I did there, used a seafaring pun".

    • Like 1

  8. Hey FUCKWITS before all spouting off try reading the fucking topic, all I am asking for is the courtesy of notifying us on THIER OFFICAL FORUMS, I don't give a shit if they go down for 8 months or are online 10 minutes a day. I DO NOT USE SOCIA MEDIA because it is full or planks you like you that have all commented here. All I want is them to comment once again on their OFFICAL FORUMS.


    Enough Said 

    Community Manager please close this post down.

  9. I have been fortunate so far that it hasn't happened to me, but, a Company called Hailong Regiment is going around EU PVE Siren's Call, overweighting lots and lots of peoples ships and sinking them. This has been going on since launch. WHY? has nothing been done about it. 


    Not only fighting against a bad ping and constant timeout's the days and days you spend grinding mats gets wiped out in minutes by griefers.

  10. Sorry kind of reading and learning and maybe answering my own question DO I need 4 Atlas Start.bats

    art /high D:\AtlasServer\steamapps\common\"ATLAS Dedicated Server"\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=00?ServerAdminPassword=Test?MaxPlayers=50?ReservedPlayerSlots=10?QueryPort=57555?Port=5755?SeamlessIP= -log -server -NoBattlEye


  11. I have played for 40+ hours so cannot get a refund but I am unable to play the game the way it is intended because of greedy land grabbers.

    I played on release day but it was a very poor experience, you could probably have made level 100 if It wasn't capped to 8 on at a freeport. So I decided to give it a few days and a few patches and try again, but to my dismay nearly all the land is taken, when I did manage to find a place to put a shipyard, my raft was miles away stuck in someone else's shipyard because of lag and the only place I could get a floor down was also miles away. Combines with the flying Lions, rubber banded Boars, Olympic Runner/swimmer Crocodile oh yea and the teleporting turltes made it a long long hard grind to get a Sloop together while someone decided to play thought the lag and go land claim entire islands in a raft.

    So my suggestion is you either do a server wipe with patch 10 or open a New set of servers so NEW players can get aCHANCE to play and enjoy what WE PAID for.

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