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Posts posted by darkmeadow

  1. A Suggestion regarding building ships that would create much depth without too much effort would be:

    Variants for each type of ships with different ammount of planks/decks as findable blueprints only either by hunting sotd squads or treasure hunting. Each Blueprint allows you to build the Ship one Time only.


    Schooner with less depth to sail into shallow water (maybe with less gunports)

    Brig/schooner with an adittional Gunport/plank slot (so a longer variant)

    Brigs/Schooner with a Captains Deck (additional Deck for captains cabins maybe combined with windows out the back)

    Brigs with additional Bow Deck

    Brigs/Schoner/Galleons with Aft and/or Bowchaser Gunports

    Sloops with an adittional Plank (longer variant)

    Sloop with wider and/or deeper hull to walk below deck)

    This would do two things:

    You are able to customize ships more

    and you have additional motivation to go out and find stuff. (in my opinion bettter than chasing quality shipyards to build stronger ships)



  2. 7 hours ago, Delnis of Ashai said:

    I can make you happy. At the steering wheel, you can choose groups of cannons and then press and hold for a 3 sec 'N' button. This make crew unseats all selected groups of cannons. Remember! When crew unseats cannons they become aggressive! So press and hold 'T' for 'whistle to passive'. Moreover to seat them back press 'right shift' button (no need to hold).  But sometimes it's glitchy... And the best way to use this when the ship is anchored or fully anchored. When it doesn't work I hold 'H' button and press and hold 'N' or press 'right shift'.

    Wish a tailwind, gentlemen 🙂

    def good to know i just hope they make it a less clunky and reliable

  3. 1 hour ago, Geminia_Sierra said:

    which ini setting? for the vendor or the company?

    I also agree with this. Single Player should be basically the same as MP, except without all the pillar spamming.

    the  bClampHomeServerXP=False  to disable the lvl cap on freeport regions

  4. On 7/6/2019 at 4:33 AM, Mahnogard said:

    You can already do #4 yourself by putting bClampHomeServerXP=False in the game.ini file. 

    I would like to add:

    Commodities vendor in Freeport

    Ability to create a company for the purpose of accessing the log. 

    i forgot about the ini setting there yes but being able to turn it of in the ui or having it off per default would be better

    yea creating a company would definitive help as well

  5. I thought it would be a good idea to start with a singleplayer threat.


    the few things that i would like to see in single player:


    1. Option to select your home server like you do in multiplayer

    2. option to enable claim flags in the UI (i know it is functionally not needed but keeps it consistent compared to Multiplayer)

    3. A dedicated Single player map where every island only occurs once in the map and freeport server don't have 4 times the same island

    4. removing the leveling restrictions of freeport server EDIT:

    On 7/6/2019 at 4:33 AM, Mahnogard said:

    [...]bClampHomeServerXP=False in the game.ini file.


    EDIT: 5. reduce Ship of the damned squad size slightly

    Feel free to add your own suggestions


  6. Docile Animals

    overall have docile animals that are there mostly for providing food easier breed while tamed.


    Breeding/ egg laying:

    Have structures for chicken to breed and lay eggs into, if a box is present the chicken try to lay there eggs into the boxes and depending on the type of box either breed fertilized eggs or lay them into a storage box:

    • Breeding Box for chicken to breed eggs raise and feed children (as long a filled feeding trough is available), if a box is nearby they automatically try to inhabit it to raise the children. (usage culling for meat and eggs)
    • Egg Box for chicken to lay there eggs into and collect it automatically into its inventory



    generally the same as for chicken:


    • Breeding Box to automatically raise and feed children as long as a feeding through is filled with vegetables, when gestating rabbids are near a breading box they try to inhabit it to raise there children automatically (usage: culling for meat)



    • breeding stable to put in gestating cows in  where it will raise the calfes on their own. cows have to be put in the stable manually




    • breeding stable to put in gestating sheep to raise children on their own. again for meat and wool to gather


    Wild Animals


    Nerf Stick:

    Bears at the moment feel too strong and versatile, they are good combat mounts, gatherer are pretty fast and carry a lot

    • Reduce the top speed to be below a wolf/lion/tiger but still faster or equal to than a human players


    • Terretorial behaviour: make bears behaviour more defensive against players, so when a player comes within maybe half the aggro range the bear grunts and stands on two legs allerting the player that he is in potential danger, and attack the players either when they move  in closer after the warning or attacks the bear.



    Buff Stick:

    I dont want to see the wolves back to their "former glory" but i think at the moment they are a bit to weak:

    • Wolf Pack passive: when wolves are in a pack of at least 3 or more they all get a defensive bonus and take less damage. so attacking a pack is more dangerous


    • Terretorial behaviour:
      Similar to the Bear behaviour: defensive against players, so when a player comes within maybe half the aggro range the wolves howl and grnarl allerting the player that he is in potential danger, and attack the players either when they move in closer by a considrable ammount after the warning or attacks the one wolf nearby.
    • Aggresive againts docile animal: the wolves attack pigs, horses, cows and smaller pray (chicken, rabbids, etc.) with the normal aggro range


    Giant Pig


    • Terretorial behaviour: Pigs to have a verry small warning range meaning you need to get really close before they start grunting and turning towards and have a chance to run away.



    Buff Stick:

    Lions are not very good player mounts at the moment for my taste they can't carry enought to compensate for their speed and the tier 3 requirement always makes me feel like its not worth it and id rather take out a bear for every part i would take out a lion

    • Add grapple skill for tamed lions to pin down small and medium creatures
    • increase weight to mach the average of human carry weight cap
    • maybe reduce requirement for tier 3 riding to tier 2 equal to wolves and bears


    Only thing to say for the elephant is: Gates that are just high and broad enough to fit a elephant



    • Like 1

  7. On 1/24/2019 at 2:08 AM, Gryphorim said:

    The problem there is that a 45 degree wall would have to be nearly half again as long as a normal wall. Meaning they'd need to make new meshes and textures, or have stretched textures for these walls. 

    i don*t see it as a huge problem to just make a new mesh for 45 degree angled walls and it fits with the generell idea that wall,

    floor and ceiling costs are equal no matter what shape

    On 2/15/2019 at 11:08 PM, wildbill said:

    Ya, typically that is what at first you would expect. There were lots of videos for ARK explaining why the current equilateral triangle shape with the 60 degrees and how to work with them.

    I'll give one reason not 45 degree. A 45 degree triangle does not have sides of equal lengths. So some sides would not be the right length to snap a wall to. What would you want a side with no wall for?

    walls can be streached as well for 45 degree angles since its already contextual for the ships its no real difference

  8. I would like to see claim flag savety timer reduced per flag placed,

    we have a single player with 49 claim flags and all he has to to is to run arround the island every 19+  days wich is absurd

    additionally i would love to see a adittional reduction of the savety period if you tax more than 15 % so people who want to

    profit from having a lot of claims to tax resources have to commit to it.

  9. On 1/23/2019 at 11:23 PM, magnisknight said:

    Different  ship styles would be cool maybe base the designs on different cultures, Polynesian, middle east ,ancient Greek, Asian  and viking .these cultures all have a wide variety of vessel designs of different sizes and capabilities a history of piracy it would spice sea warfare up  and give lots of options for players 

    i also thought of having different designs of the base ship class, that you can maybe get from sotd shipswrecks or so, with different deck layout  more/less planks on one deck to fit for different playstyles

  10. Edit:  TLDR: make survival intresting less frequent/grindy and don't let Death be the answer to "survival" problems

    I would suggest to have the depth to survival to keep it interesting, but reduce the frequency on which we have to take care of stuff.

    so for example: reduce the vitamin depletion, rework the debuffs so they don't kill anymore but rather give each a stat debuff and keep debuffs through deaths so you can't chese it by simply killing your character.

    Similar with hunger and food:

    • reduce depletion rates
    • damage player slower
    • but keep hunger and food rates throughout death

  11. they should just reduce the savety period by a fixed amount for each flag put on land, meaning if you have not the manpower and means to contest your flags you should not have it.

    this will at least reduce the number of small companies claiming the whole island to just leech from everybody, because they don't only need to run arround the island once every 3 days but have to be actively involved in defending it

  12. I feel instead of having the fountain at fixed location every character should go through a treasure hunt on a random nearby island. that changes every time the character finds it.

    and vary the stuff the character has to do to get to it:

    • tresure Hunt
    • Sod Sinking
    • Puzzle solving

    so the hunting is more intresting and can be done everytime the character is online, and you don't have to plan when to go to the fountain also no server overload since the fountain you have to go to only is for you specifically and can be everywhere on a grid "nearby"

    Edit: and let other players that where there for the hunt use the fountain as well if they want so crews don't have to make 5 tresure hunts in a row just to get all 90 year old young again

    • Like 2

  13. On 1/21/2019 at 2:06 PM, microphobe said:

    didn't happen for ark, unlikely it would happen for atlas, they may wipe the islands but they won't likely erase the characters. They will probably open a new server or two if the population is high enough at launch.

    Yes I am aware this is an alpha, yes I know other are glitches, crashes and rollbacks. Even major changes to what characters can do, they can wipe whole skill trees out of the game. These things do happen due to or by accident. However in most games the players will tolerate the loss of things like gear or boats etc. Because those are "things", you will lament your lost armour that you had dyed or the ship you had for a long time. But losing the actual character will often sever the players attachment to the game as their "sunk cost" tether is gone.

    This is why they will usually do everything they can to preserve a character.

    It kinda did happen for Ark, where Servers went to legacy server not connected to the same hub as newer ones meaning you could only play on legacy server.

    besides ark has a completely different Server structure, while ark had lots of the same servers atlas is more like one big server where data persists between servers and you can not make some server legacy and some new.

    And i don't want a wipe of my character either, i just suggest if they want to wipe the characters they should make a Event out of it and reward the players fulfilling the event with faster lvling

  14. For most players Server Wiping is a deviding toppic with some wanting a wipe to have a fresh start and other wanting to keep Spheres of influence and bases like they are.

    I don't really lean on any side of it  and have some suggestions for a compromise, in beeing able to make changes to maps, characters and ships, to existing Server while largely maintaining Speres of influence / balance of power:


    Rolling Server Wipes:

    Instead of Wiping the whole network completely i would suggest having rolling wipes only affecting those grids wich are actually affected by changes with one to two weeks warning that the grid will wipe Through:

    • special "magic storms" occuring in this sector (maybe with its frequency and strength increasing the closer it gets to the wipe)
    • border walls to the sector having a diffent collor (maybe a darker purple-ish hue) to indicate this part of the map is "unstable"
    • (optionally) Welcome message when you log into the server
    • through forum posts and twitter announcing the changes.

    This can let us players keep our characters an everything we hold dear, given It is not your base and you have the cargo capacity to carry it, while you can make changes to The Map.
    It could even be applied if you want to get rid of all buildings where you make a staggered wipe within one or two weeks.


    End Of The World:

    To give some sort of reason for player characters beeing able to "survive" the Map Wipe i would suggest having a end of the world event where large ammount of army of the damned and or stronger variations are attacking players and player structures in waves over the course of 20 to 30 minutes, and Ships of the Damned have increased spawn rates and more Hit Points so the impose a bigger chalange for people coming into the server.

     idea of it beeing a big battle where the players ultimatively loose but may be able to sneak away with some sort of special loot (or even temporary bonuses for harvesting), while risking the ships they decide to take into the server


    End of an Era:

    Similar to the Map wipe this will be a Event to induce a lore friendly way of wiping all existing characters (be it for balance reasons or changes on cosmetic limitations for characters)

    The event can betriggered for:

    • Wiping Character Models while keeping progression
    • wiping Character Progression while keeping Visuals
    • Wiping both.

    Once The Event has Started Characters Ages in a much faster rate giving them only one or two weeks to finish their business on this era.

    The fountain of Youth will not set the characters age back to 20, but will ensure the characters Rebirth depending on the type of wipe:

    • Visual Wipe: the player can recreate the character with all skills/stats he invested
    • Progression Wipe: The Caracter will respawn at level 1 with the same apearance, but gets a xp bonus for a few Days for beeing able to survive the old Era and to incentivice to keep playing through wipes
    • Complete Wipe: The Player has to make a new character but also gets the xp bonus for a few days.

    Dark Age of Sails:

    Last but not least would be the event for wiping all ships.

    The event can be triggered to make big changes on ship tiers.

    This could be a massive Naval battle across all servers over the course of one or two days where massive ammounts of Ship of the damned maybe including Flagships of the damned occur and more actively hunt playerships. while dealing more damage to ships, or even encorporate the rapid fireing SoDs 😄

    Players could get some special loot (cosmetic ship upgrades, or magical infused items etc) when they are able to sink Flagships, or with a significant lower chance normal ships (based on its tier)

    after the Naval battle Army of the damned spawn arround each ship, board it and set big explosives that destroy the ship to let the remaining ships sink to the bottom of the sea or harbor ground.

    After this Event i would suggest a 2 times or 3 times resource event to get people up and running again.


    As addition also give the options for those wipes to Private servers to give them a easier way to maintain the servers including the option for having server seasons (for roleplayservers or hardcore pvp comunities)

    if anyone has thoughts about it  or additional suggestion about this topic feel free to post it^^


  15. I am kind of on the fence if airships should be included into the game for two reasons:

    1. Game Balance:

    1. Cannon gun depression.
    2. Cannon Gun depression.
    3. Projectiles always fall down.
    4. Cannon gun depression

    Ok now Jokes asside there are mayor balance issues on how to fight an airship especially when it is able to carry any cannon, since you can potentially shell any enemy base and or ship without them beeing able to return fire with any guns larger than the carbine and on your base beein lucky they come within mortar range.

    This could open so much potential for a phenomen known in ark as "alpha tribes" steamrolling an entire server, only with the added benefit that they can switch to another grid faster and with less trouble as they ever could in ark.

    So what are the options to avoid it:

    • having the Airship not be able to carry any cannons:
      • This would make the airship unatractive to a lot of pvp focues companies because the the use of them is then limited to
        save transportation of goods and boarding raids on ships below
    • having the Airship take damage from pistols and carbines so that a (smaller) group can defend against it with enough damage both on land and Sea
      • This will cause offline raids where one or two people will shoot down the airship with enought time and bullets
    • Reducing the speed of the ship so it can not keep up with any ship and most sail combinations, given it sails with the wind, and ensuring that shells from the airship have the same or less reach than mortars fireing into the sky (so effectively half the mortar range)
    • Ability to build Anti Air cannons (kinda not what i want to see either in vanilla atlas)

    2. Muh immersion:

    Yes i know, i know, it is written into the lore of atlas, but for me full on airships feel a bit out of place for the period and overall feeling of the game.


    Other Options:

    Since i only talked about full on steam-punk or shall we call it "Alchemic-punk"? Airships with motors there are a few other options wich would be an easier fit in my opinion:

    • Hot Air baloons following the course of the wind with the ability to only directly controll the height
    • Gliding planes made out of wood and paper/sailcloth (either getting height by beeing dragged by ships or shot into the air by a balista type design) and maybe able to keep height by using the pilots stamina to turn a treadmill
    • Small magic infused let call them "air-dinghies" able to fit a small crew and only a little bit of weight


    if anyone has thoughts about it  or additional suggestion about this topic feelfree to post it^^

  16. On 1/4/2019 at 12:17 PM, xool said:

    Hi there,

    " Sailing against the wind now provides 30% of with-the-wind sailforce, as opposed to 0%. "

    Revert this, please, sailing is easy enough already.

    in my opinion it didn't make sailing more easier or difficult since you can't break by simply turning the sails out of the wind and stopping instantly.

    It just reduces downtime a bit because you don't need to either wait for the wind to turn or wiggle into your harbor when the wind isn't in your direction. and you don't get away from sods with 30% anyways.

    The 30% might be a bit too high so they could reduce it to 15 to 20 % but its not that big of a deal

  17. I hope they won't be so promenant as to have full air ships with huge crew. at least not on the vanilla atlas, i would prefer it to maybe have some small bits (maybe som early steam powered stationary mashines) and some early experimental mashines and have a own server griod for the more steampunky advanced content.

  18. On 1/16/2019 at 8:22 PM, Bolognapwny said:

    And I am suggesting dropping taming it doesnt fit in the game... I understand some people like it... but oh well you want to tame friends that you can talk to... go play ark or make it a mod on a private server.

    The thing with tames is that they are mostly optional and you don't need to deal with it.

    Not in pve not in pvp. And if your enemy in pvp has some, well then the good ol fire arrow makes good bbq out of them.

    It is just more content for people to do so why on earth would you drop it? I don't want another Sea of Thieves just with longer times to get your ship up again.

    • Like 1

  19. for the permission to come abboard:

    i would maybe go another way in that:

    • crew capacity is not in effect while anchored (or additionally while no player of the faction is online on the grid) so that people can not sink anhored ships (or ofline raid ships)
    • option to kick players overboard (maybe combined with restaining so he can't grapple back onto it)
    • Like 1

  20. i believe they should strongly nerf the levels of alphas and how their damage scales:

    I had a wolf pack of 6  wolves, all arround lvl 53 with 600+ hp and lost half of it to an alpha lion that grabbed me from the bear in front instant killed me directly next to the base and chewed half way through the pack until i was able to respawn and lead the pack into the deep water within 30 ish seconds

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