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Not Happy

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Posts posted by Not Happy

  1. Just now, JohnM81 said:

    I understand how coming up with your own jokes are hard being >4 words and you end up contradicting yourself. But alas Bill Engvall can't save you here. 


     Contemplates how accuracy is further proved by subject missing that reference point was intended and required. Laughs wrly to himself and at him.

  2. 8 minutes ago, JohnM81 said:


    And here I thought you moved on... Dare I say you did it again... And you did so well with the four word posts. I think you should stick with that!


    Contemplates how he can dare do whatever he wants, sign merely reminds why he does.

  3. 1 minute ago, boomervoncannon said:

    I would more than happily pay a sub fee for ingame support *provided* that ingame support was guaranteed to meet certain measurables ie ticket time responses, issue resolution windows etc. Ark has had times when response to official tickets took up to six weeks. That is not support I'm willing to pay for. Same day response  with 72 hour resolution in most cases? Sure, I'd fork out for that. Then again, I've always been the sort of gamer that considered people complaining about 15 bucks a month for a game they were sinking more than 50 hours a month into absurd because I do this crazy thing where I compare the cost of my online gaming entertainment per hour to the cost of other forms of entertainment, like going to the movies or taking my girl out. Online gaming is insanely cheap in this light btw.


    Pretty much on the same page. If they had a small tribes + Small alliances server (I don't know, something around 10-20 players max per tribe with a tame and ship limit inline with that and like 3 max Tribes in an alliance), with less pop then is currently on live (I would like to feel there are uncharted regions for me to explore) then I'd fork out for that. As it stans I think the only thing that'll keep me playing is the ability to run a full map dedicated setup (a guy rekons he has achieved this on his own rig with 9 max servers up at any time and with dynamic loading of surrounding zones as you travel) or to make/join an unofficial server that contains the whole map and has a decent bunch of people playing on it.

  4. Just now, JohnM81 said:

    Grats! When you limit your posts to four words you don't contradict yourself. 

    I call that Progress!


    Equates being called a fool for holding a foolish opinion, which they offered up in a discussion forum, to spamming the n word on global chat.


    Sign confirmed as 100% accurate.

  5. Just now, MaxPower said:

    Yeah I'd actually change my original list to include the weight exploit.

    Hadn't been hit by it yet but someone sank our Schooner last night in PvE while we were offline. Its complete BS and should have been a priority, immediate fix. There is no excuse for such a nasty exploit to linger for days when a short term fix is so easy (weight doesn't sink ships, only stops them from moving) and it has pretty much brought our playing to a halt. We have a Brig and what was suppose to be a backup Schooner almost ready to go but I won't launch them until this is fixed, which means we're pretty much not playing. 


    Exactly, frankly I run around for hours doing all the boring stuff so when my time challenged friends log on they can do something at least semi fun.


    Despite my best efforts, all that can be ruined in a couple of minutes in what should have been a safe port by game design.

  6. 1: Weight bug: Frankly while not making the game unplayable for me, it is for my friends with limited playtime. I would consider this a real priority issue to fix and should happen within days of it being known about, this has failed to happen. Addtionally lack of any form of punishment for those exploiting these and other bugs. A few 2 month bans being spread about would do much to alleviate the problem happening before a fix is in. No way to even report this.

    2: Catering to differant playstyles: I have a job, I don't need another thanks. I shouldn't have to join some mega tribe in this game in order to play on a PvP server. Even if they are likely to have me, I want to play with my mates. They are unlikely to want people with very limited playtime and my friends are not likely to be wanting to follow some megatribes agenda when they are on. Summary words: Small tribe + Small alliance servers, dedicated server support/co-op mode, ability to have effective offline protection for your base/harbor wether that be in the form of access to improved auto defenses, vulnerability hours or some combination.

    3: General community: Generally it's not like it used to be (straightens rose tinted specs... but really, there wasn't quite so many bellends around before), I have thick skin but it's not about that... it's more I don't hang around a bunch of twats. The twatometre on this game buries the needle. Clean your flipping house.

    4: An added one is the claim system, people can claim far, far, far too much land. A solo player should be able to claim enough land to make a small base on and tribes would get that times the total number of players with diminishing returns, as the bigger you get the less actual space you need. Perhaps have differant type of claim flags, primary which has a hell of a long takeover time, and secondary which is easier to take. Primary for your base building spot, secondary for securing some (but not too much) resources.

    Tech issues I can handle at the moment: lag, server instability, bugs with skills that make them unusable. It's early access after all, I only expect exploitable bugs that can be used to grief people out of the game to be fixed with the upmost priority. Frankly I'd rather they took the servers down with the few of the current exploits and just went "fook you it's EA you knew what you signed up for, it'll be up again when we've fixed that shiz" then let people abuse those exploits to their profit and others loss with no consequence.

    Lack of content I can handle at the moment, it's in EA and that will come.

  7. 26 minutes ago, JohnM81 said:

    Just kidding I am not a fragile millennial snow flake, that can only survive in soft padded safe environments where the ignorant  words of bad people can't hurt my delicate ego....


    It's not about being triggered you bloody fool, it's about what is acceptable behavour in an online game. We get into an argument and you start sending me abuse, then that's fine, I should have an ignore function of course but I don't feel there is any need for any other intervention.

    You name your character after a racial slur (or your ship etc), run around the zone screaming obscenties through your mic, spam global with the N word (or similar) then yes of course you should be hit hard with the banhammer. How is this even a descussion.

    Here's your sign.

  8. 58 minutes ago, ydddddd0000 said:

    Sure as you say. CSTG's leader is quite angry to release the demon when his flagship was nearly  sunk by a suicide bug user.

    Just out of interest without saying I have an opinion one way or the other.

    What do you feel is the justification for playing on a server that is designed to service another region? Same question to anybody else playing on a server outside the region it is designed to service.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Scorpionshawn said:


    And I'll let you sit there talking stupid nonsense like the halfwit you are. There is nothing that you know that you could ever possibly share with me that would be of any use, whatsoever. Even your insults are weaksauce *yawn*.

  10. 1 minute ago, MattOfSmith said:

    Not to mention that, like he said, freedom of speech only covers overly offense stuff to "convey political messages", which is very much not the case here. Also, while playing an online game, you are more or less in their business. If they don't want you using racist terms in it, and you use them, guess what? They have the right to kick you out.

    It's one of those situtations where frankly there is so much wrong and dumb that you don't know where to start.

    I think you got the main thrust there though. If they want to put in their TOS that you can't say "pilchard" they can pretty much do so.

  11. 1 minute ago, Scorpionshawn said:


    Freedom of speech includes the right: 

    • To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages.
      Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).


    You don't understand the concept freedom of speech let alone any legalities.

    Also, this is an international game numpty with EU regional servers. Your consitution isn't even applicable to the NA servers which includes ALL of NA and not just the USA.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Realist said:

    And I would be inclined to agree, I just know that flooding twitter and jats email would be a lot more efficient.

    if I was willing to agree that they might come on here sometimes, that pales in comparison to the multiple times a day they check their email and check their twitter

    I think you somewhat overestimate Twitter and Email and underestimate forum posts.

    That being said I feel they are aware of these issues (exploits, offensive behavour) anyway, but dealing with them is on the backburner. Exploit fixes often going unmentioned in upcoming patch notes for obvious reasons, but any feedback adds fuel to the fire of urgency or prioritization of these issues.

    Also helps the chance there will be some sort of official response wherever that should come.

    Personally I'd like to know if they do plan on doing something about the aforementioned offensive behavour, I'm not going to waste my time hanging around with or rather even near a bunch of pillocks who think it is fun to yell the N word as some sort of meme joke. It's not funny, it's not clever, it isn't even trolling, it's just being a prat.

    • Like 1

  13. 1 minute ago, Realist said:

    I think a lot of people that have been victims of cheaters that posted before him would be pretty mad if he got supported before them. Actually that would be completely unethical.

    but we all know wildcard is a very unethical company but if they were a proper company they would start out by helping the first report and then moving down the list.

    Don't get me wrong, that's not what I am saying. I'm not talking about a direct response to a single player.

    I am saying that a whole forum lit up with players complaining/quiting due to exploits cheating can add a certain level of expediency to a companies actions.

  14. 1 minute ago, Bonedancer said:

    What are you a girl? If you get your little feelings hurt that easy dude, you shouldn't be playing games like Ark/Atlas. I mean, if you don't want to deal with things like this, I'd normally suggest hopping on over to the PvP server, knock him out and jail him for weeks. But being as you can't stand a little trash talk, I'd probably direct you to another game

    No, he's just not a total end who needs to grow up.

    I think you should have the strength of your convictions and go into work or your local supermarket etc and start yelling it over and over, then you can explain to your boss/the police all about free speech and carebears. It's only a little trash talk, right?

    Do let me know how it goes.

    • Like 2

  15. 6 minutes ago, Realist said:

    Almost your whole post was right. Except this isn’t a place for feedback unless we are talking about bugs.

    i don’t get the notion you think they would. Them having enough time to do that and not only go through all of threads here but take the time to jot down notes for all of them? No dude, and they aren’t going to pay someone to do that either.

    ”general discussion” try to understand that. Why would they bother diving into the general discussion forum?

    there is a place for bugs, that will probably be checked.

    they are not going to come to the general discussion section.



    The thing is, it doesn't take long to cover the highlights and anything with a large number of replies, such as this thread.

    Go through every single post with a fine toothed comb? Of course not, but it doesn't take long at all to sort wheat from chaff. Thirty posts of chaff about the same/similar thing starts to look awfully wheaty.

    The medium is not so important as is the exposure level and this is variable.

  16. 16 minutes ago, psykikk said:

    this is an assumption. a good one I agree, but it still is an ssumption you are making right here. 

    other companies - in any industry - make an art out of funneling all communications to one dedicated, main channel. 

    dedicated and specialised if possible, yet they "direct" communication. 

    here i can go read patchnotes. details about those patchnotes I read on steam. why is that ? 

    if devs can answer on twitter, why wouldnt they answer on the official forums where chances are equally big for others to see, if they wióuld tell them where to look for it. 

    whatthey need is a bugtracker. a dev and feature tracker where suggestions that are made, are evaluated, are in design, are in testing, are in patchnotes can be seen. 


    how freakin hard is that ? other companies do this quiet well. 


    look how fast the thread changed form talking about griefers to communications  

    Twitter is preffered nowadays due to it's enforced brevity and because of it's activity metrics.

    Twitter to occasionally give what amounts to a brief thumbs up and to assauge people that activity is going on and a forum/web post for any lengthy bit of confirmed info that can't directly be replied to.

    The general feedback and mood reported on the forums will absolutely be accounted for andnoted. That doesn't mean of course anything would ever be done about anything as these concepts are not mutually exclusive.

  17. 4 minutes ago, psykikk said:

    I still would love to know. its an open theard in a public forum and I just want to know your opinion. 



    Got to be honest I'm a little confused, I'll see if I can answer you though. Just let me know if this doesn't cover it.

    Of course this forum is read by people working for grapeshot. There is probably some lowly QA guy who goes through the bugs section looking for new stuff to put into the proper format of whichever bug reporting queing sytem they are using, this would be standard.

    Yes they will use the forums as part of the whole feedback mesh for community feedback, I really don't get the notion that you think they wouldn't.

    Will they respond directly? Highly unlikely as this is considered a rabbit hole these days. Feedback yes, but don't get involved would be a summary of the general policy I encountered.

  18. 1 minute ago, Realist said:

    There is no source. It’s called having common sense.

    if you say I am wrong prove it. Where is all the post from the devs on here? 

    I can easily say they don’t come on here because the proof is already here. Plus it really doesn’t matter where YOU worked.

    i played ark for three years and I know how wildcard works. You don’t have a clue. Your experience means nothing when we are talking about a company that is completely different than yours.

    their track record is my proof. You literally have nothing

    No need to get steamy fella.

    You want me to provide proof to counter your unproven assertion?

    Yes it matters where I worked, it doesn't give me a godlike staus of complete infallibility, but it may be more valueable then playing a game for a few years, as it was you  who started  presenting experiance as a qualification, both are an argument from authority which can be a fallacy.... but not so much in my case. Just saying.

    I've played games since the 80's and been on the net since it was dial up and bulletin boards, I think I've got a failry good feel for it. I can even say why you don't see any direct dev feedback here, it's because it's a rabbit hole. That doesn't mean it isn't being read and any response will come in the form of an annoucement in a locked thread... such as the patch notes which are here and not on twitter.

    1 minute ago, psykikk said:

    so how come this is the official forum then ?

    The response wasn't to you fella 😉


  19. 1 minute ago, Realist said:

     Nope, they don’t come on here. People want to feel they are making a difference on the forums. They are not. People on Twitter are.

    if anything, the devs come on to the bugs sections to see what is wrong and then they will find out if they can fix it, at most.

    they are on here. People get multiple replies from the devs on twitter. In fact some people have reported others on twitter and jat said he would look into it. Not going to happen here.


    Having actually worked in the games industry a number of years ago as head of IT for a QA and localisation company and being aware of the various feedback loops I'd say you are wrong.

  20. 3 minutes ago, Realist said:

    No, there is twitter and there is also the devs direct email. Their direct email is where most of the ark players at least send there reports in. 

    The main reason for that being is if there is a special exploit that they don’t want people to see they will disclose it only to the devs. Same thing with the n word. People don’t want to see it so it should be sent directly to them

    btw that would be the best way to get their attention anyways, even if the devs come on here, which they don’t, they get their feedback from twitter because they get directly notified. 

    Please don’t tell me you think they have the time to come on here and go through threads. If that is the case no wonder nothing is getting done with the game.

    either way they aren’t doing a good job at either


    Erm, this is an official company forum that even has a bugs section, right?

  21. You keep saying that as if it is some sort of qualification. My girlfriend is African, and?

    Yes, I am offended and you don't understand free speech. Frankly because you are probably a child or not far off.

    If you think it is OK to yell the N word over and over in an online game without repurcusions due to free speech, then you are as dumb as a rock and I have no further use in wasting my time explaining it to you.

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