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Posts posted by Akarillon

  1. 13 hours ago, Mad Jack said:

    Sorry if this is on the wrong thread, but i've been looking and looking and cannot find anything on it, is there a way we can increase the player level from the standard cap and if so how can we do it?

    The setting you are looking for is in ATLASServer\ShooterGame\Config\DefaultGame.ini

    Near the bottom is PlayerDefaultNoDiscoveriesMaxLevelUps=99.
    Setting this to a value give the players the ability to level up from level 1 plus the number given, so the new max level would be 100.
    I also believe you can add this setting to each grid's Game.ini file, to allow levelling zones for higher leveled character, but I have not tested this myself.

    I might also have added this setting myself, can't remember. But it should be added there if it's not in there. Just remember to add it under the [/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode]

  2. 8 minutes ago, Hyper said:

    why when I click to install the dedicated server it opens up steams store homepage but doesn't install or even show anything Atlas related? I've tried also searching the steam store manually and can't find it

    It's not published via the Steam app (at least not that I know of), but rather their development platform called SteamCMD. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD

    I'd recommend using a guide as it's rather difficult setting up a server.
    This is a pretty good one: https://www.drac346.net/2018/12/how-atlas-works.html

  3. 53 minutes ago, HelixU4 said:

    Ye, Atlas does not support local connection as of now. Only work around is to use NAT reflection / loopback, but majority of todays routers does not support this and have this hardcoded disabled as enabling this is a major security risk.

    So in short, if your router dont support NAT reflections / loopback, you gonna need to host the server on a remote server outside your network.

    Well that sucks. At least now I know why. Thanks for the help. 🙂

  4. 5 minutes ago, thegoob said:

    In the servers section of the ServerGrid.json file, there is a value for ip, port, gameport and seamless data port. Do these four values match with what you are using?

    "servers": [
          "gridX": 0,
          "gridY": 0,
          "MachineIdTag": "",
          "ip": "x.x.x.x",
          "name": "HomeServer Freeport",
          "port": 57561,
          "gamePort": 5761,
          "seamlessDataPort": 27000,
          "isHomeServer": true,
          "AdditionalCmdLineParams": "",
          "OverrideShooterGameModeDefaultGameIni": {
            "NoClaimFlagDecayPeriodMultiplier": "4",
            "PlayerDefaultNoDiscoveriesMaxLevelUps": "8",
            "bClampHomeServerXP": "0",
            "ClampHomeServerXPLevel": "100"

    Yes, these are the same values as what I'm using everywhere else.

  5. Just now, thegoob said:

    A of things I can think of that might be causing a problem.

    Make sure that the ports you are using (query, game and seamless) have been forwarded on your router.

    Sometimes if the island hasn't been set to a home server, it won't show on the in game server list (although you should still be able to connect to it)

    I have forwarded all ports in question, but that shouldn't be a problem when I'm using localhost to connect. The connection would never leave my computer, so the router would be arbitrary.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Dunning said:

    1: Close out of regis and ensure it is no longer running under task manager (sometimes it doesn't like to close!).

    Run clearall_127.0.0.1.bat. 

    Run redis-server_start.bat. Do not use the exe, use the bat to launch redis.

    2. Delete/Backup your savegames

    3. You've probably already done this but, There are 3 ports which need to looked at in servergrid editor. Queryport, gamePort, Seamless port. Use control and click on the grid to edit these. Use your public facing IPv4 address as seen on https://www.whatismyip.com/ for the ip address.

    4. You've probably already done this but, Ensure the 2 ports and your public ipv4 ip is correct in your atlas server launch batch file.

    5. Ensure that the 5 DatabaseConnections located under ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json are correct and are using your local ip for those 5 items in DatabaseConnections . These are also edited in the servergrid editor when you click edit (project -> edit).

    It should look something like this:

          "Name": "Default",
          "URL": "",
          "Port": 6379,
          "Password": "foobared"

    6. Under the edit screen in servergrid editor, remove any baseserverarg content. It doesn't work in this current release and it may even be causing an issue in the json prevent your server from showing up in the game.

    7. Ensure you've set a new and unique atlas ID for your server and you aren't using a template of someone elses atlas ID. 

    8. Ensure you've exported both the ServerGrid.json and ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json and these are located in the atlas\ShooterGame folder. 

    1. I am always using clearall_127.0.0.1.bat and redis-server_start.bat when I start redis.

    2. Never been able to log on to my server, so no need.

    3. Yes, I've remembered to change ip, and the 3 ports. I've been using QueryPort 57561, GamePort 5761 and SeamlessDataPort 27000.

    4. Double, triple, octuple checked the batch file.

    5. Never changed these settings, but I'll double check the .json file. All 5 connections have as URL, 6379 as Port and foobared as Password.

    6. BaseServerArgs is blank.

    7. Might have neglected this on my last 1x1, so will re-test it.
    Did not fix the problem.

    8. I do a "local export all", and then copy the ServerGrid.json, ServerGrid.ServerOnly.json and the ServerGrid folder.


    I've also tried connecting to the server via launch arguments on Steam. The error message does not pop up, but the game is stuck in a loading screen (tried leaving it for hours, but never finishes loading).
    Also tried reinstalling the whole thing.

  7. Hi,

    I've been trying to set up my own server for a few days now, but no matter what I try I cannot connect to my server.
    The only message I get when trying to connect is "Network Failure Message", "Unable to query server info for invite".

    I've used SteamCMD to download the server.
    Used the Island Editor's basic maps, a 1x1 map, and tried making my own 1x1 from scratch. All were edited to fit the right ip, ports etc.
    Edited the start batch script with my ip/ports/reduced MaxPlayers count.
    I always use for testing my own servers, but I've also tried my global ip, and my static local ip.

    The server looks like it starts without any issues, it pops up in my Steam Server favourites, but does not appear in the in-game list or even the LAN tab of the Steam Servers list.
    The only errors that appear on the server is the Steam host errors that everyone gets.

    I've seen the same error being a problem on ARK servers, but they mostly blamed it on server vs client version mismatching. I know it's not a version fault, cause I've double checked it many times and I've now tried on both version 8.72 and the new 9.0 that recently came out.

    I can connect to any other server, including unofficial servers, just not my own.

    Anyone got any ideas?

  8. 4 hours ago, tarqen said:

    Im trying to get the server files downloaded. as of now i have tried a few different selutions, ive been using the steamcmd command line. if i use it as i see most people write it i get a steamcmd message telling me command not found. when i remove "steamcmd +"login anonymous +force_install_dir D:\ATLAS +app_update 1006030 validate +quitD
    it tells me 

    Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
    Waiting for user info...OK

    and thats where nothing starts happen really fast.

    second i tried to use the steam database link: https://steamdb.info/app/1006030/info/ to download it directly to steam. but when i push this link it opens up my steam app and redirects me to the main shop page. 
     any idea on what i might have to try next?

    Try launching the SteamCMD executable and go through the commands one by one.

    login anonymous
    force_install_dir D:\ATLAS
    app_update 1006030 validate

    Should work smoothly.

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