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Posts posted by retrojoe

  1. TLDR;  An upgraded Mortar and Pestle crafting station with more storage, which crafts at a higher rate based on the speed of the wind. Also provides a source of water from deep underground.

    Utilize the power of the wind to grind resources into more useful applications. Additionally pulls water from deep underground to be used as a water source.(Can be attached to Reservoirs)

    Included with other stone structures skill.

    Common Windmill  /  Structure
    Requires Oil to maintain. (not to operate)
    [Stone Structure]
    60 Slot Storage (200 Water Storage)
    Base Crafting Speed: Mortal & Pestle speed
    Crafting Speed Multiplier: Math x Wind Speed. (Oil used to allow wind speed multiplier)

    2W x 2L x 6H


  2. I'd like to point out, at this time you cannot place Fronds on your hotbar, is this also changing with this update? What about Bark? It CAN be placed on your hotbar but isnt used for taming?



     Updated taming foods to allow a variety of items to be used in taming creatures.

    Effectiveness left(more) to right(less): 

    Tier 1
    Chicken - Berries
    Monkey - Berries
    Parrot - Hardtack, or Berries
    Rabbit - Carrots, or Berries
    Sheep - Flowers, or Berries
    Tier 2
    Bear - Honey, Vegetables, Fruits or Berries
    Cow/Bull - Rushes, Fronds, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
    Crow - Worms, Fruits, or Berries
    Horse - Sugarcane, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
    Ostrich - Chili, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
    Penguin - Prime Fish Meat, or Fish Meat
    Pig - Maize, Vegetables, Fruits, or Berries
    Seagull - Prime Fish Meat, or Fish Meat
    Vulture - Spoiled Meat, or Worms
    Wolf - Prime Animal Meat, Bones, or other Meats
    Tier 3
    Elephant - Wheat, Vegetables, or Fruits
    Giraffe - Beets, Vegetables, or Fruits
    Lion - Prime Animal Meat, or other Meats
    Rhino - Turnip, Vegetables, or Fruits
    Tiger - Prime Animal Meat, or other Meats



  3. Currently I'm trying to tame and breed bears, and I've discovered I cannot breed them due to "Unable to breed in this Biome".
    Upon further investigation I found that they need to be bred in the biome they were tamed in, though I'm breeding them 20feet from where I tamed them.

    Would it all be possible to include in the Tame menu their prefered biome or biome tamed in?


    Armor: 25.0
    Wild Levels: 39
    Tame Levels: 24
    Biome: Temperate Wood, Desert Sand.

  4. Enable the option to allow shipyards to be private or public use, that takes a cut of the resources once crafted. 

    This would not only enable PvE players to access limited land to build things, but also promote pvp and the destruction of shipyards for resources.

  5. Players have actively search for spawn points to block them preventing players from spawning on the tile. Upon some research in chat I was met with "We're blocking it because its the best tile for resources."

    Upon spawning you either appear underwater in the center of the tile, or appear in the sky and fall to your death after 30seconds.

  6. Having to option to create a market stall / trade stall to place for others to purchase resources / goods for a price. Example:

    Tradewinds : Contruction Tree
    8 Points
    Description: Enables the construction and management of a Trade Stall and & Trade Box, additionally enabling the player to sell items through the stall.

    Trade Stall (Wood Structure)
    A trade stall would need to be place in conjunction with a trade box, the stall would allow you to list items in the trade box for a cost in a desired currency, whether its gold or resources.

    Other players would press E to interact and would show the stall inventory and the costs would be listed like the crafting requirements tooltip.

    Trade Box (Wood Structure)
    A trade box would work similarly to a Ship Resources Box, allowing resources to stack to 500,000 and allow the resources to be pulled from the trade stall.

    Tycoon: Contruction Tree (Requires Tradewinds, Esotary of Building)
    8 Points
    Description: Gives access to further market structures.
    Enables Trade Market
    Enables Metal Trade Vault

    Trade Market (Stone Structure)
    Similar to a trade stall, though more elaborate design and stronger structure. 

    Trade Vault (Metal Structure)
    Similar to a trade box, though more elaborate design and stronger structure.

    This i feel would promote more trade in the regions and potentially more pvp.

    The post I made on reddit;


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