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Posts posted by Adfax

  1. 3 hours ago, Case of the Scurvy said:

    I still like that my character ages. Just wish they changed the fountain thing. It shouldnt even have mobs just something you have to travel to. It was a quick bandaid fix and done lazily. 

    Why do you like it? 

    Do you even have a reason? Give me a reason, a single reason.

    I can tell you why I don't like it easy enough; but if all people who like the age mechanic can give me is "because I like it" it leads me to believe they don't know why; and that leads me to ask if it is even actually the age mechanic they like.

    In every possible way, it makes the game much worse for the majority of people; and I've yet to squeeze a reason out of anyone who likes it.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Case of the Scurvy said:

    The age mechanic is awesome, the fountain was just lazy....

    No it isn't, it just makes your character look a way you don't want them to look, and potentially (in the future) kills them off. And gives you a trash debuff that people can't be bothered to deal with. You'll kill the game if you push for this utter trash. Most people do not want it in the game. Do you want a dead game? I don't want a dead game.

    None of you can actually tell me why it is good.. I've given many reasons why it is terrible for the game, could someone actually try to tell me why it is good. 

    And honestly, I wish you luck, because it literally brings nothing to the game, and I already know you're going to fail.

  3. 12 hours ago, Aesorn said:

    Considering It took me 5 mins to spawn on a company bed(im in a pretty small company) and get the FoY then had to do it AGAIN after the huge rollback which also only took another 5 mins then yeah it is..... If you couldn't find the FoY with the tons of other companys then maybe you should consider how incompetent you are as a human before complaining about something kid.   

    Oh look, another potato not understanding why the mechanic is bad, instead looking at how "easy" it is deal with. 

    Yes, it might have been easy on the island it was on for you; but did you try O7? Did you try C6? 

    You were probably on M12 where you just run over a hill and drop down. Sure, if you were lucky enough to get it to spawn there, you'll think it is easy as pie. And sure, you could wait for it to spawn there.. Except, no one knows the exact rotation of the fountains, despite all claims; so you could be waiting a while. What fun game design. No one said it was hard, it was merely tedious. You got lucky and got it on the second try; I got it on the first, but only because the game was so lagged the NPCs couldn't attack me due to the insane lag.

    But this doesn't change the actual problem with the fountain : it makes you spend a significant time doing something you'd otherwise not really want to deal with. And thus raises the question "what is the point?".

    You see, a potato like you doesn't understand how pointless the mechanic is; you're just like "it was easy for me! It must be fine". No. Dig a little deeper, you're a potato for Christ sake, that is your home turf, I expect better.

    The age mechanic is basically the vitamin system on steroids, much more obnoxious, and intrusive on the player's time.

    • Like 1
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  4. 11 hours ago, sacreddingo said:

    Everyone complaining about FoY and the debuff and only good for cosmetics.  YOU are the issue.  When you FoY effect you will get a perma Stat Buff and this is repeatable every time your able to re-fountain, its a way to keep endgamers havin something to keep them playing. man read more patch notes TY


    No, YOU are the issue. 

    Tell me, what does the FOY and the age mechanic bring to the game; name me something. 

    It doesn't bring the player something they want to do; it holds their character hostage and forces a quest on them, or live with a debuff.

    Second; "endgamers" ? You can get to 90 before even having a high level. It doesn't keep endgamers playing. It just annoys people when they realize they have to waste time doing something they don't want to do, as opposed to doing something they don't want to do. It doesn't keep people playing, it causes them to quit.

    The age mechanic is essentially the vitamin system, except 100x worse, because it takes significantly more time to deal with, and the punishment for not doing so is more permanent.

    Even if you were to say it makes the game more immersive, you'd be wrong there as well, because you age so fast It isn't even realistic. Also, how is it immersive to become your child? Like, in real life, when you die, you don't become your child; how is that immersive? It isn't. 

    The whole mechanic fails on every front, and shortsighted people like you haven't dug deep enough to see why.


    "Read some patch notes" ? Actually use your brain please.

  5. So, it turns out they thought they'd make the age mechanic worse, instead of better.. Great.

    Now you not longer have the option to look young whenever you want, you can only drink from the fountain at 90.. 

    I sometimes think they're purposely trying to kill their own game.

    • Like 1

  6. 23 minutes ago, Aesorn said:

    This changes to stone structures and invincible NPC's on puckle are the two worst patch notes I have seen in this entire game so far.   This is a disaster and the devs should be embarrassed and ashamed for how ignorant they are by making this change.   Are they out of touch this bad?

    Worse than FOY? ...Impossible.. 

    • Like 2

  7. Lets start with the FOY.

    So now you can only use the fountain after you're 90. Meaning you have to do it with the debuff. They nerfed the debuff, but as everyone already knows : THAT WAS NEVER THE MAIN ISSUE WITH FOY.

    Do you even read your forums? Let me list where the change fails :

    1. You can't get the fountain of youth exclusively for cosmetic reasons. 

    Now you have to look old and fugly, where as before, you had the option to reset it at your convenience.

    2. No changes were made to the FOY run

    So you still have to run through all the enemies, but now you have no choice but to run it with a debuff.. Great design. I mean, have you seen all the complaints by people explaining how retarded the FOY is.. You'd think losing a significant portion of your player base would enlighten you to this, but no, I guess not.

    STOP TRYING TO CROWBAR THIS AGE MECHANIC INTO YOUR GAME, THERE WAS ALREADY A POLL, 4/5 people voted to have it removed from the game. Get rid of it! 


    Next up : Invulnerable NPCs on puckles

    So they make this change in tandem with nerfing stone structures significantly; and what they're attempting to emulate is turrets from ark. 

    This game does NOT need turrets. You're just going to make mega companies unraidable if you do that. Allowing them to dominate more and more, when what you should actually be doing is looking for ways for smaller tribes to compete. Turrets are arguably the worst addition to ark for anyone with a keen enough mind to see why. 

    Do not translate this over from ark. 

    Why is it you must take over the worst from ark, and then not take over the good stuff, like NO AGE MECHANIC.


    The nerfing of stone walls

    I already covered this one a bit in the the point regarding the puckle NPCs. But stone is already extremely easy to break, and siege stuff is really easy to make.. This change is tragic... We're basically going to be living in paper mache houses..I mean, what is even the point of having stone structures if they're basically defenseless without retardo puckle spam?? So basically, puckles are all anyone needs now.. Just like ark.. Completely ruining the game.

    Could you just hire me to make your game for you, because you clearly don't have a clue; i'd even work for free.. I just hate seeing this potential squandered via this utter stupidity.

    • Like 6
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  8. 10 minutes ago, Dragoon14th said:

    I love it.... But instead have bottles that Give out a FoY map.  Quality determine how much in reverse age it can do.   


    Another idea i had to make a craftable Brew from FoY... by harvesting FoY water and using it for the company for those that cant be on 24/7.    But seriously Your idea is even better.   I also like to add that when doing FoY map run.   it spawns A gorgon  Plus some Soliders.   

    Age, and the FOY get in the way of the core of the game. You shouldn't want a mechanic in a game that does nothing but make it worse.

    Give me a good reason why you want age, and i'll explain how it isn't worth the cost. This game already has half the playerbase of ark after FOY drop. You really should be pushing for them to drop the mechanic.


    • Like 1

  9. 7 hours ago, Nari said:

    Because the Cyclops, Fire Elemental, Hydra, Medusa, Golden Age Ruins, and Magic fit so well into the pirate theme.

    Atlas will have "Tek" at some point.

    Of course they do.. What are you even talking about?

    Have you never seen pirates of the Caribbean? 

    Nobody said anything about real life pirates. More fictional pirates.

  10. 1 hour ago, Nutcutt3r said:

    Not, what the heck sort of reasoning is that?

    Um its a survival game so make it easy to get, good idea...

    This isn't a hardcore server.

    People aren't in it to lose their characters for good. Many people see that as a waste of time.

    They should stick to the ark formula, and scrap age.

    Also, you don't just endlessly stack difficulty, and that makes a good game. You don't bombard the players with tedious chores to the point they can't do what they want to do. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Scorpionshawn said:

    The age thing is not a bad idea and Star citizen has been working on it for a few years now. The problem is this dev team needs to fix the FoY so its for everyone to get and not just big companies.

    Tell me WHY it is not a bad idea.

    If you can't do that, all you're giving me is your word. The few that say it is a "good idea" seldom explain why it is good, no matter how much I try to pressure them into doing so. When they give their reasoning, it is always due to them not looking deep enough at what the mechanic brings to the game, and what it takes away.

  12. Okay, so you have people trying to salvage this messy FOY quest, saying the age just needs to be "toned down". People asking the for the quest to be made more accessible, or easier. 

    Now I'm going to cover the two main suggested reworks of the system I've seen, and explain why they're simply inferior options to outright removing the age mechanic.


    1. Make the fountain easier to access.

    Okay, the problem with this solution is simple. If the fountain is easy to access, and it is easy to reverse your age; what is the point of having it in the game anyway? 

    Would it not be logical just to remove age, and have it as a slider in the CC? How is it fun having to travel to an easy to access fountain, when alternatively you could be doing something you actually want to do, like play the game. Not some chore that you'll have to repeat over and OVER.  Where is the challenge? Where is the gameplay. 

    It is no secret that easy stuff gets boring fast; as does stuff which is too difficult. This change just shows that removing age is the superior option.


    2. Slow aging down

    The problem with this is obvious. I would chalk anyone touting this solution up to a lack of foresight. Even if you slow aging down, you still have a monotonous task that you have to endlessly repeat; you just don't have to do it as often. Making a poorly implemented task less frequent doesn't stop it being a poorly implemented task.

    Making it so you don't have to carry out this chore as often would certainly be a slight improvement. But you still have a chore you don't really want to do, that still gets in the way of what you otherwise might choose to do if your character were not being held hostage with debuffs, or potential death.

    This change is no real change at all; it is just spreading something that the game doesn't need thin. It shouldn't be in the game thick or thin; as the task itself is the problem, not how frequently you must do it.


    The best solution that solves everything :


    It solves the FOY problem. Change the FOY into a buff of some kind, but don't make it a necessity to keep our characters.

    To those who think the age mechanic is akin to hunger/thirst; you're right, it is akin to that. The difference being the undertaking you must perform to deal with something you don't otherwise really want to deal with.

    Imagine you had to climb mount Everest every time you wanted to quench your thirst ingame. That would be a more accurate comparison between the food and age mechanic.

    Admittedly; even the vitamin/food/water systems ingame aren't really necessary to make the game good; but they're not so intrusive to the point they make you undertake a huge time devouring buggy unfair task, whilst holding you hostage to complete the task, or lose your character/live with a huge debuff.. Imagine how much you'd all hate the food mechanic If you had to do the same thing you do for the fountain of youth.. You'd all think it would need to be removed, or reworked to the point that it is in current implementation.

    The vitamin system also kind of suffers from this issue; where the devs have mistook convolution for innovation.

    Keep it simple, and don't put unnecessary things in your game. Scrap age, and make the fountain just give people a perma buff or something. Easy.




    • Like 1

  13. Everyone voting that they like this mechanic can't see the woods for the trees.

    They're looking at the small picture, thinking that it is adding more to the game; instead of looking at the grander scheme.

    Imagine if you went to work and your boss kept telling you to do another thing, and another thing, and another thing. .You get paid the same, but you have to do more and more and more; and you had less and less free time.

    Would you enjoy that? Because that is what you're asking for when all is said and done.. Oh, and you're also asking to look hideous whilst it happens.

    The game is broken into two parts : 

    1. Things the player does to do the things the player actually wants to do

    2. Things the player actually wants to do.

    If you put too much in the former category, people will see the game as a chore.. A hassle.. Too much in the latter, and you negate all risk, and by extension, all reward, and people will get bored if things are too readily available and accessible.

    The fountain of youth isn't something the players want to do, but have to do to do things they do want to do, like not start a new character by force, or deal with a badly thought out debuff. They want to do the things they want to do in the game, without feeling therer is a gun pointed at their character's head constantly.

    It is like you've taken our characters hostage, and you'll kill them if we don't hunt this fountain. I don't want to feel like a hostage; trapped playing this game. That kind of pressure just makes me want to quit, because losing my character actually matters to me; one day I might get bored of the game, only to take a break... But knowing my character is gone will just make me less likely to return.

    And lastly.. It isn't a very friendly mechanic towards people who literally can't play as often as others. All they'll get is an endless stream of chores, and do not get to do any of the stuff they might want to do because you have them constantly running around for some random spawn.

    Taking out the age mechanic fixes all of this however... So the choice is obvious.

    • Like 1

  14. 10 hours ago, UDO said:

    as all the age mechanics are not in the game yet then a pretty premature poll 


    there will be other ways to maintain youth . 

    How about we just remove it? 

    You don't seem to realize you can convolute a game, and as I've pointed out many times, the mechanic in it's current iteration already takes away more than it leaves in the game.

    Sometimes less is more. This game would be more if there was less forced labour that doesn't contribute to something players want to do with their free time; like build or explore, or PVP.. 

    It needs to be scrapped, and age should be made a slider in the character creator.


    • Like 2

  15. 19 minutes ago, TheFailingPierat said:

    If you read anything I posted how does that not add anything? it adds people wanting to survive more and keep better care of their ships without any negative debuffs and you can do well without doing anything that. So it only adds for the core game.

    It is more hassle, you've got to balance it right so people have free time. You shouldn't bombard the player with endless chores.

    There is maintaining a ship, and there is the reason you're maintaining it. The game should focus more on the reason than simply maintaining for the sake of it. 

    I get the feeling the devs don't understand this, thinking they should just pile on chore after chore, and that is content. No, do not do that.

    • Like 3

  16. 10 minutes ago, TheFailingPierat said:

    My propose for ageing, everytime you die your age gets to reset to 20, if you live to age of 60 you get one time permanent buff from the fountain of youth, if you live to 90 you get more buffs from the fountain repeatable. Making love with npc lets you remake character appearance and setting age to 20. In every situation your character keeps his levels.


    Now that I tought this more it would be nice to have ageing for ships too, like if your ship survives 50 years it could be upgraded to better version like all parts would get 2-3x hp buff and if it reaches 100 years old with enough sailing you could upgrade it to ghost ship or similiar changing the plank looks to some unique and add another hp buff.

    Please god.. No more aging... Why do you people want aging?! It doesn't add anything to the core game.

    Also, the issue with cosmetics still remains. I don't like my character not looking the way I set them, so for me, it is still annoying.

    • Like 2

  17. 14 hours ago, Miedein said:

    Honestly I side with Nari on this. The mechanics are just fine and dandy to me. But my issue is, they aren't ready for the whole legacy mechanic yet. So they shouldn't turn on the aging until they are ready. This way you have a choice. Do you let your character die and you move to the child to carry on the legacy? Or do you seek out the fabled fountain of youth and continue living on. 


    And honestly, if people want to whine and quit the game. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. Means I and others can expand our claims better for our tax offices for those of us that enjoy the game. 


    You don't like the changes? Don't whine, and threaten. Give feedback. They nerfed elephants and just tonight they made animals that I thought were garbage wastes of time being relevant with how much carry weight they now have. I have an elephant with 4k weight, a rhino with 5k weight. I hated the rhino and thought it a waste of time. Now I'll actually use the damn thing. 

    If people leave, they won't continue developing the game, so you want people to like the game if you like the game.

    That requires you to make compromises, especially when it comes to unnecessary gimmick mechanics that take away from the game more than they give.


    • Like 1

  18. 2 hours ago, Nari said:

    I suppose I did too.

    EQ is equilibrium. The buff you receive for maintaining a balanced diet for 30min. It is not insignificant. The fountains provide permanent stats each time you use it over the age of 90. If death hastens age then you can guarantee that EQ will suddenly become popular. Meaning so will cooking, and armor. and weapons, anything to prevent death you name it. Bringing us back to children. Don't/can't use the fountain? Buy time with a child. It all serves a purpose much deeper than "Oh yea don't forget to eat and drink." They need to go even further. Vitamin deficiency needs to add serious debuffs like scurvy!

    If death hastens age, I guarantee people are going to quit the game. 

    People already cant' be bothered with the vitamin system, and it isn't because it doesn't have a harsh penalty. It is because it is boring to maintain. 

    They've put too much in the way of the fun in this game, and then need to just scrap the age mechanic. It is like they think you should constantly have to manage things, with no time to stop and think. No. Please.. Whoever is thinking like that on the dev team, please shut them up.If i'm constantly working just to exist in the game, you're not giving me the chance to do the things I want to do. 

    It'd be like if in your real life you had no free time, you just had to constantly work, doing things you don't want to do to do the things you do want to do, except you don't get to do the things you do want to do, because you're constantly being nagged by this annoying system.

    It just stands in the way of fun in it's current implementation. 

    And this fountain of youth?? God.. I can't even begin to tell you how annoying it is going to be to go through that utter lag fest every time my character hits 90.


    Basically, there is a threshold people just won't tolerate, when the nagging just gets too annoying; and they get no time to themselves, just constant work. 

  19. 11 minutes ago, Nari said:

    Bit to unwrap. I'll start with this. Sounds like this isn't the genre for you. Rather it's predecessors such as Minecraft and Pokemon (oh yea... ARK).

    You claim there are more cons than pros and only mention the meaning given to death. This is a mechanic that provides a reason not to die which adds value to EQ, which adds value to cooking which continues to domino. It provides a means to re-roll your toon (perhaps without the loss of discoveries we dont know yet.) it provides content in the form of the fountains and progression in the form of stats. It provides an aesthetically aging feature to boot. All under one cohesive feature.

    Your near sighted comparison to hardcore are skewing your perspective on what this actually brings to the table.

    "isn't the genre for you".

    Except, i'm playing it over Minecraft and pokemon, so that means it IS the genre for me.. Otherwise.. Why would I be playing it? 

    I see potential in this game, but it is foolishly being squandered by unnecessary chaff that just burdens the game.

    Everyone has problems they see in games they like to a degree, there is no perfect game. And this game is far from perfect.

    Are you under the assumption that you age faster when you die? I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that. So what you're saying doesn't even apply anyway.

    But let us say it did work that way : your character will die eventually anyway, so all you'll be doing with cooking is prolonging the inevitable, and thus, it still renders it pointless. Now that that fountain is in, what is the point of cooking? It has none. It never will unless it is reworked.. And lastly, you can pass on your exp to your child, so once again, what is the purpose of cooking?

    To maintain a cosmetic for a little longer? To maintain a character for a little longer?

    Pointless when it changes JUST those things about the game. Non-core things about the game. Cosmetics, and the name and shape of the character you play


    Also, wtf do you mean by "eq"? Just say what you mean, not everyone is familiar with terminology, nor should anyone need to be.

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