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Posts posted by Nerva666

  1. i hated arks loot system, people who adminned know some of the pain, and those who search for bps also know the pain. The ark system was horrendous, and our copy paste of it is even worst. There was almost no thought in the drops it feels, we need many limitations, ie shipyard bp should be 1 craft. things like scissors and saddles that are white, should let you use those bps without the skill, otherwise cut them out of the loot table already. The wild range of the bps is maddening, its green/fine it needs a set amount of points and that's it, ie fine sword bp +1-6% damage, and +1-6% durability bonus, done.  and yes i said as low as 1, because we all have gotten items that were like mythical with 0 increase. there should always be an increase, even if its slight.   I also have always been against mythical, i think they have a place, and that is on unofficial servers. But we need to reign in the loot system, and actually go through it, with reasonable numbers, and not the mess we have now.  Some items only really have one stat, someone yes has to take the time, and simplify the loot system, and put each item in individually. The reality is sometimes the crafts are way to many, sometimes the stats are just not even worth anything. We need to get away from levels, and start going for rarity. the system was bad in ark and its dragging down Atlas like a sinking ship

  2. capturing an island is sometimes pointless, and mostly just because of some bad game mechanics, but we can start fixing that with couple things, First we need the claim flag radios of interrupt cut in at least HALF. it is way to big to interrupt, we have people on top of mountains above them just contesting.  the area in which contention happens needs to be drastically reduced. 

    The next largest problem is the spam and clutter. people are just spamming foundations/pillars/walls/roofs everything all over the flag and the island.  now the problem is that even once you take it over it just is to much work to bother with the spam. If you take over an island, you should be able to demo all of it, which still takes hours, i know i have done it before. So either the new company can demo it all for free instead of having to unreasonably destroy it, OR all structures not owned need to be on a extremely quick decay rate. so for example, company AAAAA takes over island owned by company 44444. All of 44444 structures decay in three days if the island is not recaptured. We need a way to fix the huge spam issue, we need their items gone, and it should not be that people have to spend the resources to destroy all of it, people are just spamming all their islands, because even if people take it over they can not even do anything with it because of the outrageous cost to destroy it all.  either way, something has to drastically change, and soon.

  3. Gliders seem to be a slight issue in the game. due to the poor structure and massive peaks and unreasonably high peaks within the game, people then build ladders even higher up for jump platforms to reach insurmountable distances. Yes the peaks and high points in this game are silly and way to high. but i feel we need to take a point from the games cousin dark and light, and gliders need to use stamina. we need the glider to greatly start using stamina especially if they try to move. at this point we have people still able to glide to other zones and all the way across one zone due to the combination of bad ideas on island and map design. this would instantly fix some of the problems within the game, and should have been obvious.


  4. 17 hours ago, Jatheish said:

    Getting the Fire Elemental wet (luring it into water) will allow you to do significantly more damage to it, we're still going to be making some adjustments to the balance of the creature in upcoming patches.

    most of the time they just fly in the sky, and shoot their homing missile, massive damage, AOE fireballs.

  5. Can we get Auto closing door feature?
    I enjoyed the Fog of war on to see where i had discovered and where i have been, can we get that at least as a toggle option?
    Can we get Fire coral and Brain coral into the ship resource box?
    How do you kill a fire elemental? seems their target lock fireballs and them just flying through the sky and waters, with a huge agro range is overpowered and not fitting or balanced  due to how hard they are to kill.

  6. i like the diving platform and using the suit, but it is seriously short when you get to the bottom. the range needs to be increased greatly. the other problem is, lets face it, the wood is way heavy, especially when you are in some deep ocean, where you cannot even popcorn it all the way to the top. due to the buoyancy, i think it would be fair to say we could/should increase even more the weight added when in the suit. in its current state, wood weighs too much making it difficult, and the range is extremely too short and needs to be a much longer hose, about 200-300% increase


  7. Some of the Discoveries seem not existent. i asked the forums and such, and many people have been having similar issues. i got a discovery other day, friend came over, and did not get it in same spot, and could not get it, he used spyglass, even went into the discover circle and stuff, still did not give it to him. it is odd that sometimes players have to go slightly different spot or jump around, or climb up to get the same discovery. But many some of them seem to be not existent. L14 i hhave been trying to complete, can not get the first there. https://atlas.gamepedia.com/Region_L14 Where the Mermaid Cries, Wenches Bench, and Safe on a Rock. Most people have same suggestion maybe its underwater?  I have searched and wandered both islands, and spyglassed everywhere, and from the highest points. So these do sound like rather small Discoveries, i would suggest increasing their size, if they exist. i know some have said they had to sit on chairs to see some discoveries.  They say they are in and working, but seriously by now someone should have bumped into one of L14s first three, and everyone i have asked and even on the forums, no one has them yet.  So either some of the discoveries are bugged, or need to be greatly adjusted or increased in size.

  8. make giraffes actually gather at a a decent rate, pretty useless. most the tames are completely useless for many larger company's because the tame cap. need to separate crew from tames. can only have couple ships on a map decked out, and then they expect us to defend it with more crew? and then to have a couple farm tames? need to just separate the two.


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  9. On 1/28/2019 at 6:46 PM, Kara said:

    I'd like to see the change be a higher cap but enforce it across all zones. 

    currently the ship cap is over all zones, but tame limit is per zone, and it makes it tough because it doesn't even properly track boat cap.  and they are both way to low. both numbers need to go up, but they really need to separate ship crew and those npcs from the tames.

  10. the current reporting system really feels inadequate and hard to actually do. and i really do not want to download every single language pack. who are you reporting, oh [][] from the [][] group. due to us only seeing boxes.  I feel the better way, would be after a death you could have option to report last player who killed you, and if you clicked that, it would have you feel in description. because the game filling in the other players name, company id, their steam id's, and other information that is way easier and instant for the system to gather then the player after instant death from cheaters. The lack of proper system really leans towards almost encouraging it, this was one of the same problems that ark had, with all the exploits, cheats that still wnet on, all the mass duping, and other issues, a reporting system could really help clean up some of the frustration.

  11. It seems with the current state of the game, the ship limit cap needs to be exactly doubled. and the tame limit raised by about 3x. 

      The problem is those numbers you see are not just per zone, its taking all of them, sure this affects bigger groups more then others. but the other problem is, that they never separated crew from tames. so now to even have your ships manned, or defenses manned, you cannot even have farming tames. the numbers are way to low, and this leads to the hindrance of groups even having the ability to breed as it seems the game wants you to go through a struggle.

    The realistic solution is Greatly multiplying these numbers. it seems fair to say a group of 500, could and should have 500 ships for a cap, unless they want to keep the 140 max, and actually make it in per zone, which the game leads you to believe, but, its currently not. The other needed implementation immediately would be separation of crew from tames.

     Some of these ships take 50 crew to man, most taking 20+. separating them tames limit would help and make their limits. it seems then one of the few ways to even defend your base and coastlines is through npc's again. this leads to even smaller tribes not able to defend. 

    A few of us might remember having similar problems in ark with tames and such. there was one limit that i remember with rafts counting towards saddle limits. and then another time i did see tame limit on ark, but only once, it was fairly high.  but in the current state, people could only maintain a couple of warships fully manned and sacrifice all npc defenses. 

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