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James Hook

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Posts posted by James Hook

  1. Yesterday i parked my ship on a islamd that was not mine due a rl problem that i needed to take care, when i logged today some people on my company( who i have asked to look the ship for me) told me that the owners of the land were building shipyards beneath my ship, when i get on my boat( wich was Parker on a safe spot, far away from some rocks) it started sinking because of land damage, like i was driving into those rocks. My question is if this is a bug, and they managed to move my boat, or i should parked evento further away from the rocks?

    Ty all

  2. With so many people complaining that they cant progress without a piece of land, wich is fair since you need land to build ships, what if we could rent a piece of land, or rent houses, shipyards ? So that way the claiming system still have meaning( and i love the concept of taxation, but need some tweaks), and to prevent abuse of this system, who rent cant claim land from the company for a number of days, this could turn lands in actual cities, and that way people would have a place to live, and bigger companies would still fight for land. This idea came up after 2 days looking for land as a solo player and like everybody seeing all lands already claimed. I got lucky and found a small group that invited me and i could start having some fun.

    What you guys think?

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