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About IG2

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  1. @jeppekroezen Thanks for you Answer, if you mean my "D:\atlas\ShooterGame\Saved\00\Config\WindowsServer" and "01" for the two running shards, then thats what I did. If not, could you please explain what you mean? Edit 1: I use "AltSaveDirectoryName=00" and "AltSaveDirectoryName=01". Edit 2: Those work: [/Script/ShooterGame.ShooterGameMode] PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[0]=3 OverridePlayerLevelEngramPoints=5
  2. Hello there! I tried to use the table Patcher provided, but sadly I could not get it to work. I have a 2 shard Server and used the same Game.ini on both of them but it didnt seem to change anything. Has anybody an idea what I might have done wrong?
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