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Jozzie McTowel

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Posts posted by Jozzie McTowel

  1. I haven't played since I posted this topic here and ever since trying to convince Steam to refund the damn thing and annoying as many Atlas personnel as I can without annoying myself. Read the latest patchnotes, can't see any imorovement on the side of listening to their peeps yet, even saw that they added extra costs to building stone structures with metal and organic paste, another slap in the face that is. Still no bugfixes for the stuff people really are struggling with. Oh and  the FOY can now only be done when u are +90 years and not before, adding even more issues to the damn quest cuz now people can't do it when they don't have the age debuff (even if it's only 50% left).

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Pizik said:

    I am starting to think that these forums need some moderation to try to prevent the toxic "conversations" that are going on here. People being foul with each other because they are a little irritated at a computer game and others proclaiming they have some sort of secret insider wisdom about what the Developers want from the game.

    Can people not just raise bug report like adults (1 thread per bug; "me too" reports in that same thread. Polite, accurate descriptions of what the issue was, where it occurred etc.)

    Can we not have slightly mature discourse with no personal attacks, flaming, trolling, and general insults. 

    Can we not remember this is actually just a computer game. It was also a cheap computer game.


    Thanks, feel free to flame me.

    I'm not going to flame you, there is no reason to do that.

    What I would like to say is though that the result of the devs not looking on the forums and listening to our complaints, whether it be constructive or destructive criticism is the reason why people are attacking one another in these forums. You have the obvious Ark elitists who behave like they are godlike creatures and all the other players have no idea how to play, then u have the paid or non-paid trolls who just want to aggrevate everyone who complains about the current state of the game. And u have the people who say it's EA you knew what u were gonna get. Mix that in with the devs not responding or aknowledging any of the gamebreaking and joybreaking bugs in the game and u get flamewars like this. The Q+A livestream from last week is a good example where they said if u guys get a bug report to get 200 likes in the timespan of a week we "maybe" gonna look at that issue sooner then later. Yet you look at the bug report section and u see not a single topic coming close to such an amount of upvotes yet.

    The one bugreport going about PVE sinking ships u had people complaining about the thing still not being fixed and explained what is still being abused like ladders and just dropping weight on it in masses still sinks ships in PVE. Jat answered with something in the sorts of "THEORETICALLY it can be fixed". And that reply was from last friday if I'm not mistaken, have u seen them talk anywhere about them gonna tackle the weight bug anytime soon? Not me.

    That is why people are attacking eachother, bug reports don't matter to the devs, topics about real issues don't matter to the devs, the only thinig Jat replies to in twitter are people who post videos or pictures of how nice a boat they made or something funny that happened in the game while he should be at least aknowledging or addressing the many negative reports about gamebreaking bugs in the game than trying ot promote it even more.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Case of the Scurvy said:

    I doubt you will get a response

    Still worth a shot though, I wonder how hard it is for them to just aknowledge that there are issues that won't solve themselves by ignoring them that need to be taken care of to make this game enjoyable rather than enchorable.


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  4. Just now, KingLlama said:

    You have to actually push it to the higher up support team on steam. 

    Tried that twice, they just don't want to answer anymore questions I might have regarding a refund of Atlas but I keep replying to the ticket hoping one guy azt support refers me to the right person.

  5. 11 minutes ago, KingLlama said:

    What I would like is the people who keep bitching try and create their own game. Stop being whiny people and do something about it. Refund your game and work on your own.

    Can't refund due to their glorious launch, if u know how to please tell me and you won't see me here no more.

  6. Just now, Asanna said:

    It's not the wood itself (that's what I thought too) it's the land it's placed on.
    I have stuff growing in my area because it's on "desert thatch" which isn't in any of the lists to be stopped except Turnips so far. Since those specifically mention the "only" area's it can be planted.

    Aight so taht's what it was then, people placing these on their boat when they were in the right area, this no longer works either since u can not put them on boats no more.

  7. Just now, Asanna said:

    All "bread" jokes aside, since the rest of your post indicates you're not well versed in English I'll try to help:

    Some animals in ATLAS are not available for breeding quite yet, and those that are rely on being bred where they are naturally from.
    Everything in this game be it seeds, materials, animals, etc relies on being in the correct Climate, Grid, or available location type to complete.

    I knew nothing about breeding so yea bread got my attention. From the seeds part I have read people are able to grow seeds from different climates or areas if they would craft the soil boxes from the wood that comes from that specific area u wanna plant a seed from. Can't confirm but worth a shot I guess.

  8. 1 minute ago, Evir said:

    You literally need other people to have access to different things unless you want only dip into things and never experience late game content, being a naked or guy in only hide with a bow, seems boring to me.

    It's funny how u mention that exact outfit to be for solo players yet all big companies rushing FoY atm are doing it in that "outfit". Much endgame wow!

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  9. 1 minute ago, MaxPower said:

    While balancing fixes usually wouldn't be a high priority this early in a games development, we're talking about the adjustment of some numbers in a config file. Its not something that takes a ton of time to do... and keeping balance from getting too out of whack is probably a good strategy. Its possible to both fix things and tweak some variables as development progresses. 

    They probably "balanced" those things (elephant rhino) because they were unable to find a way to make them add their real weight to boats, people would abuse this by storing elephants or rhinos in boats to get much more materials on a boat than they should be carrying. Same goes for the weight sinking of ships. Rather than making it impossible for a player to carry more weight than they should by dropping it all on the floor and picking it up by E you can over encumber yourself AND still move your character. Their fix is make people hover over achored shipdecks, unable to get off and having to die, whilst the weight thing wasn't fixed cuz people still abuse it by haning from ladders or spamming a boat with materials cuz they can still overencumber themselves. Now you say balancing is ezpz for them cuz they have to just change some numbers. I'm not gonna dig into which patch came out with what new bug, but it wouldn't surprise me if we had another doors not working glitch after a "simple" balancing patch. Yet again priorities and the sheer lack of insight in coding and knowledge to properly find a solution not a workaround that is bringing more frustration to the playerbase.

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  10. 1 minute ago, Znick said:


    My company has a boat parked at the FOY island an it literally took me 15 minutes or less to do the whole thing. Yeah it is stupid, but the mobs there are not attacking anyone, and it was quick.

    Some 13 yr old (or an adult with the brains of one) saying they should stop making games is assinine.... there are thousands of people playing and personally I'm having a great time. If it's that bad why are YOU still playing? YOU KNOW you are!


    So this thing you did in 15 minutes which was easy cuz mobs didn't attack you that just got implemented and is basically harder to get to from a server point of view than a gamechallenge cuz what did you do? Run naked a couple of times until u reached the shiny sparkles, hit E, died and yaaay I did it. Know that his is mid-endgame content you are playing which they have been praising and patching so much lately rather than fixing their servers, their entirely retarded AI and so many things people are daily complaining about on these boards since launch. Do you feel any satisfaction from completing that FoY quest? Do the Powerstones give u the same rewarding feeling? Do you also think that it was a bad idea to implement it the way they implemented it, especially it being everyone rushing for that specific place where only 150 people can be at once.

    Why implement this thing while there are so many techinical difficulties still in the game that might prevent you from reaching the island in the first place, not to mention the aging debuff u get as a late christmas present from the devs as well until u go there.

    • Like 2

  11. Just now, MaxPower said:

    Part of the problem is simply the nature of an early access game. You're playing a game that's in a very early developmental state which means not only is there a lot of content missing but also balance is all over the place and subject to significant change in a short period of time. I think especially that last part is someone people need to really understand: Don't fall in love with the current balance of things because its going to change a LOT between now and the 1.0 release, which is years away. Creatures/weapons that are dominant now might be mostly useless next patch and things useless now might be far more powerful. People tend to fall in love with things that are super overpowered and then freak out when they're properly balanced (and make no mistake, some of the tame changes DID balance them). 

    The best example I can think of was the flyer nerf in Ark. Flyers were so overpowered in Ark that's all anyone used. The entire ground game was essentially ignored aside from harvesting dinos because all you needed was a decent Quetz or Argy and you were set since they could get you anywhere faster and carry plenty of weight (PVP did have more use for the ground game to some degree than PVE did). Yet when the devs tried to balance them, people lost their collective minds. Whenever something is unbalanced and overpowered, people LOVE to use it... and they get angry when their overpowered toys are taken away. Its an age old problem for game devs.  

    So really, if you're going to act like every single balancing change is the end of the world and threaten to quit because of them.... do yourself a favor and don't play early access titles since you'll be doing it a lot. Best to wait till the game is mostly finished and such major changes to balance are less likely. 

    In most early access games devs made sure the game mechanics and server worked properly before balancing stuff out like in this case material gathering tames. How can we enjoy any balancing when so many things are broken in the game? Priorities, get them striaght then use the Early Access reply.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Scorpionshawn said:

    Here is the biggest problem. The devs do not know their own game and they are in constant denial about player concerns.

    The devs also are in love with the idea that they want to be this BIG GAME developers like Blizzard and the problem is they are not and never will be.

    So they push BIG COMPANY in atlas every step of the way even though not one single server can handle two big companies battles let alone just a 500 player company meeting.

    Prof of this was last night at the fountain of youth less there 70 people in one spot lag the game down so bad it was laughable. 

    You want us to buy into that their is going to be massive sea battles rofl with what 15 maybe 20 people at best because thats all the servers can handle.


    Indeed if they were actually playing it like everyone else on official servers they would know that their additions aren't going to improve the way people experience this game in most cases. Not if those additions are half baked solutions or implementations of half a feature.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Bowtie said:

    What about keratinoid??

    I can't make my mythic plate armor or fur armor without a 6th keratin type, and I only know of bone, scale, turtle shell, carapace, and jelly fish residue; however, jelly fish are the worst to hunt, so finding that 6th might mean I can actually build legendary stuff.

    Does the pure keratinoid that u receive when u scrap something not count as another type?

  14. Will somebody please think of the streamers!

    Please no ... there are more important things than helping these attentionwhores enjoy their game better when the entire community has to suck up the broken mechanics and moronic ideas they throw at the game while ignoring the biggest complaints of most of their "PAYING CUSTOMERS". They should stop worrying about the streamers who already pushed thsi game in to the wrong direction and are only there to keep new customers being tricked into buying this stuff.

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