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Everything posted by oronnoro

  1. I'm running my own server and made the minimum level be 90 on one of the islands, however, any creature we tame does not gain any xp. If we capture a lvl 79 (80 and over does not work) the tamed creature can kill and harvest to gain xp.
  2. Ya, that was my original fix, remove and readded the same island. I did't realize at the time that adding new islands after already setting everything up caused this. It's unfortunate that you lose everything when deleting the DB, but that's fine. Thank you all for your help
  3. Deleter the redis_atlasdb.rdb file? Or is there another way? Thank you! Edit: Oh, I guess it's ether that or the clearall_127.0.0.1.bat file. Thank you for your help Edit: Was this what you meant? Was it supposed to delete our toons?
  4. My friend and I are having issues harvesting on some islands. We can get on the island, kill and tame, but we cannot harvest. I have to editing and moving the effected island in the grideditor slightly to get it back to normal. This has started happening more frequently and I would like to find a permanent fix as I don't know what I would do if our base island was effected. Thank you for your help.
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