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Posts posted by Visual

  1. Placing the icons is easy once you know how.

    First of all you need a couple of things, the size of your total grid and the size of each cell.

    In the map editor, Project > Edit and you will see this


    Now we multiply X with cellsize and Y with cell size, that gives us GridX=9800000 and GridY=9800000

    Next we find where we want the icon, simply hover over where you want it and in the top right of the editor you will see the X & Y location of your cursor


    Now it's just a bit of math to place the icons. X \ GridX and Y \ GridY so we get X:0.50164‬ and Y:‭0.20642‬ place those into your quest and your icons will be exactly where you mouse was.

  2. Agree. Our raid windows on unofficial are 3 hours and after weeks players find it hard to continue every single day defending their islands. I think PvE weekdays and PvP weekends would work out well but hell if I'm adjusting settings twice a week on a full grid just to set that up for my players, that's why I made SvS. Our Ship vs Ship zones have made it easy for PvP players to relax and play the game at their leisure, while also being nice for PvE players being able to participate in ship combat and not having to worry about being raided.

  3. Redis Failed To Connect! Check that it's running and connectable from here or edit ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json if this is incorrect. URL= EX="connect() failure"

    That's your error. It is not able to connect to Redis therefore it can not start the server. Is Redis running? Have you configured it correctly?

    It also looks like you're having an error with Visual C++ try downloading and installing from here: https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/visual_c_redistributable_runtimes_aio_repack.html

  4. It sounds like your redis and saved worlds were out of sync when you restored them resulting in the forced character creation

    If you're getting a message in your startup batch file along the lines of "Server LastSharedLogLineProcessed (number) is higher than the database log:ct (number), invalid state" then your saved worlds and the redis are not synced up correctly. Usually means the saved world files are farther ahead than the redis.

    If you're not able to fix it by rolling back the world save even farther then you're pretty much just left with the option of starting over. Considering you only played for a few hours not much would be lost anyway and I'd recommend just starting fresh.

    You should also not be restarting redis for any reason, it's likely this is what caused the issue if it didn't close correctly.

    Did you fix your treasure map issue? Because there's a lot of reasons for why the blank maps occur

  5. 24 minutes ago, Talono said:

    Very nice stuff that i cant use as a solo player. No sub, no torpedoes, no quest for me.

    Not sure if it is meaningful to continue playing when all new stuff is megatribe only.

    Are you actually complaining about being solo? Join a bloody company if it's too hard for you to do solo. It's 100% doable as a solo, sure it takes longer but it is not harder by any means.

  6. "For these, if non-zero they will scale-limit how many 'island points' a company is allowed to claim with claimflags. In non-settlement "Empires" mode that is simply the total number of claim flags."

    It literally says right there how the settings work. Just raise the numbers for empires mode to the amount of claim flags you wish a company to have?.


    // How many of points a solo player will have

    // Minimum amount of members in a company (not sure exactly what it affects)

     // Amount of members a company needs to have to reach the max amount of points possible (CompanyMaxIslandPointsAmounts)

    // Minimum amount points a company can have

    // Maximum amount of points a company can have (if enough members as set in CompanyMaxIslandPointsPlayers)

    Replace points with flags and I assume that's how empires mode works?

  7. OverPowered is an established Atlas community that just expanded to a 6 x 6 grid.  Interested in owning your own private island?  Want to avoid grinding for resources?  Want to belong to a fun and stable community that has an experienced Admin Team?  Come and experience the pirate life!

    Server Info:

    Discord: https://discord.gg/mtb3uN2
    Server Name: Wipe2/16-OverPowered-6x6-PvPvE-ORP-Quests-Mods-Plugins
    Steam Direct Connect;
    PvE: steam://connect/
    PvP: steam://connect/
    Vote for the Server: https://atlasserverlist.com/server/23449239/vote Earn points by voting for the server and claiming your vote in game.
    Mods List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1643494061
    OP Shop: http://overpoweredatlas.tebex.io/ Earn points during game play and from voting for the Server to spend in the shop.  Donations are welcome.  Purchase your own private island here.
    Live Map:

    We have 3 zones on our map now. PvE (A, B), PvP Low Risk (C, F), PvP High Risk (D, E). 

    Global Rates;
    Experience: 25x
    Taming Speed: 25x
    Mating Interval: 25x
    Egg Hatching: 25x
    Baby Maturation: 1x (to allow for imprinting until the devs fix it)
    Imprinting: 2x
    Boosted both player and tamed stats.
    150 player levels total without discoveries.
    Structure placement collision has been turned off, this allows you to build more freely.
    Forced structure locking to prevent stealing in PvE zones.
    Vastly increased resource respawn speed.

    PvE Rates;
    Harvest: 20x
    Max Wild: 30

    PvP Low Risk Rates;
    Harvest: 25x
    Max Wild: 45
    ORP: 30 Minutes
    Higher quality treasure & floatsam
    Harder ships of the damned

    PvP High Risk Rates;
    Harvest: 30x
    Max Wild: 60
    ORP: 60 Minutes
    Even higher quality treasure & floatsam
    Even harder ships of the damned

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