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Everything posted by Nedomkull

  1. It's Awesome that one top 5 company (Enslaved) is abusing the building-system. Enslaved, Soul Hunters and OOOF are building NPC_Cannon_towers_with no visuals (the cannon shoots through the wall). It's not enough they zerg when claiming land, they also abuse the building system. You should add a debuff when dying that stacks so the smaller companies can stand a chance against big numbers. Report those abusers and debuff them when dying!
  2. Hi, reporting ingame bug, issue with raft and beds. My name ingame: Ned Omkull Two Active rafts with beds on, both unusable because of ingame "issues". One can't be used because inside a water-cave (cant spawn on bed, C6). One can't be used because raft got _stuck_ because of storm. These kinda bugs are not enjoyable since you spend many many hours finding loot you can't access. EU PVP Official Server.
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