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Not Happy

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Posts posted by Not Happy

  1. 4 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    Fun fact... "megatribes" or uber-companies actually spend MORE time crushing the little guys because well it is easier.   

    Yeah, that's just like.. your opinion man.

    And not a fact.

    Also, you're suggesting making it even easier. Really not sure where you're going with that.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Hodo said:

    I am a strong believer in the EVE rule, fly what you can afford to lose.  

    This is the same here, build what you can defend and replace.  Dont go ham trying to build a scale replica of Lower Manhattan because you can, and then get mad because someone drives by and obliterates it because it is a laggy eye sore. 

    The Logic doesn't work here, you're encouraging small or solo players to build bigger as effort somewhat increases exponentially with size. Go small and anybody with a little bit of time can break in and take all your stuff, go really big and it takes a megatribe to do so and as a general rule they are busy messing with other mega tribes.

    • Like 2

  3. 8 minutes ago, Fiil said:

    And it wasnt as if it was hard to raid/destroy stone in the first place, every building in reach from the water on my island, get pounded almost daily.. Regardless of who they are, and now we cant even use stone to at least protect against animals..


    That's the biggest thing thing I don't understand about these changes and turn them IMHO into bafflingly dumb. Increasing the difficulty of building 3 or 4 fold and then make them easier to take out and not far off the early skill tree wooden structures... Erm exsqueeze me? baking powder?

    • Like 1

  4. 2 minutes ago, Sadie Blackhawk said:

    Oh here is my favorite part of this entire fiasco. I despise the large gates. I honestly wish they'd put in half size large gates. Last time I checked we don't have gigas or brontos in this game. No need for 12 wall high things. But go to make a nice fence to keep the alphas out... The walls don't even go into the ground. It looks horrible. Back to square 1.9191751638FB11DF1687A6AFD5C5C23D6965AED8


    Agree that they need a mid size gate option. The large gate is needed to make a safe spot for ships (I am unsure if the Galleon fits through, if anybody wants to clue me in) and I think perhaps the game even needs a larger one for this purpose, albeit extremely resource inefficient for the space it covers to prevent any spamming issues occuring and with not much greater health than the large.

    Also, erm... why aren't you using floors? I have had no problem creating contigous looking walls using the floors (foundations).

  5. 6 minutes ago, kampfer91 said:

    Bah in before they increase everything cost . Another stupid nerf to PVE just because of PVP .

    I think keep the cannon ball damage to wall and revert the stone structure cost is better ....

    Yeah, well it's primarily a PvP game to be honest, obviously... pirates?

    Also if you love PVE you have plenty of options, which will only increase, for a private server where you can set the resources as you want to make pretty stuff to look at.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Bullet Force said:

     This is a good change that should hopefully open up the game to more PVP.

    I think PvP should be encouraged to happen at Sea. Also raiding bases without active player protection is PVE, fort's should be hard to construct yes, but raiding them should be a rare and extremely costly occurrence.

    Like I said in a previous post (along with other things) put rare and needed resources (in any decent quantity) in special zones you cannot build in, have ships that need to be setup for trasnport and they forgo defence for this purpose and encourage what this game should be about, piracy at sea.


    • Like 2

  7. 29 minutes ago, Evir said:

    I would rather not end up like Dark and Light where every PVPer quit because bases were literally unraidable and you could literally spend hours banging on a single door just to fine another right behind it, after the PVPers quit the game basically died except for a few private servers. 

    Nothing I suggested would lead to this. I suggested that the stone structure nerf stay, but not to this degree and certainly not where it is so close to the durability of wood, a material that is far easier to obtain, transport and arguably looks better, and also suggested that catapults be made into the structure siege weapon of choice, giving use to a little used weapon while also giving a nice thematic feel.

    Also offline raiding is PvE and I believe PvP should be encouraged to happen at sea. Make zones that you cannot build in (I would assume this was the intent of lawless except for where they are generally positioned) and place the majority of the juicy resources there, requiring that people fight to obtain them and have to transport them with vessels designed and setup for transport and not fighting, increasing opportunity for... you know.. piracy.

  8. I too do not understand a patch that both massively reduces the raid durability of stone structures whilst simultaneously also making them 3-4 times more difficult to craft.

    If you lack access to a particular resource you are doubly screwed by this, I have friends in cold regions who already lack any source of sap near them, which they already need in large quantities just for staying alive and providing themselves with fur armour. Adding metal to the mix seems to be particularly salting the wound.

    Any patch that makes offline raiding more of a thing is not a good move either in my opinion, if anything stone structures should have had their durability increased with this material change.

    If they wanted to achieve something like this they should have added a new structure type “Fortified Stone/Castle wall” and then nerfed the durability of regular stone to assault (and not to where it is now, slightly above wood apparently”) and given this new structure these material costs and moved stone up the construction tree and maybe increased skill point cost to get to the end of the construction tree. Make the sections large and only suitable for building outer walls (say 2 x 2 of the current wall size), presumably this would help with server strain as it would be less individual objects to track and load. It was already not all that hard to mount a cannon on a cargo saddle and bust through stone so I am left to ask “Erm.... why?”

    I also think the damage change should have been more to the catapult, a generally not very useful/used weapon where it's new function would be for taking out land based structures as I believe (correct me if I am wrong) it is pretty poor otherwise. A ship kitted out with a few catapults is not going to be great at sea combat, but would be a specific vessel used for besieging bases.

    I consider this change very ill advised and not tremendously well thought out at the moment.

    • Like 1

  9. Hey,

    Fishing about a bit for some info.

    Any Whale's Wrath based companies that would fit the following description

    Mature: Doesn't mean you all have to be older, just that you don't act like a child. Being an old git I would probably prefer to be with other old gits

    English Speaking: English is the language of the guild

    Has a laugh: I spend most of my time talking like a pirate, it amuses me. Though I'll be honest I am unlikely to keep it up all the time is discord etc, gets a bit tiring after awhile.

    Doesn't use exploits and treats others with courtesy, even when otherwise shooting them in the knees.

  10. 12 minutes ago, WayneKinne said:

    The only way I see for them to fix this is to add more servers, starting with one for PVP and one for PVE for China, maybe even two for them. And then force all China players to move to those new servers.

    To me it seems like a simple fix, but I am no internet, mmo game guru.


    Asia should certainly have it's own region server. It's very early in earlyaccess mind, I understand why it is like it is for the time being.

  11. I hate the concept of Alphas full stop. It's a lazy way of placing challanging NPC into the game.

    Give me named rare creature spawns. Give me a progression that is more area based on where tougher creatures are. I want something to be tough based on what it is and where, not "just because".

    Of course Hydras, Cyclops etc exist. That is more like it.

    • Like 4

  12. 11 minutes ago, Winter Thorne said:

    Not salty in the least.  Just seems like a good idea for other people reading the forums to know that even though there's a small group of you posting as though you have inside information about the design of the game, trying to drive away players with different gaming styles, that you're pulling your factoids straight out of your nether regions, and know no more than anyone else.

    I wouldn't want anyone to be influenced to not buy the game or to quit it because they're reading these kinds of comments that come with such an attitude of final authority about them.

    Lol, I like you Winter.

    You're on PvE and I'm on PvP and yet I almost always find I am on the same page as you.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Khilandros said:

    sigh...Guys, please stop the bickering and the derailing of this thread....Stay on topic or take it elsewhere off the site.

     Fair enough, I did have a point even if it did take a while to make it. I feel it's done now 😉

  14. 4 minutes ago, JohnM81 said:

    Four small paragraphs is a wall of text?




    Contemplates wether poster now understands that I understand trolling very well and have no problems with a bit of banter of even quite harsh nature, wonders if he is starting to get the difference between that and repeatedly spamming N word in global chat. Wonders if poster understands what a line is and what is way over it.

  15. 2 minutes ago, JohnM81 said:

    Okay, so now that I have trolled you and baited you out where a larger point can be made we can move on to address it. I have offended you with insults and slander from the beginning and now you are responding with the same and rightfully so as I 'started it'. Your verbally derogatory remarks, which are justified, are only justified as a manner of opinion. So others might have the opinion that you consistently using derogatory remarks to reference my mental aptitude is uncalled, or even hateful, if they also were ignorant of my goading you.  

    So the larger question is, for those who don't know I have been antagonizing you, should you be censored for your derogatory remarks? Now all of this isn't to say that racist words on boats, names, ect is ever justified, but our response to it very much must be tempered with the knowledge that the slipper slope applies here. Once we classify words as 'offensive' and such a label removing all protections of free expression of ideas, then that power can be misused and abused. 

    Should we ask big brother to come in and censor the freedom of vile persons who wish to use derogatory comments? Or should we 'educate' them that being vile has a cost in a virtual community as it does in a reality community? I would suggest that education from the destruction of in game items via player justice would be far more educational and even might prompt better behavior in reality communities.

    You should not be censored for deriding my mental aptitude as I started it. But even if I didn't prompt it from you, we as a society must not instill in ourselves the idea that words we don't like are not fit to be used. It is no secret that this game isn't a protected free speech venue. But we must resist training our minds with the censorship knee jerk response. Because only a fool would think that if it is the first thought here... It wouldn't be more tempting to be our first thought in other venues, perhaps even free speech venues.


    Contemplates wall of text and delusions of how he has trolled and baited somebody else and then doesn't even read beyond that point. Checks sign, feels gratified about being right.

  16. 1 minute ago, MaxPower said:

    The unlimited weight exploit certainly is although I'd argue sinking someone's ship using weight (without exploit) would be fair game in PvP. Thing is, it'd be easier to just sink it by other means... 


    Crikey, if they managed to do it in a legit fasion I'd be "yeah... well.. fair play"

  17. 5 minutes ago, MaxPower said:

    Man I hate dealing with whiny children like you. Perhaps if you actually bothered to read you'd know this topic is about PvE… not PvP. There is literally nothing you can do about someone on your ship in PvE. Being leveled up also has nothing to do with it either. Using exploits players can carry unlimited weight so whatever your ships max weight is, a player is capable of carrying (and moving with) more weight. This IS an exploit. The devs have already acknowledged that you shouldn't be able top use this mechanic to sink other players ships in PvE (and carrying unlimited weight shouldn't be possible in PvP either)…. they're just taking their sweet time doing something about it.  

    To be fair I think it is just as much of an exploit on PvP... only difference being that you kind of have a right to expect this sort of thing to not be happening even more on PVE.

    3 minutes ago, IsilithTehroth said:

    I'm not the one crying up a storm about how I left my Galleon unmanned next to a freeport. Sorry shitties learn to protect your assets.

    No, you're the one flapping his trap when you clearly have no idea about it whatsoever as evidenced by your totally useless advice and suggestions.

    So lets have that location then, put your money where your mouth is... otherwise you're just making noise.

    • Like 2

  18. 1 minute ago, IsilithTehroth said:

    Sorry I just didn't think people were dumb enough to allow anyone access to their crafted things. Also feel free to visit my island. We will just kill you or have our MANNED npcs kill you first.

    1) Why are you allowing someone access to your Galleon.

    2) Why are you allowing someon that is litterally taking baby steps access to your Galleon.

    3) You do realize how much weight you need to sink a level 1 Galleon right? That person has to be litterally farming for an hour.

    4) Here I thought our Galleons were leveling up to enable things like more weight, speed and such. Guess it only applies to my company.

    5) This isn't an exploit. Its a game mechanic to stop zergs of players from loading up on a single ship and carrying thousands and thousands of materials on a sloop.

    6) Stop being a whiney bitch and learn to protect your assets.

    1) You don't need to allow anybody access.

    2) A person can be grap dragged by their partner at full speed

    3) Nowhere near an hour

    4) You can take your weight up to any level you like using this exploit

    5) It isn't an exploit to allow a character to have unlimted weight in their inventory and be moved around full speed? Addtionally this exploit allows exactly that, try again.

    I'll leave 6 and just say you don't know what you are talking about.

    NPC's... lol, what was that location then? I'm sure that plenty will happily put your theories to the test.

    • Like 1

  19. 3 minutes ago, IsilithTehroth said:


    Goes to show what you really know about this game. You can't climb or grapple while overweight. You can also build a ceiling if your wall is high enough.

    Yeah, as far as you know eh?


    Good job there isn't an in game exploit (that I very much doubt has been fixed) that makes it trivial to break through stone walls eh? Oh no.


    You're wrong chap, very wrong.

  20. 4 minutes ago, IsilithTehroth said:

    And here I thought players could just sail their ship...you know away from known griefing ports. Or put it in a safe location behind a wall. The only ones at fault here are you guys.


    You weren't even aware that you can trivially sink a Gallion with an exploit and advised people stop using rafts and level up weight... how useful do you think your other advice is eh?


    Tell you what, what grid ref are you in? Be happy to show you how your walls will do exactly nothing. Barely even a speedbump.

  21. 13 minutes ago, JohnM81 said:

    OMG a single post where poster isn't ripping off a Bill Engvall joke...

    Actually, your posts are now kinda dull. Lets bring Ol'Bill back. He is still the life of your dull and boring party.


    Contemplates how, even if that were the case, how now is far better than always and how self reflection is one of the particular weak points of a dull mind.

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