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About tonto1992

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  1. You can put a flag on top of the junk sail skins. It's *very* touchy, but I was able to place flags on all three of my large junk sails. You have to get it just right.
  2. I have been able to place the custom painted flags on my masts (and hull where I sometimes follow maritime flag protocol), and while I often paint a national ensign, or personal signal, I would like to suggest either craftable and/or cosmetic pennants to fly atop our masts? Maybe akin to a longer commissioning pennant, or maybe a swallowtail or triangular pennant? examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennant_(commissioning) also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennon
  3. Please see: https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/25416-cstg-bug-abusinghacking/ So basically, when a Company at max capacity (500) tries to invite a player, it crashes that player's client. I would view this bug as critical, since it leads to exploits and griefing.
  4. Replicate: The consensus is that this is a bug relating to trying to invite someone to a tribe that is max (500 members). Sending an invite to someone from a max full tribe will crash their client. So unfortunately until this gets fixed, the large clans have this advantage.
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