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Posts posted by Dingiva

  1. Whats the point here? That players want the same thing as the big boys? Geez... Our company just built on a lawless island to get equipped. Theres was no big deal to get enough ressources and level up, built ships, went over and stole claimed islands.
    If you struggle to claim an island because you get outnumbered or are too weak - how would you even defend it?

    While exploring the map and looking for a nice spot to build our base, we came across loads of islands that were claimed - but nothing was build. There was not even rafts or other stuff. We even contested several spots (and won them) without having any fights, nobody came to interrupt the claim.

  2. Simply dont play a massive multiplayer online game if you dont like that people play together. You can still go for the pirates way of playstyle, but you cannot play solo and think you can rule everything.

    Basically, you complain that you would get roflstomped by players that outnumber you - while you only want to roflstomp weaker ships/players.

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