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Everything posted by Unknown1305

  1. The Declaration of Independence (Atlas Version) Ladies, Gentlemen. As you read this, somewhere in atlas a chinaman is either stealing, griefing, pillaging, hacking, or just being downright obnoxious. A chinamen who is followed by hundreds more. An infestation to its finest as it can be called. Many hard worked hours and innocent lives rack up each and every day due to this infestation and quite frankly it needs to come to an end. Those countless of men and women who are able to fight and have the burning will to, must step forward. This is not a request, it is a calling. Your time is now. The meaning of life as we know it has not been more clear. Now you probably do not know me nor my story, but help me write our future story. Band together with me and one another. Take to the seas and set differences aside. Gather and organize because like I said, the time is now. Not just mine. but yours. Become something of legend. So legend that ancestors years and millenniums from now people will talk about you. They will talk about your name, purpose, life, and most important of all, your story. Write yours today and Join me. I have a secret location for a greeting of all the big streamers and clans in NA PVP. Help me get this message out and tell the streamers about it. Tell them there is someone out there wanting to put an end to the madness. An end to the infestation. My name in game shall be kept unknown for now, but if you get the chance to meet me. I hope it be on the battlefield when we have won. With that, my brothers and sisters, Help declare our independence from the Chinese. God Speed and God Bless.........
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