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Jozzie McTowel

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Posts posted by Jozzie McTowel

  1. 32 minutes ago, Gfnjr said:

    That's all they have to do,  then there wouldn't be 200 people trying to do at once.  It would also give people time to plan ahead.  My character is 96,  just reset and everyone can be on same page now that fountain is active.  SIMPLE

    This would postpone the current issue with the amount of time it takes for everyone to age up to the same age again and do it over if they all wanted the buff u get when u are over 90 years when u do the fountain. If they were to reset ages, make it a random age reset so a very small amount of people would have to do the quest the day of the reset (1%) and spread the others out over the coarse of a few weeks so it doesn't have to be the entire population at once. But it would not solve the issue of a griefing company just populating the server or blocking players from reaching it with only one fountain on the entire map.

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  2. They are unable to fix anything properly, people griefing ships because they can pick up more from the ground than they should be able to, well devs fix is let people glitch out on ships that aren't theirs when trying to enter them rather than fixing the real bug being people able to pickup too many items, log out, log back in, only have 250/250 weight until they drop an item or split their stack in their inventory for it to show the real weight again. So now people just hang from ladders on boats who didnt' pull those up and encumber it like that or just toss items on the deck for it to get encumbered. If they made it impossibru for ppl to get overweight in the first place even the ship dropping method would require a lot of players to sink a ship that way cuz the items dissapear rather quick.

    Their claim that one of their dev's steam accounts got hacked is also a blatent lie, claiming this wouldn't occur again it only was an invitation to cheaters and hackers to show how quick they could fuck up their network once again. Not to forget that there are countless reports from cheaters and hackers being submitted via their ticket system which are going unanswered where these cheaters and hackers are going on with their malpractices until this very day (if servers were up though).

    Everything they claim to fix they break it even harder, my two examples are just two of them, I bet alot of dissatisfied customers could come up with plenty more stuff.

    Oh and not to forget their wonderous Fountain of Youth they implemented while about all players in game who have a character since launch are now receiving a very nice age debuff which they can only get removed when they travel to a Golden Age area where all people have to be right now and it only can hold up to 150 players in theory, in practice this wouild mean about 50 players to play it as it's meant to be played. But right now people just have to run through the lagfast that it is naked and hope for the best to reach the magic sparkles at the end of the cave. Same goes for powerstones apparently the much anticipated and praised end game they are trying to fix with each patch while their core game mechanics are broken beyond recognition. How are people supposed to play this game when everything is bugged and we have to find workarounds just to be able to progress in nearly each part of this game rather than playing as intended.

    Far worse might be the interaction the devs have with this community, far too many people havea already noted and stated that they mostly listen to cringy streamers and crybabies in general rather than looking at these forums and see the daily return of many topics where players are most frustrated about. No they gonna nerf all kinds of stuff cuz some half ass streamer is giving them a bad rep about it on stream. The only thing those devs want is to keep this game look like it's shiny and fun on the streams until they raked in enough of our hard earned cash. Because let's face it, they robbed us from our money to let us play this aggrevating crappy coded "so-called-pirate-mmo". If I wanted to grind my ass of for materials I would have kept playing 7 days to die or would have reinstalled minecraft to have a better experience in harvesting and building stuff without having to fear that none of my work is still there when I log back in.

    Let's have a look at the two twitters that are posting most of Atlas news and updates, now the official Atlas twitter is probably not into replying anyone at all just for posting update news and patch notes when Needed. Jatheish on the other hand is far more active with giving the community constant updates when shit goes wrong but also keeps posting ETA's that are never and are always late. Even seen people complain once about an ingame server message stating servers will restart or go down in 20 minutes, so players were rushing to a safe haven when on sea or make sure they got inside a house to logout before server goes down, what happens, server goes down only 5 minutes after that message appeared, making alot of players unable to logout safely with all the negativity as a result, players losing just their gear and die once ok very annoying, but those who never had a fair chance to park their boat somehwere lost alot of progress once again.

    Now besides their shitty communication skills and their non-existant clock reading skills the only one who replies to certain tweets is Jatheish, the pain in the ass there is that he only replies to either positive comments or comments that have no informational value what so ever. Like last night he replied to a guy asking how often he must have said a certain word this year already whlist the majority of replies on his tweets are about the cheaters, the bugs, the game not being fun in general, those replies are being straight out ignored just as most of the topics are being ignored here on this forum by any official person. They implemented moderators and community admins, god knows why because the ones who should be more active on this forum are the devs, they should learn how to use their eyes and brain at the same time and read the massive reports of players that are begging for fixes in areas they have ignored since launch. Yet they bring out and even brag about their new features while the core mechanics of this game are still broken, people are still playing on 250 ping servers whilst having to deal with all the buggy shit that comes with predators, land claims, ship building, alphas, cheaters, hackers, and now we have rollbacks and constant patches that break stuff just a simple like doors no longer opening, if someone would just run the software they managed to  compile before they release it as an update they can prevent so many gamebreaking issues with each patch they release but nope, we are the guinneepigs, we are the rats in the wheels and why? Like most paid forumtrolls state here it's an Early Access game you should have known what u signed up for...

    It's early access I get it, but doesn't that mean that what it describes in the EA stuff is that they are taking notes from customer feedback and listening to their playerbase on how to improve things? I've seen their Twitch live Q+A stream and I can tell you, there was no real Q+A part, it was just them talking about things they gonna implement while the playerbase is crying on the twitch chat to be aknowledged and to point out that devs are just ignoring the whole Black Butterfly incident by not even mentioning it once in their nearly 2 hour talk. To be honest the best description of that stream I read on this forum somewhere was someone saying those 4 guys at the mental hospital got some time off together and placed in a room with a webcam, this made my day just that little bit better because let's be honest, this weekend was horrible for those who actually took the time to play the game. Rollbacks, Fountain of Youth and Rollbacks.

    This fountain of youth thing is so poorly designed and shows how badly these developers are connected with their playerbase,  we had freeport at launch that was overpopulated and with that mechanic they were lucky enough that there were plenty of freeports (and lawless areas) where people could eventually spawn, it wasn't enough for launch but it was somewhat managable. Right now u have to have the entire population of one server (NA PVE fe) to rush to one single grid where that fountain of youth is at, one grid that can hold 150 players maximum (in theory but in practice u get a ping of 250). So let's say about 5-10k players who have started near launch are now all over age 90 and have a debuff for being that old implemented on them whilst they dont' have the alternative at hand to make babies in game they are all forced at the same time with a serious debuff to find that fountain of youth before their character dies permanently losing all the progress and gear and landclaims and boats (if u play solo or have really small company where u all die before reaching it). So yeah, if one of those devs would ever have played on an official server and had to deal with all the previous bullshit before even thinking about going to a fountain of youth together will the rest of the playerbase at the same time they would have never implemented such a feature without having alternatives for breeding or even releasing something that makes us all get a random younger age. Cuz this issue will repeat itself in a couple of weeks when EVERYONE who's now 20 again will be at the age of 90 again, and yea you have to be 90+ to get a nice buff each time you go back after the age of 90+ you get a buff over your buff.

    So tell me, am I exaggerating anything here? People who played this game for a few weeks now know very well that the way Grapeshot throws out updates is like a blind man playing darts, throw as hard and as fast as you can and see if one hits the bullseye, more misses than hits in this field. There are some obvious forum trolls here of which I hope they aren't being paid by Grapeshot to keep the negativity down by having so many people countering it with rediculous answers as: git gud, or learn to play, or game isn't made for soloing. I get it it's an MMO, but people all have to start out solo and the game mechanic only let's u stay on newbie island (freeport) until lvl 8 which is so low your chances of survival outside freeport are really small when u play alone and start to find land to claim to build a ship in case u want to start your own company and not become another companies slave to go pick cotton or other resources all day long whilst the guys who run the big companies get to play command & conquer while u play minecraft/lumberjack simulater.

    They already stole our money after their terrible launch and steam still refuses to do refunds even when u try to explain all the issues ot them in a lenghty conversation like this one, u still get standard replies and support staff doesn't read your sentences the way you have written them. When I write: my first 20 hours of "gametime" were me sitting in main menu trying to login to a server. They read: you played 20 hours and thus Steam will not refund you after this much gametime. Now we all knew steam support can also be a pain in the ass sometimes, now we have to deal with Atlas dev team and Steam Support simultaniously. For those who gonna be trolls and say why u still play when u wanted refund and can only complain about it? Because I got robbed of my 25$ while Steam refuses to refund the damn thing due to timer things I felt obligated to play and see if I can still get fun out of it after each update and patch, as most of you trolls claim it's EA and (might/will) get better. Well it doesn't, they break the experience for most of us with each update they roll out or roll back.

    I would also like to ask my fellow pirates who have had enough of this idiotic way things are going to just spam Jat and Atlas tweets as soon as they pop up with youtube videos of griefers, cheaters, bugs, glitches, anything that shows what a poor product this is to make sure they aren't fooling other people into buying this game until it might actually be playable. Please don't hesitate to even copy past my entire post here to spread the message on reddit, other forums or just in here in case mods think this should be deleted, as I have read from several users on this forum that posts about their incompetence get deleted sometimes.

    Good luck to all of those who are still trying to play the game after all these things that happened, but for me it was over a few days ago, I'm done grinding to establish a little base and some boats on my own, I know it's not of solo players, but if u started this game with 5 friends and end up alone after a few days into the game u don't feel like joining a big company just yet, u try to build up a base and boat to show your friends and hope they want to play on from that part since they could skip the grindy part, but nope, it's so bad that they refuse to play it any longer and me myself have jumped ship and joined their boat, not playing boat. I will keep being a pest to this company until A: this game is a proper playable game (don't count on it). B: they refund this game to me (depending on steam here). As long as I feel like being ripped off, I'll be ripping on these nitwits as well.


    This is what I picture how the game Atlas itself feels like if it were alive:


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Gfnjr said:

    Obviously things need to change but relax people,   OFC theres gonna be 500 people at a time there today!  Literally in about 4 days,  there will be so much less people. 

    In 4 days some of our characters could already be dead because of old age, as I read somewhere that a character dies randomly between age 98-110

  4. You forgot the part where the place where the fountain is on each NA or EU server is 1 zone where only 150 players can be at the same time before server doesn't allow others in, this will be abused and not to mention if it's not being held hostage by one company so the entire server can't join on it it will still be a lagfest 100x worse than what freeport was at launch, first there was freeport at launch now there is fountain of youth where most characters are suffering age debuff and all have to be there right now at the same time.

    • Like 2

  5. 9 minutes ago, Jatheish said:

    An update regarding the Rejuvenate buff; even after death it still persists on your character, however you may not see it in the UI. Just relog (may have to do it more than once), and it'll show in your UI. We're investigating why it isn't properly replicating to clients.

    Maybe you should revert that decision and just remove it until you have it tested and working properly and maybe have thought of a solution to having an entire server come to one plae where only 150 people can actually be. Also to achieve to reach the damn thing u have to do stuff that you guys can not have designed this way to be done, people running naked over and over again with flame arrows and bows with the hopes to breacht through? Yet everyone already aged up to 70-100 years depending on how many hours they spent online making it even harder to get to it. Do you guys have any sense of what you are implementing vs what the community is asking for? Cuz from what I read everywhere is my perception that u are not listening to your playerbase but to a select group of people who you probably need to keep the illusion up of this game being enjoyable (streamers). It's dreadfull to see how much of a cash grab this is, you are driving your playerbase away from official servers so you can shut them down and not having to spend that precious money you all stole from so many people who bought this game and couldn't even get a refund after trying to even login to the damn game the first days.

    • Like 6
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  6. Just now, Jerryn said:

    Did you not look at the recommend post at the very top over every page of this thread?

    Oh sure that will help devs 😄 people are begging for so many different broken things, like alphas for example or how hard it already was to gather all the stuff you need to survive and become a pirate, yet the latest piece of software they happened to compile made the game even worse where there was nobody asking to give us all a debuff and a random fountain on a place alot of us have never seen because we're all stuck grinding or still finding a place to put our flag down when people can reset a timer to 6 hours when stepping into the zone you're claiming. Tell me how these muppets who coded this pile of shit are gonna be able to use their eyes and brain at the same time to comprehend the stuff people are complaining about. Not even to mention all these bugs take place on a local 250 ping server 😄

    • Like 3

  7. Just now, Jerryn said:

    Merging together similar threads so that intel on the locations and any updates on know issues can be posted in one spot.

    Are u unaware Jat just tweeted that it is broken and people who die don't keep their Rejuvenated buff? Rather than trying to merge these informational topics about a broken subject bundle the bugs that are massive in order of frequency that they are being begged to be repaired on the forum here and make sure that big fat bundle of joy ends up on the devs desks by monday?

    • Like 1

  8. 16 minutes ago, Pax said:

    All you do is park with your ass in the shallow,  bow facing the sea.. To deep for a raft to anchor... and an unanchored raft can be pushed out of the way by any ship. 

    I love your workaround but the fact devs could only come up with this mechanic now as a solution is just rediculous, how hard can it be to properly code something that prevents this kind of griefing.

  9. You guys are unaware that griefers will now reside to parking rafts around your boat when u are asleep and when u log back in you can not sail away and you can not leave your boat because you would have to travel over enemy players achored rafts which is impossible. Have fun gg

  10. Do people not know that the vitamin balance is actually a buff for speed, experience, harvesting? All them saying food and vitamins are overrated or not necessary miss the fact that grinding for resources and the game in general becomes much harder if u don't keep your vitamins balanced. Easy as it is to just eat 5 A, 1 B, 5 C, 1 D each time your character is somewhat hungry to keep them all level. I agree it could be worked out better but with taking a few skillpoints in to the vitamin skills up to tier 2 already makes a big difference. About the levelling thing I agree with you but not on the food part/

  11. It's not your PC it's just that this company can't release a single game that is optimized or even run properly. Check the switch review of Ark, it looks like a fucking PS2 game.

    I'm running this game on an i9 with 64Gb DDR4 and a 1080TI and even I have issues running this game. Not only server issues but local as well, textures dissapearing in front of my nose when i step in and out of water for example. If i move one step out of the water all rocks and litter on the beach is visible, do i step back into the water it's a blank sandbeach. This also happens for trees, buildings, ships. I even use a commandline in my steam properties of Atlas to enable the full usage of my CPU.

    So basically they can't develop a game graphically or codewise, it's a complete mess just like Ark has been from EA until this very day, the only thing that makes this game somewhat playable is thanks to unofficial servers and mods, but for Atlas we're still waiting for extra tools. This game was no more than a cashgrab.

  12. 4 hours ago, Gaxon said:

    Companies neutral claims don’t work like that. We have some people living on our claims and we can’t touch anything they’ve built. 

    You don’t have to sit online to claim land. If the land is neutral, which most is when it’s up for grabs, build a box and log off in it. As long as your body is in your claim flag area, it can’t be removed. 

    How certain are you of this technique cuz i logged off on a shipyard safe and sound and logged back in alive on the same spot and the flag i was claiming which was yellow (neutral for building) was still there and my flag gone.

  13. Just now, [GP] Guybrush Threepwood said:

    I don't think it resets to full, it just adds extra time back on to it, but not sure if the length of time someone is in the area affects the amount of time added back.

    Because in my experience it just jumps back to 5:53:00, but could also be each time someone passes it  goes up by 10-15 minutes

    just rediculous

  14. So does it reset to full each time or does it add a certain amonut of minutes depending on how long a random player contested the claim? I'm trying myself right now and only gotten to just under 5 hours but still no luck all day long. This will be a long night 😞

  15. If only the devs would spend more money on hiring people who actually read these concerns on the forums rather than paying trolls to counter the negative posts here as a way of damage control. It's either this or a couple of huge fanboys who would even eat Wildcards devmonkeys hot shit if served on a plate with a spoon. The problem is they are targetting and focussing on the wrong issues for most players rather than fixing the utter broken mess it is to become a real pirate.

  16. You can lock your doors to prevent people who brute force your pin coded doors or cabinets, but not your workstations. For me only the smithy has some resources in it 24/7 for the convenience of just being able to repair stuff without having to grab all items to do so. That being said, people need to realise that most griefers know how to get into a house by glitching through the walls/doors rather than opening the door via the pin code. If they manage to get in that way they usually will only take what is unprotected, but there are videos and reports of players who use brute force pin code attacks with software which only takes them a couple of seconds to open any pin coded item. So whatever people here claim to be 'safe' is not safe at all until a cheater visits your house.

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