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Posts posted by Nightstrasza

  1. 2 minutes ago, Poot Pootington said:

    I'm dumb and don't understand the patch notes.  What exactly does it do?

    I get the sense from your post that players can't get in ships that are not in your alliance or company, but how could they possibly prevent players from jumping onto another players ship?

    1. Jumping onboard of any not owned ship that is not raft = stuck untill dead, say by to items that carried etc.

    2. What op describes is some griefers can put a fleet of rafts arround soeones ship and they can't get out/get on that ship bcs there is no more walking on someones ship if anchored, in short, they can't sink thy ship?, well, they gonna make sure thou wilt not have fun with that ship either.

  2. 2 minutes ago, moostiiq said:

    So every shipyard in the game is designed to be perfect raftcatchers, and since rafts have a horrible turnradius, once you realize you're heading fo one it's often too late to avoid it, or you have to choose between leaving the raft where it is or ramming it into one. Not as annoying for me after i more or less stopped using rafts, but now my own shipyards get random rafts stuck in them instead. Any thoughts? Possible to change raft mechanic and/or shipyard design? Allow rafts to reverse perhaps?

    Already lost 1 raft and 2 other times spent like half hour each on getting them out from shipyards not to mention rocks. Yes, the rafts get stuck on everything bcs of trash controls, they just keep driving into whatever they get stuck into.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Scorpionshawn said:


    Haha lol, so that's an instant stuck glitch. As for pvp, it only works for anchored ships... so suprise, that's good, no more coward overweight "raids" while ppl sleep. They can be boarded while unanchored still.

    • Like 1

  4. 1 hour ago, Mephos said:

    20k gold to fly around with a dragon for a few hours.. .. who even does that? 

    Tbh, hoped that will tame a dragon and permamently have it as a mount but it seems that's just a rented siege machine insteed of a pet companion.

  5. 1 minute ago, LifelessGamer said:

    Was just an example of intent.  Could add a dock/ship at golden age ruin islands.


    That is what I was thinking without going into great detail at an npc dock.


    Offline raid protection would be a fine fix.  I know it has it's issues to be resolved too.  I dislike the strategy of "we are being attacked, everyone log off."  They would need to make is not affect flags imo or you would never be able to take land claims and everyone would just live in lawless.

    They could make a building, something like rust have with upkeep except without payment, it would be turned off/on but there would be cooldown after turning it on and/or when something in the area took damage already recently. It would also turn on by itself if the area was unloadedbcs of no owners nearby or something like that.

  6. Our bf is locked into 20-22 fps no matter what settings they choose, they have 11gb ram, gtx 1050 ti and i7 processor so they refunded and playing alone for weeks now. That hast to be something with the game not ppls computers, especialy that seen ppl complaining about similar problems on steam forum.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Domino said:

    According to Steam:

    Join an endless adventure of piracy & sailing, exploration & combat, roleplaying & progression, settlement & civilization-building, in one of the largest game worlds ever! Explore, Build, Conquer!

    And from what I recall of my anthropology and history classes, trade was a crucial part of forming settlements and civilizations.

    Fun fact: If you hover your mouse over someone's picture on the left, you have the option to block them.  The forums become so much more tolerable and less rage-inducing when you're able to censor the trolls. 🙂 

    Don't think that works for forums tho, having only 1 person blocked, but can see them reply on forum (they don't show up as often anymore), so guess that's just useless block from private messenges.

  8. 40 minutes ago, ikarirain said:

    Based on what I've seen through the crafting system so far, there 'IS' potential for some pretty amazing gear, but we're not going to see these amazing pieces right away.  As far as dividing the skills between crafting and using, I'm perfectly fine with it.  Sure, a lot of people are going to want to craft their own gear, and then not be able to wear higher-end gear in order to conserve points for other things.  On the other hand, there will be people who want to wear the amazing gear, and don't mind giving up the ability to craft it.  This will divide people into Artisans and Consumers, and will put a greater value on significantly exceptional gear.


    There are two things you should remember regarding higher quality gear, and these are very important:

    - The gear never gets destroyed, it simply breaks, and you can always repair it, making it endlessly valuable so long as you continue repairing it.

    - The gear does NOT require multiple resource types to repair, regardless of the quality type.  It may take 3 different types of mats to craft a blue Journeyman piece, but it only takes 1 to repair it.  This makes the repair costs for consumers incredibly cheap, and further increases the value of the gear.

    Except gear already doesn't break, even common and they don't require multiple types of materials to fix, just more of them.

    23 minutes ago, Shintai said:

    Only issue I got is that the better gear doesn´t auto equip like the default common.

    Yeah, that's annoying, logging in everytime just sorting stuff, imagine having entire set of not common gear while going on a corpse run, enjoy being a static target for 10 seconds while sorting out hotbars...

  9. 2 minutes ago, LifelessGamer said:

    I think they will add something to help eventually.    Current system of "time to log off for the night, goodbye ship nice knowing ya" is unrewarding.  Imo "at a freeport 1 ship can be harbored per company or non companied player."  Company could store a few ships if they used mule accounts and then claimed the ships back but that would take time.


    I see something like that happening eventually.

    No..., not freeports, make some new area but not freeports, those starting ppl should experience a better ping than 250 while trying to kill a chicken.

  10. 3 hours ago, overtyped said:

    I notice how every aggressive animal are best friends for life, alligators and wolves, lions and scorpions, but vultures? Why is a defensive creature getting along with the rest of them? Not only do you get raped by wolves on the ground, but then their "friends" come from the air too? 

    Vulture and his six million vulture buddies.

  11. -20% vitamin depletion, eating 1 fish, 1 meat and 5 berries/veggies per meal, restores 20+ hunger and 5 of each vitamins. The equilibrium buff is well worth the effort and getting the food is just few minutes of gathering or killing, then cook and store. The only problem that have with vitamins is they drop too fast like if they were not affected by fortitude (having 60 and 90 with EQ buff) and also at sea when sailing or just simply doing non-heavy tasks at home can't keep up without overeating, swimming in cold water is actualy beneficial for us bcs we lose some hp which use up that stored hunger..., also EQ vanishes after some time of not eating even if our vitamins are still equal and at half meter. EQ is also bugged and vanishes when crossing grids which makes it hard to maintain during exploration.

    5 hours ago, Dorf said:

    I prefer to have all my vitamins well balanced and as high as possible. I kind of enjoy the satisfaction of mastering it.  However, my current base is on an island with zero vitamin A.  So until I start farming or cooking to fix this issue i too have resorted to the quick fix of ordering a new body with a full set of vitamins once I start taking damage from low vitamin A.

    Could always spec into cooking, the first basic skill gives a tea which is made of berries and it changes vitamin C berries into vitamin A tea, the tea also have 30 minutes decay timer as oposed to berries having 10.

    • Thanks 1

  12. 1. SoDs camping borders, will that change like when they got a restriction to not get near the shores?

    2. Number of SoDs, most of the time when traveling atleast 2/3 of ways that can go is walled off by SoDs, that's definitely not a problem in pvp propably since everyone is there putting cannons on literaly everything so SoDs get culled but ppl both in PvP an PvE that have a sloop or just a bigger ship designed for trading/transporting still are forced to be armed on everything, otherwise they have to go arround for half hour to 1 hour just to circle arround them. What would like to see is hem being actualy rare, not everywhere... or atleast much more rare, but stronger, keep the low lvls nearly like now but the lvl scaling put higher so maybe they gonna be much less common but they will put up a fight, right now ppl fear nothing other than red SoDs if they go intentionaly into a fight, they are just either an annoyance or a grinding material.

    3. Animals overpsawn, both passive and agressive. Obviously ppl don't complain about passives bcs... well, they don't break their fun, but the amount of animals everywhere could be reduced by like 75%. Not all islands have this problem, was to islands that have 1 predaotr every 3-5 minutes but also was to other islands (an also living on one like those) that get spammed 3 wolves each minute and it just get infuirating, don't even care there is like 20 horses roaming just arround our house if don't even need them to eat, just from 1/4 of wolves that killing have enough meat to satisfy self, already got like 20k hide and constantly getting more (seen a tiny shore island filled with like 30+ horses + 2 alpha horses).

    https://imgur.com/a/q1CcRsM (some proof, died like 100 meters away from house to alpha wolf and a pack, took 11 minutes of frustration and corpse running, the screenshot shows the pack that moved now to the neightbour an grew in since by 2x, fun right, there's even many more that did not make it in the spyglass view on left and right, atleast anothe 10+ to those on the screenshot)

    4. Alphas are not fun if we have no counterplay to them, ther eis no counterplay against an alpha lion, wolf or tiger, they are faster than player and unless we are on a horse, very close to water or behind a stone wall, we stand no chance to survive that encounter and they are allowed to spawn anywhere, not just on like, power stone islands or something. Even slow ones like snakes etc are a pain bcs maybe they are slowr, but they are forced to be dealt with otherwise we can't gather that tree or something, game threw an alpha at us?, well, time to go abandon anything we did and get smacking for 10-20 minutes, unless we use fire arrows obviously..., but that's just an enforced skill right now, fire arrow this, that, everything.

    5. Animals agro on buildings, they consider a building like some prey, if is closer than a player, they will bite it no matter if will stick 20 arrows in their butt, even stone walls which they can't  damage are molested to no end. Already lost a tiny shipyard bcs 2 alphas and a pack of wolves literaly prefered to eat wood insteed of chasing their target that was few meters away on the shore sticking arrows and bullets in them.

    6. Animals spawn inside buildings... please make buildings have an aura like when restricting resources respawn, everyday having to kill 2-3 animals inside own house.

    7. Guns suck, literaly never using them unless need to place some long range precise headshot... or simply kill a vulture, bcs they are good only for sniping birds bellow 20 lvl, nothing else.

    8. Server performance is again getting worse, since 2 days, experiencing rubberbaning, stutter and timeouts, perhaps battle eye have something to do with it?

    9. Yet again about performance but this time... ping, on own grid having no problems, just 5-20 players at once, but was to lands that have 60-100, and gods, the rubberbanding there is so insane that it takes 1-2 seconds for an acton to happen, lion once tried to attack us... 4 jumps, no damage nor grab, wolf teleported across half screen to us after agroing, army of the damned boss coudln't hit us unless we kept standing in one place for like 1 minute, came to that place to do a fine map..., 1 soldier somewhere, who knows where glitched which makes us no longer want to do anything outside of polar/tundra, bcs that 250 ping is not just unfun, it actualy breaks the game.

    10. Will traps be added into the game, like spikes or deadfall traps etc?

    11. Remove aging?, we don't want to look ugly nor lose character and land/buildings/gear nor get included into some artificial brothel or something (even if that would be just an option on a wheel and we get kid or something, meh)

    12. Psst..., read our sea platform suggestion, bet with some adjustments it could be a fun experience for some ppl to live on those, especialy the new players. (this is so not a stream worthy question lol, but if will read that suggestion then maybe will take it as a proper question for the game)

    Actualy found that suggestion, hope is not too of a shameless plug, just if would like to check it out Jat, the platform part is in the middle of it after 2 text walls which are about ship parts, third is about sea platform, could give some extra space for building for newcomers.


    Btw, hope can deduce what asking for in every of those points even if they are not formed as questions most of the time.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 3

  13. 5 minutes ago, Bolognapwny said:

    God I am so sick of Ark players... Ark is not this game.... the popularity of this game is not because its like ARK... its because its different.... and better.... Please take ALL ARK ARK ARK ARK ARK ARK ARK talk and go to Ark forums please.... 


    I am literally disgusted by this constant ark talk... 


    Devs i play the crap out of games so give me 5 minutes... MAke your own vision stop listening to these crybaby single player/Roleplayers.

    Wtf, they just lost their ships to an exploit and came here to bash them for being a "roleplayer"?, what it have to do with lossing stuff to exploits?

    • Like 4

  14. 1 minute ago, Vaenix said:

    Yeah we've had that problem too, we used a multi tier base where there are probably around 30 rooms so I am on the ground floor with several people above me.  They've woken up asleep in my foundation after for whatever reason falling through the floor into my foundation. My understanding is that  it is something to do with the hibernation system used to optimize the performance of the server in areas that are not actively loaded by players, this is due to the "predictive" method they have like with Ark, the area is not rendered and thus in hibernation, when it becomes rendered the server attempts to figure out what would have happened if it was not rendered, this causes a ton of calculations to run and bodies to fall where they shouldn't.  I'm not sure there is a way around that. 

    Never seen such behavior in games, mobs and players could "fall down" into the abyss untill the ground generated but once it did, they would be where they should be, not in some underground caves or something. Perhaps just freeze the bodies untill all static stuff is generated, then props and trees, then buildings and in the end entities.

  15. 2 hours ago, archaegeo said:

    The funny part is that you can run ashore and not do more than some minor damage, but you run up on a little underwater hill that doesnt break the surface, your boat suddenly sinks.

    Yeah, so many times had raft 2/3 on land insteed of water and took max 1k dmg from such thing, personaly never sunk from a sandy hill, propably bcs constantly looking at the map and dropping speed to 20-50% when geting near the shore..., but once sank, when "landed" on a polar biome when first time started the game, it just touched the shore and it instantly exploded from 10k to 0.

  16. 1 minute ago, Vaenix said:

    You can make the stable above ground but there is no guarantee the animals won't fall through(they shouldn't).  We've built on hilly terrain using stacking foundations and have found or hens or sheep in the foundation numerous times.  It doesn't help that even if the spawning of wild animals was solved we still have the problem of the AoD spawning wherever the hell they feel like when someone runs by with a treasure map in their hotbar.

    We see, what about making a double floor, like put celing on second floor and then another celing on third floor? Btw, asking bcs once went sleep at second floor and somehow glitched down inside the floor tile... uner the bed... and had to demolish the tile and the bed to get out.

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