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Everything posted by Draedsword

  1. I think you are correct, however normally there exists a massive red barrier that separates offline servers from online ones, that wasn't the case here.
  2. For the past 30 minutes me and 2 friends have been stuck sailing from J9 to K9. After we crossed the border wall, all 3 of us got stuck, unable to move, rafts not moving, with the text: "Travelling to region K9 (Lawless region)" stuck on our screen for the entire time. Nobody can access their inventory or use any tools or use the raft in any capacity. I was hoping that after being pushed off the edge of the raft, I would sink and die, (and lose a gun with lots of bullets, and materials, which sucks) but that isn't the case. Here are 2 screenshots: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/942840963350596710/16F47E5F2EFE9F1F6682F5295B6A268F033014FE/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/942840963350617236/077C7E549D1E30EFFA8BFC0B7475AD26442BEA22/ The issue is hard to understand perfectly through pictures, so I'll be as descriptive as possible: I am stuck floating on top of the water, unable to move, access any menu other than the ESC menu, and I am not dying. the 3rd player disconnected, but he hasn't been able to reconnect to his character. This issue is pretty big, seeing as we can't sail anywhere, and have lost a large amount of resources. This forum was the closest thing I could find to a support ticket. Before some people respond, here are some things that WON'T work: -We are unable to die seeing as our vitals aren't moving at all. -Pressing any buttons or accessing any menus. -Relogging/relaunching the game locks us out of the world. Thank you all for your time. Please send help, SOS. Another thing to mention, through the chat box on the left you can see chat progressed by my location above the water remained static.
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