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About Dobby

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  1. @JetFox I have a problem with discordBot: Only your program is using the bot. (UseDiscordChat) Thanks!
  2. @JetFox Thanks for the update! ¿Any special commands? EDIT: Commands like "@BOT rcon Broadcast Test" works but keep spamming this: Response: Server received, But no response!! Response: Server received, But no response!! Response: Server received, But no response!! Response: Server received, But no response!! Response: Server received, But no response!! Response: Server received, But no response!! Response: Server received, But no response!! Thanks
  3. You need to wait for approval to enter the project.
  4. You need to join before helping. https://crowdin.com/project/play-atlas
  5. You should read before posting... https://crowdin.com/project/play-atlas/es-ES#
  6. @JetFox Hey! can you add Discord integration (server updates/start/stop/restarting with customizable messages) and when are you planning update to support this?: Thanks for the tool!
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