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Everything posted by shiolette_mirage

  1. Dear Devs As i already wrote a few days ago, fix the fckin lag. It just killed my Bear lvl 58 when i uploaded it on our Galleon and tried to move it ! My bear fell off the ship and was instantly dead !!!! THAT IS FCKIN BULLSHIT ! I am one of those players who triggered the buy button to get earliest access as possible and defended this game many many times, but i am so done with this. If my Beardozer have died in a fight with an animal, a visible enemy in the game, so whatever, shit happens. But fighting against something invisible as lag and being unable to rescue my bear, cause it was invisible in the water either, is the biggest bullshit in any mmo i have seen so far. Thank you for nothing !
  2. Same for EU PVE SIREN B11. Lags, hard roll backs and no fun with playing
  3. Dear Devs We found that one of our bears disappears every few seconds. This means that we can not open his inventory or put a saddle on him. It also looks like our NPC crew on our Galleone is simply invisible when leaving our island. They are definitely on board, but invisible. They do not serve cannons but continue to turn the sails. As soon as we return to our island, the NPCs are also visible again. Please fix these errors. Sincerely, remaining Shivo Mirage
  4. We set up new flags today and yesterday . We were online for the last 5 hours with 4 people AND STILL OUR FLAGS CAN BE CONTESTED AND CLAIMED !!!! FIX THE DAMN FCKIN FLAG SYSTEM ! Every damn evening we go offline with more than a frustrated feeling for all the sh!t happening in this game. Nothing from the first impression and wow affect has left anymore. The moment we will lose our base by the fcked up Bug Flag System is when we leave this game and i am sure we wont be the last ones ! Sincerely, Shivolette Mirage PS: If you finally decide to do smthg against all those bugs, take the camping alpha wolves around the buildings with you ! Oh and if you have a look for the tresure chest maps would be nice too. There is no point to place tresure chests on stone arch terrain that arent able to get raised !
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