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Bad News Bear

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Posts posted by Bad News Bear

  1. Yup, their system is dumb. A small dot when you're on an enemy ship and should be fine, regen is slow enough as it is people wont troll. I guess they could always medkits up, but should be able to make medkits non-effective for like 10 min after being on an enemy ship in PvE zones

  2. 18 hours ago, MeatSammich said:

    Well, that and their tendancy to glitch into/through solid objects.

    I've had cobras end up inside my floor, which is solid stacked foundations 2-4 high. (Maybe they tried to fast travel to my bed, because the bed there still consistently puts me inside the foundations if I fast travel to it, but I can respawn on it with no issues)

    I also had a cobra inside my bank...that sits on a platform of solid foundations.  Speaking of the bank, why the hell do cobras, rattlesnakes, and tigers insist on trying to eat the damn thing?

    We were doing maps at a powerstone island once and found an unlimited respawn of cobras in one of the buildings, we lured out maybe 100 of thwm and had an epic swivel cannon fight with them with our bear.

    turns out sometimes they play dead and then come all alive and box you in... rip bear

  3. I had fun, but it's time to take a break, 450 hours in this game: I can understand the first few weeks of the game being impossible to play - but there are clearly some very, very large gaps in the balancing of the game. There is literally no way to properly defend your base/stuff, also company cap size is much too large.

    I will play the game again in a few months when they introduce ways to defend bases and ports. Even removing damage done to boats by oil jars/grenades/explosive barrels altogether would make the game state a lot better than it currently is.

    Right now players are burning themselves out because of the sheer amount of time they need to play to actively play the game and safeguard their things.

    I would also love seeing melee, trade, and some more PvE content. I'm sure it'll all happen in due time, but right now I am wasting countless hours on a game that becomes 100% unbalanced because of some changes that are likely not tested or thought through in the eyes of how players will use the content.

  4. 42 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    Then clearly the appropriate action for you would be to stop wasting your time debating on these forums and go develop your own far superior game. There is clearly a great deal of money to be made, and even in the unlikely event you don’t care about money, you would get to enjoy the satisfaction of a game designed to your own desires.

    Agreed, ADFAX’s talent is wasted on this game and us puny mortals, he should vanish into the horizon and into famehood of the development of the greatest game that ever existed.

    We are, by all means beneath him.

    Let’s do him a favour by reportingn his ass until he no longer wastes his superior time here.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Adfax said:

    Wrong. There was emotion in the post, but the core argument remains logical.

    But as I already said, you can't have logic without emotion first. So every post has emotion.

    Damn, I guess I was wrong all along. Never knew the only way to make a logical or valid argument was by first getting the seal of approval from the all-mighty ADFAX and his golden voice of reason.

    I will ensure to have you proof-read all my future posts to ensure they are logical and valid. Because that is clearly the only way any constructive development will arise. Please ensure you let the developers know that you are the sole voice they should follow to create content, oh great lord of reason.

  6. He didnt say quit, he stated the game might be more enjoyable to them once they get a chance to balancing out the content.

    I personally think the developpers are doing a fantastic job and have accomplished a great deal since they launched the game. They still have a lit of work ahead of them and I am sure they will find a way to balance everything out in the end.

    • Like 2

  7. 3 minutes ago, Adfax said:

    It does.You'd never commit to a logical thought without a feeling first.

    Your emotions are your reason. They come from your base instincts filtered through your beliefs.

    Your post is an emotional response to an ingame content that you dislike and think should be change based on your personal beliefs. Based on your judgement you’re discrediting yourself.

    we simply do not agree with your point is all. Could the content be structured better? more than likely, should it be scrapped as per your post? Absolutely not.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Adfax said:

    Settle down; it isn't that bad. I just want you to argue your points better.

    It doesnt matter how well we argue them. I have explained my reasoning and the enjoyment the content has brought me whist doing it, I even offered people to join me when doing it, yet you still blindly go on insulting.

    It is that bad, you arent stopping. Iu’ve been harassing players on the forums.

    The only reason you even changed your tone is because yiu actually realized what you were doing wrong and you can actually get muted/banned from the forums for it. You’re the ine that needs to settle down, I have been calm this entire time.

    • Like 1

  9. 6 minutes ago, Adfax said:

    You only agree because they're attempting to help your failed argument. Failing at their attempt at that.

    Okay, maybe it was rude to say you were "stupid", I admit to that. But everything else is true.

    Do I have to actually explain this to you also?...Okay then.

    If you felt nothing, you would do nothing. Everything you do ties back to your base emotions/instincts in some facet or other. If you had no base emotions, you'd have no reason to do anything, and thus would do nothing. No logical thoughts, nothing. Logic is in service to emotion.

    You're now guilty of the same sin as the person you're trying to help, which was exactly my problem.

    Think it through before you post.

    Please stop insulting people, we are not rude to you, yet you go around calling people who do not support your points stupid. It is incessant and unnecessary. You have been guilty of doing this on other occasions as well.

    The only thing we feel is you trying to harass players out of your posts so you get a more favourable outcome of them via any dev reading through. 

    You have been violating the code of conduct of the forums, keep doing it and you will see what comes your way.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 9 minutes ago, boomervoncannon said:

    But you are not the sole arbiter of what is or is not faulty logic. Present your rational arguments and let people weigh them for themselves. For someone who likes to invoke the word logic you use a lot of profanity, insults and belittling language, things that have nothing to do with logic and everything to do with negative, judgement clouding emotion.

    Agrees with you completely. Anytime he makes a carebear post and gets called out by players he talks shit to them, tries to humiliate and harass. I’m going to report him when i get on my home computer. His consistent replying is very unwelcome and insulting.

    He made a post, people come and challenge or support his points, he should just let the community decide what aspects make sense and not. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, MeatSammich said:

    The issue with this, is that it pretty much eliminates small/solo tribes from being able to do it the correct way.

    Its not like a raid in WoW, where you just get better gear, it removes a debuff that is annoying at best, and detrimental to gameplay at worst.

    If you're not in a group of people large enough to do it, your choices are run and die a couple dozen times or more, and hope you get in before it moves, hope that there are a bigger tribe there to clear the stuff, or just say the hell with it and deal with stat loss.

    If there was no debuff, and it just gave you a buff, then that would be fine. But the fact that there is a debuff is what screws it up and becomes basically forced content, and if you don't have a big enough group, then oh well, you get to try to do it the frustrating way.

    I’ve done it alone / sometimes with 1-2 other players back when we were in a smaller group. Sure, it takes more time, but still doable, even within a 1-2hr timespan.

    I understand your frustration with the debuff, but it isnt that crippling. I’ve played with the debuff for a full week, just a minir nuisance.


    if you want I can run you through a powerstone, should be doing one or two this weekend.

  12. It would be amazing to have more dungeon style content available for us so we could explore dark (need lantern to go in) caves or mine shafts, some would have treasure/bp rewards, some with bosses with some sort of buff that would last 24h (something like 25% extra melee damage or -30% stamina consumption), heck even some with no reward, but that allow for cool exploration (discovery points?)


    also small caves, in and out of water, and in mountains, well hidden would be amazing for people to make tiny but strong bases.

    • Like 1

  13. 56 minutes ago, Adfax said:

    Your opinion is based on poorly thought out logic though; it isn't an opinion even worth considering.

    Think it through, and then come back. Until then, save your pointless opinion.

    The thing I like the most about FOY/powerstone is that it’s the only dungeon fight so far in game, and is quite challenging. When you go and fight the monsters in the cave fully geared and by coming well prepared you really have fun doing this content over going and running in blindly/naked hoping that the monsters get glitched somewhere.

    Also, in our preparations we come with a ballista boat in case the beach is littered with monsters. The players that are maked are generally very thankful to us for helping them by doing the content the way it’s meant to be done. 

    I wish there was more content that had the dungeon feel to it.

    searching for the FOY is like going on an adventure to get the ultimate reward - a permanent buff that helps you better accomplish your daily tasks.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Adfax said:

    Please stfu, you wouldn't care if it wasn't in the game. 

    it adds nothing.

    It is just pointless fluff. 

    People who like the age mechanic just haven't thought it through properly. The FOY is a huge reason the age mechanic sucks; the only way to fix that is to make accessing the fountain easier. You make accessing the fountain easier, it makes the age mechanic POINTLESS.

    I'm tired of stupid people making no argument helping keep this stupid non-mechanic in the game. Think it through, and you'll realize it isn't worth having.

    Therefore? The age mechanic is unneeded. It adds nothing. It only takes away from the game.

    Nah I’ll voice my opinion, it’s constructive criticism. The point I am making is that there are some people enjoy these concepts.

  15. On 2/13/2019 at 4:44 PM, Bullet Force said:

    No they gave us more PVP options which is a positive thing. If you don't want your boat blown to smithereens by some sneaky folks don't be lazy and put defensive guns around it. Puckle and swivel guns exist for a reason. Use them.

    More pvp options is def a good thing, i think the issue is there are hardly any defending options. Puckles and swivels are okay but the tame cap and the sheer amount of gold requirement/no gold management systems make it impossible to properly defend a base when you’re offline.(lower idle cost would be amazing so you could unseat NPCs when you log in to reduce cost while you are active, but then again the tame limit really twarts this idea)

    There is also no warning system for when an attack begins, people could be blowing up your base as you’re our farming, on that same island, and you wouldn’t  know.

    puckles dont work underwater? Just swim barrels under people’s boats


    I also think people should not be able to use gliders or climbing picks when they have grenades or explosive barrels. Barrels should be 400-600 weight imo as well.

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