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John McFearsom

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Posts posted by John McFearsom

  1. As a resident of the Tundra, I have to agree. The Fog/coldfronts would be nice 1once a day. But several times within the same hour, I literally just pull up sails and afk. if theres an island near I park. 

    Fog IRL is extremely headache inducing, You have nailed this effect in-game perfectly, But it comes far to often. I live on the coast and deal with fog once daily Irl. to have to log ingame and deal with it 20 more times, really fucking blows. 

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  2. 3 minutes ago, gadefence said:

    Water barrels are more a temporary thing for temporary bases then a permanent setup. You can put reservoirs on ship, hold 200 but only weight like 40.

    And a stone res, On a ship is just immersion breaking. Cant build anything stone on ships, but can slap a stone res on it. And the res hold less than a barrel, Is made of heavier materials, and weighs less. Most likely not intended. If so, Not well planned out. 

  3. My only worry is that we are able to build insane super structures on land. But this game is based around our boats. From day one, the Goal, Get a boat. Limiting the build limits on these boats seems more detrimental to lowering the overall perception of the direction of this game, rather than say, limiting land structures. 
    I know its not as easy as that, as we do spend a great deal of time inland as well. Hopefully they can find a way to optimize ships to eventually allow for more creativity in the shipbuilding section. 

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  4. So I've been doing alot sailing and then this idea pop'd into my head! 

    My next project is to build me a custom steering wheel. Question is, would atlas recognize  it?  Say if i modded one of the many steering wheels already available and adding something like this too it (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F1O6GOI/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B01F1O6GOI&pd_rd_w=pQMos&pf_rd_p=2bd81721-c115-4b8d-93a3-2ecd17466ded&pd_rd_wg=PTSg8&pf_rd_r=H2JKNQ9XBW0DR7DZGHD9&pd_rd_r=9de69f0a-2b22-11e9-91c7-79eddbe046cc)

    Or modding a mouse like this fella?  ultimate goal would to be able to get a forcefeedback steering wheel, Throw a ship steering wheel on it and cross my fingers it works lol. 


  5. I live in the Polar region and had wanted to start breeding. But the bears refuse to as its an undesirable Biome. 
    Which leads to question, If bears dont breed in the polar regions, Whos bringing loads of them in and dropping them off each day? 

    • Like 2

  6. 10 minutes ago, Nightstrasza said:

    Didn't help at all, deleted that config file and didn't touch it since, launched game, changed settings in game only to prefered and rejoined atlas. Once leaving the house those things are all over the place.. unless not looking at the sea of course.

    Try using steam to scan and repair game files. Every so often the sky goes completely black and the lighting gets messed up. A file validation fixes it for me. 

  7. until they glitch through the walls to kills you. 

    Remove hostile creatures, Or they will remove your player base with every frustrating minute that passes.
    Im Literally stuck on my boat with crocs isnta killing me as I spawn. I cant leave, Cant run cant do anything. This is FUCKED

    Im on the brink of uninstalling and never looking back. The first impression was garbage, But I see potential. But can only withstand so much before it becomes unhealthy to continue playing this game. 


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  8. I'm right there with ya, Im down in the southern tundra and spend more time re-spawning from hostile creature kills than anything.
    Yesterday though I noticed alot more bears, I love the basterds. I started aggroing wolf packs to the bears and the bears would make short work of them. Until the lions came around......

    And snakes in the Tundra? Uh they should be slow af if anything due to the fact that they need WARM environments.

    Also Hostile creatures do not aggro on eachother. Ive seen a pack of snakes/lions/wolves running the same path around the island. One big NPC raid group. This is stupid. If they at least killed eachother from time to time it may balance out the island a bit.  

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  9. The spawn is endless. I managed to build in an area that has a few bears around. They at first kept the wolves at bay. But eventually, wave after wave, the bears fell. They next set their sites upon me. I ran into my shack and killed them one by one through my walls. they glitch half way through so its a thing. But by the time I finish harvesting their bodies, another pack of wolves is already knocking at my door. If not wolves, Then Lions, Or even better Giant snakes. 

    also, This is in the tundra, why are there Giant snakes in the frozen tundra? Sorry but this doesn't make sense. 

    Wolves- when I toss a spear through the side of its chest cavity, it should be finished. or better yet when you land one between the eyes and they run around like a mutated Uniwolf. 

  10. So im level 9, Made it to a lawless island to further my journey, Met by a few low level wolves. A lvl 1 and a level 3. 

    Wearing full cloth armor, Equipped with 10 spears and full health(all skill points in health except 2) and balanced vitamins, I get 2 -shotted by considerably lower level creatures. I hit the level 1 wolf nearly 7 times for its health to only sit at 3/4's.....They are beyond broken. 

    yet in a freeport I can solo level 20 elephants and rhinos. WTF?!

    Lower their attack speed and damage please. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

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  11. I try to cross tiles(servers), Game freezes, Crashes and can no longer log in. (Connection timed out)
    The raft is level 12, with a bed fires multiple storage containers and enough mats to get started building..........

    Only choice at this point, stop playing and cross fingers it fixes itself magicly before the decay destroys the raft and all those mats, For the 5th time. 

    or change home servers and start again. Super fun. 

  12. So today marks the 5th time my progress has been reset. Wish I could say that the chinese got me, Other players or ghost ships. But none of the above have been the cause. Crossing into new tiles is the cause. 
    And its by far the most frustrating of reasons. 
    You tell us to gather up lots of mats, TO build a raft and to set sail. But F that.....Not until there is some sort of solution to this issue. 

    Player(with all belongings including ship/raft) is forced respawned at blank land mass. This islnad/tile would have fast travel NPC Capable of moving you and your ship/raft to a port. 

    PS @ the go get a company crowd: NO. 

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