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Posts posted by ljbendele

  1. All of you people are cancer with your 3000 page essays. If your gonna say something is good how it is just dont include it. just post the things you think can be approved.

    I went to take a shit and started reading this thread, my work sent out a missing person report because I havent made it back yet

  2. 2 hours ago, Samstag Freitagsson said:

    ha ha . yeah. They move on, because it gets boring to quick! look at the games, longest in buisness, PvE! sorry dude

    dude, please dont just make up facts that dont exist. pve and pvp both have thier place in gaming with thier respective playerbases. What i dont understand is when players read a description for a game like Atlas being open world pvp and then complain that it doesnt have enough pve for them. I consider myself a pvp player and understand even most pvp games have player progression gated behind some kind of pve elements. But it gets rediculous for pve players to start thinking they are entitled to whatever they want in pvp games. Atlas has some cool pve elements such as the building, be happy with that.

  3. so the new meta will be a mega coming in before war time and spam building to set up bases and rally points, beds anything that will help them remove the owner from the island. The only defense to that is the owner being able to demolish the structures. if the owner isnt good to the other inhabitants then when the island gets raided they will have noone to help defend.  Either you become a community or get wiped by megas. 

    to that regard atlas should allow one more alliance that every company that builds on an island is automaticaly joined into that islands alliance. if enemies build on the island without first taking it over they would lose the ability to capture the island , to attack

    the power of your fleet becomes your strength and focus when trying to attack an opposing island


  4. 13 hours ago, Samstag Freitagsson said:

    why not? only pve?

    because faction based pvp prevents you from killing incompetent leaders and retarded players when they piss you off. In group play I dont need protection, I am the protector. Rarely do i meet other players that dont quickly become annoying. Factions limit pvp and self policing of idiots. I love open world pvp, because it eliminates a lot of the issues you deal with  from the pve side. 

    someone tries to pillar spam you in pvp? you kill them take the claim and destroy the pillars. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose but at least you always have a solution.

    With factions one side is almost always dominating the other, then that side stops showing up which equals the end of the game.

    have everyone vs everyone and you always have drama, conflict and an eternal content generator.


    • Like 1

  5. thats why i never played ark, i liked the basic premise of a survival game but cant stand tech. Atlas being pirate themed was a perfect draw in, add in modernism and im no longer escaping from the modern world into a fantasy. 

    just my 2 cents but people usualy like fantasy or sci-fi not both in the same game

    • Like 4

  6. i was born that way, not going to change now. you would have to be blind to say that Atlas has not been listening to its playerbase since launch. I have never seen a more responsive group of developers patching practicaly daily in 20 plus years of gaming. The fixes they implement based on customer feedback may not be the solutions everyone wants but you can not deny that they have been listening and responding. 


    ill use fire arrows as an example, people cried fire was too strong, shortly thereafter fire arrows were nerfed to hell. 

    people complained stone was too impenatrable , thereafter stone was nerfed and explosives buffed making stone worthless. 


    players complained about stone being useless , it got a little buff. 

    if u read the forums u can tell whats coming next because the devs pretty much add whatever is being posted about. 

    and devs charging people to beta test thier games is the latest meta for game development. Other games just call them founders packs. 

    • Like 2

  7. This upcoming change seems common sense to me that it is not a good idea. Server tiles max out at 200 players currently and become lag fest when that many players in one grid. With proposed change and potential 40k players if entire server was maxed you would have people flocking to pvp hot zones and this would stop legit defenders of an island from even being able to get into their own grid or attackers.


    There is nothing wrong with making players actually sail to an island  for whatever reason.  With proposed change defenders could simply stop all attempts at claim by simply keep re-spawning to home server over and over again. 2-3 players could stop 150 because they don't need beds, just die, respawn ,rinse and repeat to stop enemy claims.  Random other guilds could also stop claims , just by resetting their home server and going to watch the pvp putting them in the contested island. 


    maybe the solution is that you can only change your home server 1x  a week or something like that


    in a pirate themed game their should be incentives for sailing.


    other suggestions:

    on your own home island get 100% buff

    sailed through  a server tile get 100% buff for 9 hours

    teleported in by use of changing home server tile = no buff


    giving those sailing and defending advantage over random zerg teleporters


    • Like 1

  8. show me anywhere official that the word Alpha was ever used when I paid for this game! Stop defining what early access means based on your subjective opinion that early access is same as alpha testing. Early access is not beta testing either.  Alpha testing is private while Beta testing starts moving into public realm (not always)

    whatever it is or how steam defines early access is irrelevant, even after a game launches a game can be wiped by devs if something pervasive enough happens that requires the game to be saved because of exploiting, dupes, whatever.

    When I paid for the game though regardless of alpha, beta , early access designation no where was there a disclaimer that said paid content could/would be wiped. 

    a hat for compensation is not enough. Allow us to save tames that would help us rebuild after wipe. That would at least be something practical and useful. 


  9. I understand the wipe, it makes sense. But I have no desire to log in anymore knowing that the pet I named and got attached to is going to be digitally murdered. It took me two days to tame her,  after I found an island with Giraffes. She was a perfect lvl 30, she had this amazing red coloring. I tamed her when there was no bonus, I did not have beets , I had to tame her 1% at a time. I spent 4-5 hours and through a server patch reset trying to tame her, defending her from Cobras, vultures , scorpions, ants and alpha creatures. 

    Yes I played this game for pvp, I don't even understand myself the attachment to this virtual animal but nevertheless I am attached.  During her taming I was cursing every failure, every step backwards, but when I succeeded it was such a sense of accomplishment , i screamed and celebrated in my home. 

    Wipe everything I have grapeshot, but please create some kind of tame token or some way of preserving our named animals. Thier's personal attachment here . My heart is broken knowing I am going to lose her.. 353A7B5B02A14D7E2C210B65C3FA257F0D1E4964

    • Like 5
    • Sad 1

  10. maybe so, but also have to remember most guilds dont put a boat harbor at every claim. 

    many ways to adjust for this, one lighthouse per guild allowed.


    or one per island forcing inhabitants of an island to work together.


    devs could work all that out. main point is giving lighthouses a useful function that reduces offline raiding being so easy.

  11. Lighthouse would give buffs to any ship in x range that reduces fire damage by 99% and explosive barrel damage by 99%. 

    one lighthouse allowed per land claim

    ship cannons could still damage ships  allowing any sinking of ships to be logged. 

    enemy players would have to destroy lighthouse first to be able to offline anchored ships with the buff. 


    this solution would make it take more effort and energy to offline raid ships without nerfing oil pots, barrels and grenades


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1

  12. all thats needed is to fix logs. right now if someone murders me it leaves a log of who did it. if they sink my ship with cannons it leaves a log of who did it. 

    if someone breaks my walls /doors- no log, if someone breaks planks on my ships using other means, - no log. all i need is a name of who to go after when i have been offlined and log back in. thats all i ask. I will make them regret touching me in my sleep! I will get an apology because i am persistent. I will search them out and take more from them than they took from me. but i need the name.

    its stupid for it to tell me my large box was broken but not by whom. 


    fix logging and it will facilitate and encourage more pvp. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  13. 10 minutes ago, Chucksteak said:

    1. That's a false statement.

    2. Its called a company, not a zerg, get with 2019 please.

    3. Jokes on you, your gunna farm anyways, perhaps more so if rebuilding is a daily quest you give yourself.

    The difference is, I dont log in daily asking the 300 people in said guild who took the wood i farmed the previous day. what I work for and earn is mine. when i accomplish something, there is real satisfaction to it. 

    Ive lost many ships (brigs) and had my bases broken into numerous times to steal my rss. i have 2 accounts, 1 i joined to a larger guild so i could get more pvp. by far the most satisfaction has come from playing my solo account. 


    as for my statement, its a quote from Benjamin Franklin. look it up before you call it false.


    all im saying is stop telling people who this game is for, its for anyone willing to pay 30$

    my best friend plays the game and his playstyle is to join the bigger guilds and play that way. ive watched him and his guilds get wiped multiple times and have to start over. i helped them rebuild by giving them some space on my claim. You can spout your broken theories all you want but from my experience playing the game there is nothing wrong playing solo

    • Like 1

  14. everyone needs to stop telling everyone else how to play the game. This is an open world sandbox where you can play however yoy want but accept the consequences of your choices. you want to zerg? do so but there will always be a bigger zerg that will wipe you anyway. Zerg? deal with more toxic people, insiders, guild leaders that quit or betray or make stupid incompetent decisions. 

    want to solo, do it, get wiped/stolen from until you get something built that others feel is too much effort or not enough intrest to want to take. 


    i prefer to play solo , when someone messes with me I infiltrate their base and fire arrow/oil pot thier ships, i break into thier bases because the idiots left windows to climb into and as long as i know who it was that offlined me i always get my revenge. it is harder for larger companies to defend against me then me from them because of my mentality. take all i have ill rebuild and destroy 100x what you took from me just by bringing kamikaze sloops from freeports. 

    stop crying about being solo players and man up or go play on pve server. 

    stop crying as a zerg about people you walked over offlining your ships and using guerilla tactics.

    evrryone stop telling others how to play, you paid your money for the game, play how you want and stop the crying.

  15. 1 hour ago, tuvok said:

    Hi Guys,

    i have a Problem .. a Ship in the Company was sunken .. on the Company Log we can only see this Information



    we have Spawn a Ship and we get also this Message, but we can not see who destroy the Ship... or is this a Bug?

    does anyone else have this problem either

    I got home after work yesterday to find my brig had been offlined sitting in my harbor outside my base in claimed territory. The logs showed 3 med planks had been removed/destroyed but did not say by who. I am fine with someone sinking my brig, but damn it there better be a log of who did it so i can add them to my mortal enemy kill list so i can track them down to the ends of the earth and return the favor. Same happened to a small base i had in lawless, somone took out my stone door and smashed my large box to steal my rss but again in the logs it tells me x was destroyed but not by who

  16. 7 minutes ago, Ellentro said:

    This isn't about big changes. Or small changes. This is about the fundamental difference between good changes, and bad changes.

    They just tied the only defensible structure type in the game to a resource 60% of the map has zero access to, while buffing explosives to such a degree that Stone is no longer a defensible structure type. 

    also a valid point, the power of and vs or. There are many good valid points in this thread. Mine are only to the failure to communicate the change beforehand. Its thier game, they can make whatever changes they want but at least please communicate them properly instead of sneaking it into a patch which is deceptive

  17. I will give another example of the poor communication I am talking about. When in game I constantly recieve pop up messeges stating a minor patch is upcoming that I will not have to log out for or restart. Every time the server boots us, requiring a restart of client.


    or when the announcement says update in 10 minutes and 3 hours later you have received 5 of those messeges with no update yet. In life your word is your bond, say what you mean and mean what you say. Its Integrity

  18. 2 hours ago, Nari said:

    EA launch and official release are two entirely separate things . Try not to confuse the two.

    I have been through multiple early access, it is not a beta. I paid for two accounts and I know what expectations are. Because I have been through multiple of these I know through experience what will kill this game vs allowing it to thrive and prosper. I have years of IT project management experience and understand the value of good communication. Expecting professionalism at any stage for a paid for product is reasonable, making excuses for bad judgement is not. 


    How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! People can stomach small changes a little at a time, too much change and the average person will freak out. Its basic human nature and maybe something a marketing specialist can explain better. 

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