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Posts posted by Nightstrasza

  1. 5 minutes ago, Charles U Farley said:

    Another unfinished idea of Wildca… Grapeshot Games. Having dangerous stuff in Atlas is cool. But SOTD, cyclones, alphas, cheesy food mechanics, crappy ship decay and hydras is just annoying. The implementation of this ideas is again complete trash.



    It was a cheater, there's no randomly spawning hydras on freeports nor everyones ships exploding at the same time.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 19 minutes ago, Beardacus said:

    Will there be any improvements made to the in game/live support available?

    As it stands right now, it hardly qualifies as live support. It is file a ticket and wait, then play message tag with the Game Master who is severely over flooded with tickets as it is and pray you catch them when they try and contact you if you are online.

    Some people such as myself are suffering from game breaking bugs which are making it impossible to play.

    Would be nice for more GMs roaming arround, would also keep cheaters at bay if in high numbers.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Liatni said:

    I was watching a group of ships(of all sizes) last night, in one when they were heading out for a fight, they all survived the storm fine. As well watched another ship sail directly into one to fight a lvl 11 sotd, it survived both the storm and the SoTd, just fine. However, in both cases I think the company does make it a habit to keep its ships up  sturdiness.

    As for the one that sank for you all, did you have waterbarrels open on it that maybe filled up and it maybe was weight that did it? donno, I mean.. I haven't sailed a raft for a few days, maybe I need to take one out and go spout huntin just to try it out. lol. I usually survive just fine in them with a raft.. I may take enough damage that I start praying that I get out in time but the raft thus far, not a problem haha

    Raft, atleast before the silent "buff", did not take damage from storm, only player.

  4. 4 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Verily, who hath struck Nightstrasza upon thine head with a tomb of Shakespeare or king James’s own bible? A pox upon thy house foul villain! Thou hast left the lady’s speech in tatters most grandiose.

    Our "old timey" english suck, we literaly know only about thou, thy, thine, art..., adding "st" to end of some words..., yeah, not only english is not our first language, we also can barely talk like "this" not to mention we don't know when to use it and when not. Gj on having knowledge on that tho.

  5. To get brig need to build it so more resources (EH, hate gathering fiber) and need many more points put into sailing + already got schooner outfitted, built, yeah, scrapping it would be painfull, would just prefer them to make sense out of it (buff it).

    1 minute ago, Dread Pirate Ash said:

    I'm with Theszerdi here. Basically exactly the same - enough to get an extra bed or two, bump crew up to cover sails/cannons/friends, then pump weight and generally ignore sturdiness. If my ship starts REALLY getting up there in levels (my current galleon is like 50+ now), I start putting a little into sturdiness just to avoid the extra food spoilage, but really its not important imo.

    But I play on unofficial, so other players trying to kill me is pretty much a non-issue. YMMV there.

    Don't think official servers allow to lvl up higher than 41 on ships.

  6. 5 minutes ago, TheSzerdi said:

    They massively increased damage dealt by cyclones. 

    Went thro 2 cyclones or 3, they deal damage but it was not more than 200-400 dmg for entire time spent inside one so guessing ppl who got K.O.ed either did not fix and had some lone planks not taken care off or they experienced a bug.

  7. 1 minute ago, Percieval said:

    Ye but permanent flyers can be OP too. In ARK you could parachute away or glide away. Here they will pick you from your ship, drop you away 500m low in the sea and there you are. Or they should disable the picking up entirely. 

    Yeah, being aware that having a dragon perma would be so op... just having dreams an wishes hehe.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Percieval said:

    It is made for sieges, or defenses if you’re quick. I can only speak for my company that we are saving up for about 10 dragons to have in the save for when we need them for defense or a big siege. It can get pretty messy 😉 

    The problem is we can't have a fiery pet, hoped it was possible to live with own dragon permamently since not being interested in any of overspawned common, non-mythial animals all arround.

  9. 12 minutes ago, kolonelu said:

    They build lots of houses over the copper  nodes, no one can mine, and they say "there is plenty of iron copper nodes on the island " , SHAME ! we play pve we dont annoy other players

    If that's lawless, no way to stop them, if that's normal server then set flags to not allow building for everyone.

    • Like 1

  10. Just now, Nezz said:

    Could anyone share known Crow locations? The wiki is pretty scarce.

    E14 100%, seen them in other places but since not being sure can't realy tell, maybe all tundras since E14 is tundra an traveling inside cold biomes... but yeah E14 100%.

  11. 3 hours ago, Olthoi said:

    I love how these always sound the same, I mean literally for a decade now.  "It was my friend"  "I let somebody use my PC"  "My little brother"  "Cat stepped on the keyboard"  "Dog" etc etc etc.

    Its amazing, I have been playing online games for 20 years now (Asherons Call baby!)  and not one single time have I ever experienced the things these people seem to experience each time they start a new game.



    Experienced the cats (having 3), however they did not write whole, proper sentences lol.

    • Haha 2

  12. 3 minutes ago, Badkebab said:

    Close your sails completely hold down s key your boat ship raft will slowly start to reverse can be done with any ship I believe 

    But yes the buttresses on the shipyards are a pain

    Can't do that with raft, the only control of the raft is sails wheel.

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