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Posts posted by Caine

  1. 6 minutes ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    I feel like tames need to take more of a role like hunter pets in WoW. Still breedable/ridable mind you, but... more permanent, more personal, resurrectable. It would make the need too have hundreds of tames on PvP pointless, make getting wiped sting less, maps would be easier, you could summon them in dungeons.... it would be more in-line with other MMOs.

    Its just a good idea all around.

    Oh! No need to crowd ships with tames that fall off decks... shit. Its a solution to SOOO many problems.

    Losing high-tames is frustrating af. To summon and ressurect them through Beastmaster would be nice. So it's pretty worth to breed but also not necessary to breed thousands of tames. But it should've a very high CD to ressurect them. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, PeglegTheAngry said:

    If I had someone else besides myself dedicated to farming meat and salt, I'd be breeding out the wazoo too. But, like I said, Ive come to realize after not doing much of it this season it's not important, and frankly distracting. Its a good side-job or downtime activity to get, as I mentioned: moderate gains. I totally get it for dedicated breeding as a source of income or as part of a war effort.

    Again tho: this isn't Ark, it's Atlas lol. Our tames are just farm equipment and disposable fuzzy soldiers, not the name of the game like they are in Ark.

    It's just like pokémon. People like things like that, me too. It's part of Atlas and I think it's important for most of the people. In PvP they are necessary for land pvp and in PvE for farming and trading. It will always be a big part of the game but I do not disagree that Atlas needs a fix for the sea-feature. Atlas is pretty boring actually when it comes to pirate/sea stuff. The content in its current form is too small. You shouldn't take tames and breeding away from the people but the Devs need to make things more attractive like using your ship or make PvP less pain in the ass and more interesting to do it on sea. 

  3. See, I think breeding is in a pretty good spot. Ofc you will need some time to figure things out but it's possible to build a breedingstation for many tames where the temperature is always perfect, so you don't need to do something than feeding and farming food. 


    Just imprinting is the biggest problem. Is it necessary? Ofc not. Should it be hard? Maybe. Imprinting is something that need to change. Rest of the breeding is fine. 

  4. So in the past days, we tried to tame some sweet Razors. The problem we found with 2 of them is that we couldn´t give them food after we used the bola. There was the following text:

    Put meat in your last item slot.

    We were confused about that and so we tried every single food/meat that is possible to use. Not a single one worked. In the end we had to kill it. This happened two times now with a level 26 and 27 Razor. It´s pretty frustrating to lose some good tames through that bug. Please take a closer look at this aswell.

  5. I think the blueprints should atleast have a minimum % stat when it comes to the drop itself.


    For example cannons:


    Fine medium cannon = 110%

    Legendary medium cannon = 160%


    It´s pretty frustrating to see some high lvl ships that drop a legendary blueprint which is beyond useless cause it has legendary medium cannons with 120% damage (lol).


    Spawnrate of high-lvl ships can be less high but it should give us a reward to kill it.

  6. So, I think that the whole Imprint-system needs a little fix. Every 8h to be online and imprint your animal is not healthy for the reallife of a normal working person.


    I´m fine with the Imprint-system when more than one person of your company can imprint the babys but actually it´s a pain in the ass to do it. I can live with the fact that I have to take more time for my babys in their first steps but imprint every 8h and only the same person is not cool.


    What are your opinions?

  7. Hello, 


    I am looking for breedable Razortooths Level 25+.

    I will pay in gold or resources and we will trade fairly in freeport. The amount of gold or resources depends on the stats and level of your animal but I can promise that I will honor our trade with a good deal. 


    When you are interested, you can contact me in Discord:  [MDS] Caine#6291

  8. like to play with other player.

    I´m really enjoy Atlas, but most of the people seems not. We have 380 player in Eu-PvP and I need to say:

    I´m feeling alone.

    I don´t like to play in big tribes anymore. So what can I do now? Actually, I play in Polar with a friend, but 3-5 people would be great. I like to play with germans and english speaking people, but still:

    There is no one left.

    What do you think about this situation in Atlas?

  9. 28 minutes ago, Talono said:

    Well, i hope you slaves enjoy the island life at 50% tax without the possibility to build weapons and under permanent risk to be destroyed by your slaver without any possibility to defend yourself.

    You are born for the colony server, thats for sure 😛

    The crybaby again. Get a life and stop troll the internet.

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