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About Nightdagger

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  1. I've only been playing for a few days, but I'm already living in fear of griefers deciding to sink my sloop just for a chance to loot it, and the fact that I really can't do anything to stop them. Right now, even in PvE, a player can quite easily sink anything they want by just dropping enough weight onto the deck. Load up a bunch of rocks, sit on the deck of the ship, kill yourself, repeat until sunk. Even worse if they can get at a smithy or some other unlocked container and just load that full of junk. But, I see a simple solution: Make it so that anchored ships can't sink due to weight. It'd prevent griefers from sinking your boats while you're offline or away because if it can't sink due to weight while anchored and they can't weigh anchor on it, they can't hurt it. It'd give players the ability to check their ship's weight before weighing anchor and ditch cargo if they notice someone's loaded their ship to overburdened in their absence. And there's really no downside to it, other than players being able to use sloops as offshore storage vessels and store as much stuff as they want by just keeping the ship anchored. Something needs to be done, and this seems like it would be a simple but effective way to make it entirely impossible for griefers to sink and subsequently loot undefended player ships, which should not be allowed to happen in a PvE environment.
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