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Posts posted by FruitBatCat

  1. Yeah, they are definitely worse, I've run into plenty of SOTD before but now there a many more and they seem faster. For the first time I had a ship sunk by them today, couldn't outrun it, or maneuver around it - a sloop with speed sails is no match for them anymore, doesn't stand a chance when they are so numerous and avoiding one just aggro's another and you can't outrun them anyway. Seems pointless even going out there if even some amount of skill makes no difference.

  2. 2 hours ago, UDO said:

    as all the age mechanics are not in the game yet then a pretty premature poll 


    there will be other ways to maintain youth . 

    Yes, but shouldn't they disable the mechanism for now then? It should have only been enabled when we had options for countering it.

    • Like 3

  3. 8 hours ago, Recloud said:

    Those of you who think other people owning land which you have to rent or buy from them is a "garbage system", just wait until you want your own home in real life. "But they got here first and spend more time on this than I do! Why don't I get my land for free?" Let me know how that works out for you in the real world. Yeah, this is a game, but the system isn't a foreign one... Other people own it, and either want to sell or they don't. You just have to deal with it.

    I do own my own home, I worked for it. I did not get it for free by just being the first to turn up there. I also didn't claim the whole street or neighborhood just because I felt like it and no-one else was there yet.  Your analogy isn't a very good one tbh.

    I could understand the claim / land system more if it was based on some kind of deed system where companies tackle a tough boss, or collect a number of hidden artifacts from all around the map to entitle them to the deed / deeds. Those deeds would have to be maintained with continued daring feats or even gold. Then it would take teamwork and some element of co-ordination, tenacity or skill. Just turning up and claiming at much as you want is very empty, says nothing about the owner and seems out of place in a social game about politics. Leave a sleeping company member (could even be a alt account on family sharing) inside a house on a claim and it can never be contested... ever. What's dynamic or political about that?

    Atm MOST players (and all players to join in the future, hopefully for years) are pretty much locked out of the claiming system in PVE. Not a good situation imo and I feel it needs modifying - I'm still open to changing my mind if someone can explain why the system is good but so far anyone pro the current system has just been people keen to retain their already claimed land accusing debaters of being jealous or implying sticking a flag up is hard work and they deserve it. No-one has come up with why it is a good system for the game.

    I still stick with my original opinion that living on lawless without tax or potential for legitimate griefing is better (we all know exploits and griefing not intended by the devs are rife in the game atm but hopefully those issues will be tackled over time, and that's a different issue) - but am still open to having my mind changed.

  4. 2 hours ago, JackTheWack said:

    Seems you havnt been in a lawless for a while people have spammed it full of pillars so others cant build... 

    I've been in lawless the whole time, there's plenty of space if ppl look. Some islands are pillared yes, but many aren't, I have new neighbours today who took over a space abandoned with enough room to build a galleon, they've already got their shipyard up and have started trading with others already there. There's quite a high turnover with the 4 day demo timer, I think it's working pretty well considering the alternatives.

  5. 11 hours ago, Vhalkyrie said:

    RE: Why would anyone rent land

    I'm ok with renting land.  My matey and I live on the seas, but we occasionally need to come ashore.  We don't have any interest in a permanent settlement or claiming/defending land.  We like to hunt SOD and island hop from region to region.  We will happily shop around for the best tax rates for our short visits ashore.

    We're pretty good tenants.  We setup our temporary structures until we've finished what we came for, then we tear it down and clean up before we leave.  Offer us a favorable rate, and we'll be happy to visit.  🙂

    Why not go to lawless then, there's always space opening up there and no tax at all?

    Same to you BMG5229, why not lawless with no tax?


  6. 2 hours ago, Archsenex said:

    Pve should just be lawless rules everywhere with ability to travel to beds.  Dont touch it in 4 days, people can destroy it.

    After thinking about this for some time this is the conclusion I've come to too. The claim system just doesn't gel well with PVE unless there are limitations on how much land you can claim and costs associated with maintaining the claim so there is a higher turnover of owners and certain groups don't take over massive swathes of land. Otherwise I can just see those areas become ghost towns after a few stories come out about how ppl were griefed  (true or false, mud sticks).

    I really like the idea that the devs wanted us to create towns and co-op societies but in a PVE environment I feel this would have been better achieved with thoughtful map design and pre defined areas / lots in central hubs that could be rented from an imaginary overlord with the rest of the map being similar to how lawless is now. People could rent a small lot to trade from and place a bed and some storage in the 'city' Large bases and land grab is more a hang over from Ark and seems inappropriate for a pirate game anyway imo.

    Ppl are too wary of being trolled to trust a player landlord or tenant under the current system in PVE.

    EDIT: Also considering the renting lots in a town grid idea type of thing I was just imagining how awesome it would be to walk through a street of player designed houses with players trading or hanging out. Would be cool to see what ppl could create in a small space.

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  7. 48 minutes ago, Sighdawg said:

    It’s an MMO people. The point is to mingle with other players in the game. So TALK to your landlord. Make friends. That’s the whole point!!!! Or don’t. Complain about a fantastic game that you feel is slighting you because someone else has put in time and effort into creating something wonderful with their group of friends. 

    Sensitive much? Don't think anybody except you feels slighted here, just discussing a mechanic.

    & tbh not many ppl make friends with their landlord, a master / serf relationship is not usually condusive to friendship. Better to fight a common enemy? Have to achieve a common goal? I am just curious what the devs intend here, the majority of players in this scheme will be serfs and I don't know of many people who want to play a game where there feel they are getting a worse deal than another player Just human nature.

    This mechanic just doesn't seem to be attractive or fun to the majority of players to me. Am I missing something? If so, please explain.

    • Like 1

  8. After failing to find anywhere to claim I've ended up on lawless which is fine by me tbh as I only have to log on every few days to be completely secure.

    I've been thinking about this a lot though, why would anyone want to rent land? I've been offered land to rent many times but I'm simply not interested. You're basically rewarding someone for taking more land than they need.

    The system is without any benefits to the renter that I can see, in fact it is counter productive to the renter as it will encourage others to retain land they don't actually need so their chance of ever finding their own claim is diminished every time a rental agreement is made.

    There's no protection, no guarantee you won't build up and then the owner adds you to their exclusion list and boom all that is yours is now theirs. You have no protection against them leaving the game or simply getting their claim contested.

    It's not a fun mechanic at all and I can't see why anyone would rent. I feel it's a fundamentally flawed system in the game and will encourage more people to leave than continue playing.

    I'm genuinely interested in people's opinions on this, for those who like this system (and not just because they were early enough to get a claim) why is this a good system for the game?

    • Like 4

  9. There's also ppl targeting the ships parked at freeports. I saw a group last night sinking ships to loot them, when I confronted them about it they repeatedly rammed my sloop... so I left. This is not what PVE ppl expect or want, I'm surprised this has been allowed to continue so long.

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