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Posts posted by Implicitlee

  1. Hey bud, do you walk on your hands? because you sure as hell talk out of your ass. Also can I make a prediction!. You will get detention on Tuesday because you didn't do your homework because you were too busy typing this S@%T. No facts to back up this tripe. I remember similar doomsayers on ark and it is STILL going.

    • Like 1

  2. I thought I read some where, that Grapeshit wanted to reduce the amount people built to help increase server performance?

    If this is the case where on earth is your logic when it comes to reducing the blocking range of a foundation? 3 weeks ago I had 1 Chinses foundation preventing me putting a wall on MY foundation, then you reduced the effective range of foundations, I managed to get that wall up, but latest patches instead of 1 foundation there are now 3 all people are doing is placing MORE pillars/floors to claim the same amount of land. makes no sense what so ever,

  3. 1 hour ago, Vincula said:

    First of all, thanks for creating a tool that makes playing the full map easy for those of us who don't happen to own a server farm! 😀

    Second; can you tell us what the changes from v1.5 are?

    Head on over to his Discord, http://www.discord.gg/YHGWPyd you can see all patch notes there and download any new builds he makes.

  4. Nice to see this topic still has people's interest, but, I still do not see anything happening about it, I DO NOT see any feedback from the developers one way or another, almost as if the people who pay for the game and the people who play the game DO NOT matter.

  5. Sorry , what were each grid supposed to hold 150 players? This is a few days after a 5% server performance boost. Any chance you can stop work on the upcoming patch, what is it, "oh Yea" Bounty system and fix the shit you have already. I can tell you now, with the amount of offline raiding going on now, your bounty system is going to be a heap of bugfest crap.

    • Like 2

  6. 1 hour ago, Blackthron said:

    Wipe would make me want to log in again. 

    Right now they just gifted tons of paste and metal to those who had lots of walls. FREE PASTE IN TUNDRA! TONS AND TONS OF IT. Just remove your old and cosmetic buildings.

    Oh, you didnt have many stone walls? too bad! this game is for megatribes you silly punk. go play minecraft, devs already have you money, they dont need us crying here.. they want us out. This is how I see this change. Or.. they all, devs,  got high on acid.

    I kind of agree they already have our money, and being realistic how many more new customers are gonna buy this game, with both the amount of negative comments out there and the fact it is just an Ark mod rehashed. Unless they do actually start listening to the community then yes this game is dead in the water.

    • Like 2

  7. Are we hijacking this post and turning it into a wish list ok.

    1: I want the developers to think before applying patches.

    2:I want full Global chat not just the cluster grid you are in So we can form alliances to do any game content as solo and small companies.

    3:I want more official servers

    4: I want to stop losing Bears to Alpha Lions ( If I am lucky enough not to get 1 shotted by the Lion while on the bear I can kill the Lion, if I die my Bear is usless)

    5: I want all Pillars and floors not connected to another Wiped from all servers

    6 World Peace

    Being serious if they really are releasing patch 17 today instead of February it is for one reason  and one reason only, to mask the negativity of the last patch, which in itself is really funny as most of their last lost of content is buggy as shit, so what hope do subs have.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bad News Bear said:

    Land grab... when we were a 6 man we easily got on island with large groups and pvped our way through it. You would be surprised to see how many large companies have terrible land pvpers.

    Again sorry I only play on Pve, I cant dedicate the hours to protecting something pvp, Only needs Stone for protection against Alphas and Looks

  9. 4 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    I am level 48, I have points to spare right now... but I dont have taming anymore I dropped it because I realized I dont need it.  While it would be nice to have a Elephant to do wood gathering or a bear for fiber.  But I can just spend a little time myself and get it myself.   

    I do have an elephant and Rhino so need to keep riding 3, but here is another issue with half hearted efforts Bulls are supposed to be good for Thatch, So I Tamed a level 30 Bull but I go out on my Bear and use a metal pick because 1 it doesn't pick up 8000% more berries than thatch and 2 the pick harvests twice as fast as the Bull

  10. 3 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Did I miss something?  The link didn’t go to a map, just the wiki page that lists resources. Didn’t see any information there on where said resources are located.

    click on the resource and it shows you what grid they are in, its a work in progress

    • Thanks 1

  11. 3 minutes ago, JotaCe said:

    And always we have the "Hoping for others don't sinking my ships event" and "the never-ending search for a little piece of land to build a base event"

    Hey but look on the bright side they increased server performance by 5% last patch so when you are sailing now you only rubber band back 100 metres instead of 105 metres so you will get to the sap tree quicker.

    • Like 1

  12. 1 minute ago, Hodo said:

    It really isnt that many skill points when you factor in the average level of the playerbase.

    Stone walls should be mildly expensive but not impossibly so for some regions.  

    lol I don't do bigger pictures I play solo, I was fortunate I managed to build my Stone base the day before this patch hit, I have now specced out of stone as I don't need it but it free'd up something like 16 points or something because you have to take crafting speed 1,2 and 3 before you can actually take Stone. The point is Grapshot atm are just giving half hearted fixes to massive game breaking problems.

    Too Many Building affecting server performance (week 3 of the game, what are they expecting week 187) No spend money increase server performance and ironically their fix could actually increase buildings.

    Too many Wolf spawns, kill wolf spawn almost completely, now snake run rampant and no wolves to tame. instead of actually spending 5 minutes changing spawn rates to the point of balance.

    Weight Griefing The easiest fix and probably the most hard hitting to the griefers is the minute the ships sinks instant death, they would die and lose all resource and pets they had, instead no you float above deck and cannot really move so some people innocently get stuck.

    Land Claim Cheese, instead of removing it until a proper fix they make it so Land Owners (cheesers) can "ALLOW" others to build on it, at which point he cheesers can revoked the rights and take everything you build or in most cased "NOT ALLOW" others to build.


    These are just 4 of the many many many half hearted and pathetic fixes they have made. But hey don't worry the dev kit is out modders will save the day right?

  13. Just now, Hodo said:

    I think right now the idea of the paste is bad.. metal is good, but the amount is bad.

    My suggestion would be this...





    no organic paste.  

    The metal would represent the use of chisels and pins to get the shape right.  

    I think the amount of skill points it takes to actually get stone crafting offset the need for metal,  with the new costs and nerfs to strength it's way cheaper in both skill points, time and materials to put 2 layers of wood instead of 1 layer of stone, which increases buildings to worsen server performance rather than improve it

    • Like 2

  14. 1 minute ago, Aleeya said:

    Worst math ever, wrongly assuming the opinion of all viewers.
    This however is how statistics are born to be part of political discussions. 

    Don't feed the idiot Troll who ironically called me the Troll

    4 minutes ago, Bad News Bear said:

    Selling organic paste in polar region, pm me

    I do like this idea of having to trade resources, except the Land Claim grab week one has made it very unfair, what does the guy sitting on a 3 x 3 foundation spot of land have to trade with a Company that cheesed 28 islands in week one?

  15. 4 minutes ago, Apokh said:

    Okay to help you, for math seems not to be one of your strength: 90% of 770 agrees of 17.000 Views are 3% overall, who agree. In the real world "Most" means over 50%. 

    You dont need to thank. You are Welcome, Dude.

    Dude what point of STFU do you NOT GET? Your idea of keeping metal and paste in Stone was stupid,  Although this is NOT ARK, it is ARK there were not metals or pastes in Stone Structures except maybe gates, they had metal structures which is pretty much what have now done in ATLAS, Either rename Stone Structure in Atlas to Metal Structures OR rollback the change put 10 minutes work in and create a Metal Tree for Skills.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Apokh said:


    I dont care bout you thinking self-congratulations and insulting does rectify trolling and misbehavior. Ask Mr Trump... This is not your private playground, Dude. 

    dude STFU

    1 minute ago, Elric Melnibone said:

    My guess is the new crab gets metal, with it's ability to leap very high it should be a great way to climb up and hit nodes that are on the higher peaks in some islands.  The submarine gets Coral (under the water you can dive for it now and E it with your hands) which is a 1 to 3 coral to Org paste convert.  Sort of premature on the pull to make more expensive stone but the huge builds are lagging the servers already so I can't blame them.

    If you have no source of Org paste on your island try go for a swim.  Same thing with fiber...it's down there.

    As many have pointed out making stone more expensive and weaker all they are going do is increase building as people build more layers to defend, making stone cheaper and stronger would have been the fix not the total opposite.

    • Like 1

  17. On 1/24/2019 at 5:14 AM, Final Vegeta said:

    I have yet to meet a fellow sailor that eats and maintains their vitamins to survive. The vitamins are a great idea and keep the game in it's "realistic" standpoint but right now it is really really broken. Most players don't see the benefit of keeping their vitamins full and just run till death. Why bother eating when you can just respawn with full stats? We all know that the vitamin system could be great and here is how. 

    Vitamin A :"Vitamin A has multiple functions: it is important for growth and development, for the maintenance of the immune system and good vision." Therefore, I suggest that Vitamin A will affect the Melee Stat. 

    Vitamin B : "B vitamins are a class of water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism." Therefore, Vitamin B should affect the Stamina Stat.

    Vitamin C : "Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters." Therefore, Vitamin C should affect the Health Stat.

    Vitamin D : "Vitamin D has a significant role in calcium homeostasis and metabolism." Aka, bone strength. Therefore, Vitamin D should affect the Weight Stat. 

    The level of the vitamin should affect your stats either positive, negative, or neutral. Each stat above should be affected individually by the vitamins that they correspond to. I also believe you should not die from vitamin deficiency and no adverse effects should come from a vitamin being at 100%.

    • Greater or Equal to 75% = 10% Buff
    • 25% to 75% = No Buff
    • Less then or equal to 25% = -10% De-buff

    This will cause players to use certain foods for certain tasks and make the cooking skill, farming, and gathering consumables essential. Do you want to gather resources to build a galleon? Might want to stock up on Vitamin D and B based foods! Do you want to go explore the Golden age ruins or find the fountain of youth? Might want to get those Vitamin A and C heavy foods. 

    Overall I think this simple solution would fix the problem most people are having in this game surrounding the survival part of it. This will drive the player base to strive to stay alive and not get the de-buffs, work towards the buffs, and benefit the unused skills in the game.

    Let me know what you guys think! This is the best I can come up with and if anyone has any suggestions please post them so the devs can stop the chaos of constant death runs.


    I appreciate you trying to be helpful but the vitamins are just another item on a list of FAILS, I do try and maintain my vitamins to the point of equilibrium , yet nearly every time I get to the point of vitamin deficiency while still on 3/4 full stomach, so its easier to just suicide than muck around

  18. 1 hour ago, Apokh said:

    @Grapeshot : Just take a look at the crafting-costs. Make it like  half of the metal/ paste as it is now - maybe revert the saps thing and thats fair enough.

    I totally disagree by halving the metal and paste costs would suggest that the overall idea of stone containing metal and paste is a good one, when in fact it is a terrible idea, I say put it back how it was and work on getting a Metal Structure tree in place, how you are meant to instead of making half assed efforts.

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    • Thanks 1

  19. 42 minutes ago, Knivet said:

    They have stated they do play from time to time themself in the livestream, so they know

    You can bet if Devs play the game they spawn in everything they need, and if they DO NOT spawn everything and harvest it like we do then " STOP PLAYING GAMES AND GET BACK TO WORK FIXING THIS" no time to play games damn it.

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